Items tagged with: tts
For all you retro text to speech nerds out there, here's a recording of Superior Software's "Speech" for the Amstrad CPC computer (1986). This was a small piece of Z80 machine code that played phonemes through the computer's AY-3-8912 sound chip
It sounds pretty harsh, and there are a number of hard clicks in the output I couldn't easily fix.
I've included what I think is the spoken script as alt text
#RetroComputing #TTS #Spech #SuperiorSoftware #AmstradCPC
Blind People Problems:
Lately I'm encountering instances where people writing substitute a small letter L for a capital i. For example writing Al (AL) instead of AI (ai).
This fools the eye, but not the text-to-speech engines used by blind and low vision users to listen to the text.
This morning I copy and pasted the title of a novel from the story graph and it turned out that the word Idea was written with an L (ldea) instead of a capital i.
I wonder what is behind this phenomenon. Is it a virtual keyboard speed writing thing? Saving the user the extra click on the shift key?
What is for sure, this practice is bad for accessibility.
Since not everyone sees all the replies I'll summaries:
The main possible explanation for the use of an l in place of a capital I, was the use of OCR to digitize text in an image.
Considering the fact that OCR is built into mobile OSs and apps these days it is quite possible that is was used and as a type of AI it is clear why it would not understand the context and mistake identical letters for one another.
A second possible reason suggested in the comments was that people are trying to obscure the use of the term AI from filters or crawlers by using the wrong letter.
#BlindPeopleProblems #accessibility #blind #LowVison #TTS #TextToSpeech
I gave a talk about #spiel and #speech #tts in #linux at on #GUADEC #GUADEC2024 in Denver.
Check it out:…
GUADEC 2024 The Whole Spiel - A New Speech Synthesis API
Eitan Isaacson presents this GUADEC 2024 Day 3, Track 1 talk.Screen reader users have relied on speech synthesis for a long time. In recent years, speech int...YouTube
List of languages with available TTS engines on Android - Accessible Android
In this article, we listed the languages with available text to speech engines on Android.Editorial Staff (Accessible Android)
List of languages with available TTS engines on Android - Accessible Android
In this article, we listed the languages with available text to speech engines on Android.Editorial Staff (Accessible Android)
Not sure if I've talked about this here, but there are like, tons of stuff here. I'm gonna try that Linux distro through Crostini on my old ChromeBook that I don't do anything else with anymore. The VM's over the Internet are really cool too! The AT Museum is cool. And I'm curious to see if the Windows 2000/XP on **Android** works. That'd be trippy.
#accessibility #blind #AssistiveTechnology #Linux #gaming #TTS #VirtalMachine #foss #Android
Pred pár dňami sme vďaka @Zvonimir Stanecic a ďalším dobrovoľníkom zverejnili prvý slovenský ženský hlas pre #rhvoice. Hlas dostal aj pekné netradičné meno Jasietka. K dispozícii sú hlasy pre #Windows #nvdasr #android aj #linux . Aktualizácie sa zároveň dočkala aj celková podpora pre slovenčinu, vrátane už skôr zverejneného slovenského hlasu Ondro. Ak potrebujete #tts #textToSpeech k čítaču obrazovky, na čítanie kníh, inštrukcie pre GPS navigáciu, pozrite si prosím podrobnosti na jednoduchom webe.
I wrote a Dart package for speech-dispatcher, enabling TTS on Linux. It also works with Flutter for Linux. The package supports most features of speech-dispatcher, with additional support for less commonly used functionality like history coming soon. It still needs broader testing, so feel free to open any issues you encounter. My hope is that one of the TTS packages for Flutter will start using it to add Linux support, as most, if not all, currently don't support Linux.
You can find the package on GitHub at… and on at
GitHub - the-byte-bender/dart_speechd: Dart bindings for speech dispatcher, for text to speech on linux.
Dart bindings for speech dispatcher, for text to speech on linux. - the-byte-bender/dart_speechdGitHub
List of languages with available TTS engines on Android - Accessible Android
In this article, we listed the languages with available text to speech engines on Android.Editorial Staff (Accessible Android)
Great job @eeejay 👏. Even if i don't speak a word Arabic the Piper TTS improvement can absolutely be heard.
Btw. @Marco if you are interested in Piper usage or clone your voice for #tts maybe one or two of my video tutorials are helpful:
TEXT TO SPEECH | Piper TTS on Windows 🚀 AI voice 10x faster Realtime!
Tutorial for using high quality, free text to speech AI voices in Microsoft Windows with Piper TTS. 🚀 Performance is up to 10x faster Realtime.00:00 Intro01...YouTube
When I am leaving my office I am often closing some 15 browser windows, some 10 terminal windows, about 5 different files open in the text editor.
Most used apps on my desktop include #Firefox #Thunderbird file manager (pcmanfm or nautilus), Gedit, VLC media player, electron based apps such as teamsforlinux, losslesscut and gnome-terminal.
Next I'm using @LibreOffice, I am also using #Emacs with #speechd-el a little and finally some other less frequently used apps.
As for the #TTS or the #audio setup I am using #RHVoice, speech-dispatcher and @PipeWire Project .
Finally with @Matt Campbell and @Lukáš Tyrychtr we do have tallented visually disabled developers dogfooding or partially dog fooding so let me finish this post by saying it really is gold era of a linux #a11y and we are looking forward for what it brings us in the future.
List of languages with available TTS engines on Android - Accessible Android
In this article, we listed the languages with available text to speech engines on Android.Editorial Staff (Accessible Android)
GitHub - yl4579/StyleTTS2: StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-to-Speech through Style Diffusion and Adversarial Training with Large Speech Language Models
StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-to-Speech through Style Diffusion and Adversarial Training with Large Speech Language Models - GitHub - yl4579/StyleTTS2: StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-t...GitHub
For the past couple of months I've been working on Pied (, an application that makes it easy to use modern, natural sounding, text-to-speech voices on Linux. It does this by integrating the Piper neural text-to-speech engine with speech-dispatcher, so most existing software will work with it out of the box.
The first beta version is now available in the snap store:
And available as a Flatpak from
(Other package formats will follow)
I'd appreciate any feedback if you're able to test it, thanks!
#TTS #accessibility #ScreenReader #linux #TextToSpeech
Hello Fediverse,
We are looking for Text-To-Speak (TTS) expertise to help or advise us on improving the default voice of the Linux desktop. 📣
Please reach out or boost
#Linux #tts #accessibility #a11y #GNOME #KDE #FreeSoftware #freedesktop #ml
How to Use Voicify, the Automatic Language Switching Tool by Tech-Freedom - Accessible Android
This post explains in detail about How to Use Voicify, the Automatic Language Switching Tool by Tech-Freedom on Android devicesKareen Kiwan (Accessible Android)
The default text to speech options on most (all?) linux distros are pretty outdated, so I'm working on a little tool to easily install and configure a more modern option (Piper) and fully integrate it with existing applications via speech-dispatcher
As a result of my fiddling around, I now have @popey narrating my every action through the Orca screen reader...
#TTS #linux #ScreenReader
Link to Piper:…
Link to addon:…
Link to Alba:… #TTS #AI #ScreenReader #Piper
GitHub - mush42/piper-nvda at
This add-on implements a speech synthesizer driver for NVDA using [Piper]( - GitHub - mush42/piper-nvda at