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Items tagged with: Smartphones

Content warning: Police Surveillance Bill In France

Google muss für Ortungs-Schwindel nicht einmal 400 Millionen zahlen

Jahrelang hat Google Aufenthaltsorte von Android-Nutzern für Werbezwecke gespeichert, obwohl die User das abgeschaltet wähnten. 40 US-Staaten geben billig bei.

#google #android #standortdaten #werbung #smartphones

🤔 ICYMI from April, a good (long-form!) essay about how # to # (in general, but also # and # in particular) is affecting human # spans in a negative way.

💡 Raises an interesting idea about it causing or reinforcing cultural "learned helplessness" that crosses over into many other areas of modern tech-facilitated life. (Something @lightweight has long discussed.)

🔖 Take a read this weekend and tell us what you think?

Avoiding USB-C on iPhones may get harder for Apple as Brazil considers mandate

# # # # # #-C # #

UnifiedPush is a set of specifications and free open source tools to help users get more control over how their phone's (or computers's) notifications are handled. You can follow the project at:

➡️ @unifiedpush

The project website is at

There are options for self-hosting notification systems if needed.

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