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Items tagged with: IDE

Geany 2.0 ist da

Die kleine, aber feine IDE erscheint mit einem neuen Hauptrelease. Damit bietet sie sich als Text-Editor und einfacher Code-Editor an.

#geany #IDE #Texteditor #Programmieren #Linux

DosDude1 has made a new, #openSource #IDE #SSD? Cool!

Video by @ActionRetro

Testing the new UI in #IntellijIdea 2022.3 #IDE

So far:
✅ bigger contrast
✅ bigger focus on the code window
✅ bigger focus on git branching
✅ bigger focus on project switching
✅ git author annotation

But it will take a couple of days to fully get used to it... I am still automatically looking for tabs to where there used to be...

Hi, folks! Please participate in our short survey:

> We’d like to learn from #RustLang developers about their experience and best practices with C and C++ code in their Rust code base. <...>

#JetBrains #IntelliJRust #Programming #IDE