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Peter Pellegrini: Russia-friendly populist elected Slovak president

Takto nás vidia v zahraničí. Predpokladám, že z kremla príde pochvala.
Ale aspoň sme najliberálnejšia krajina v strednej a východnej Európe. Nikde ešte nemajú geja prezidentom.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Gregor99

Gratulace! Ale nebojte, v dalších volbách se k vám přidáme, až místní idioti zvolí Babiše. Třeba pak přijde i nějaký podobný prezident, ale to je za mě už jen taková třešnička.
in reply to Rikudou_Sage

Je to smutné, ale už nejaký čas mám pocit, že svet speje do kravskej r**I. Zase sa bude musieť resetnúť nejakým celosvetovým konfliktom.

Jedno z predvolebných vyhlásení ví-ťa-za

ak Pellegrini vyhrá voľby, budú nulitné

Verím, že si ~~si~~ zo svojich voličov nerobil srandu a začína konať 😁

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Volebné Bingo! 2. kolo!

Drobné úpravy oproti prvému kolu, snažil som sa vyhodiť možnosti ktoré boli až príliš pravdepodobné:
- Slováci si dnes volia hlavu štátu/prezidenta
- V centrále sa začínajú schádzať ľudia
- Do centrály dorazil kandidát
- Odvolil prezident
- Odvolil premiér

Všetko sú to časté hlášky/situácie ale možno sú až príliš časté, mal by to byť aspoň trochu challenge :) Tak skúsme, možno sa niektoré z nich vrátia v budúcich voľbách

in reply to EfreetSK
12:26 - MORATÓRIUM: Volebné moratórium predĺžia, potrvá do 22.05.
11:00 – VÄZNI

Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers

Microsoft employee:

Hi, This is a high priority ticket and the FFmpeg version is currently used in a highly visible product in Microsoft. We have customers experience issues with Caption during Teams Live Event. Please help

Maintainer's comment on twitter:

After politely requesting a support contract from Microsoft for long term maintenance, they offered a one-time payment of a few thousand dollars instead.

This is unacceptable.

And further:

The lesson from the xz fiasco is that investments in maintenance and sustainability are unsexy and probably won't get a middle manager their promotion but pay off a thousandfold over many years.

But try selling that to a bean counter

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Volebné Bingo!

Sledujte volebné spravodajstvo a zaškrtávajte si keď započujete nejakú hlášku!

OC, pôvodne myslené pre Reddit ale stalo sa čo sa stalo

in reply to EfreetSK

Za kurióznu situáciu som si odšktol Petržalku. Chlapík tuším skončil až na psychiatrii

Hello !Friendica Support
I am new and I am advised to ask for help in the furum. I want to change the theme of the current interface to make it dark, is there a parameter that I can modify.
in reply to tness

Thank you very much for the feedback, you have helped me well
in reply to tness

Also and btw you should have always in mind that there is a extensive "/help" page you can access at your profile tab.

Piráti posilují, ODS padá

Nejnovější volební průzkum říká, že zatímco vládní ODS i nejsilnější opoziční ANO oslabují, pozice Pirátů roste. Důvodem může být chronické selhávání ODS i přechod ANO k národnímu konzervativismu. Svou roli ale jistě hrají i kvality Pirátů.

Making a concerted effort to close notes in my area.

Unfortunately the OSM website has a limit to how many it can show you at once and it shows the most recently updated ones, so you can't see how many unclosed notes still exist.

One of them is over five years old and requires on-site verification, so I know what I'm doing this weekend!

in reply to une_abeille

Oh yes, osm usernames are strange: they can also contain any unicode characters, spaces, emojis, and you can change them anytime. I don't know any other site where username requirements are these lax.

There were already minor abuses, a troll registered as the username of a DWG member, but replaced one letter with a homoglyph. E.g. these are different unicode letters: oоο Just copy them to a unicode decoder.

in reply to MapComplete Community Calls

We are starting the MapComplete Community Calls again.
The aim is to have a monthly or biweekly videomeeting.

Everyone who is interested in MapComplete specifically is free to join. We will be talking about the technical developments, exchanging ideas, planning projects.

reshared this

in reply to EfreetSK

Mám návrh - pošleme vám voliče Babiše a Okamury, ze Slovenska k nám odejdou všichni, kdo nevolili Fica a bude nám všem krásně.

frio theme - Service Unavailable

Hi there @Friendica Support
just changed on this profile to FRIO as VIER seems to basically not perform the basic functions.

When I try to go to the settings page I get a "Service Unavailable" page.

What should I do?

friendica 2023.05 - firefox

in reply to Tutorial

Service Unavailable
unable to create directory /var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/90/4f/52

Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(199): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros()
#1 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(141): frio_form()
#2 /var/www/html/src/Module/Admin/Themes/Embed.php(89): theme_admin()
#3 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Admin\Themes\Embed->content()
#4 /var/www/html/src/App.php(703): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#5 /var/www/html/index.php(52): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#6 {main}

#3 #1 #2 #4 #5 #6
in reply to Tutorial


Correct CHMOD settings for smarty3, subfolders and their users

Correct CMOD settings for smarty3, subfolders and their users

Hi there @Friendica Support ,
this question is related to this help request:
frio theme - Service Unavailable

I had a look at the smarty CHMOD settings and found the following:

drwxrwxr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 8 20:23 smarty3
If I'm not wrong that's CMOD 775 (rwx|rwx|r-x) (?)

In the installation process the commands to create the smarty folders were:
www-data@VPShosting:~/html$ mkdir -p view/smarty3
www-data@VPShosting:~/html$ chmod 775 view/smarty3
I looked into the subfolders and found:

rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 222 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 25 17:20 compiled => CMOD 755 (rwx|r-x|r-x) (?)
The folder "compiled" has a long list of sub-folders apparently each having 2 more steps of sub-folders.

rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled# ls -l
total 880

I found two types of folders, some few created on different dates strangely belonging to the user root instead of www-data, here two examples and how those two types of subfolders look like.
I guess the folders owned by root are wrong?
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 12 04:35 00
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/00# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 12 04:35 d4 => CMOD 755 (rwx|r-x|r-x) (?)

rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/00/d4# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 12 04:35 ec => CMOD 755 (rwx|r-x|r-x) (?)

rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/00/d4/ec# ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 675 Nov 12 04:35 00d4eca105abd94437094f3d4409477acb55526a_2.string.php => CMOD 644 (rw-|r--|r--) (?)
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 22 20:25 01
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/01# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 22 20:25 97 => CMOD 755 (rwx|r-x|r-x) (?)

rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/01/97# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 22 20:25 f2 => CMOD 755 (rwx|r-x|r-x) (?)

rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/01/97/f2# ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 6140 Nov 22 20:25 0197f2d4b23957a898d38870d6c6a3775da487ff_2.file.group_side.tpl.php => CMOD 644 (rw-|r--|r--) (?)

Petra Vlhová dnes totálne zničila konkurenciu! Shiffrinová mimo pódia

Západ si neví rady s Orbánem, česká vláda mlčí

Alibistické mlčení současné české vlády, která mimo jiné vznikla jako koalice proti Orbánovu obdivovateli Babišovi, k situaci v Maďarsku, napomáhá tomu, aby se po sněmovních volbách v roce 2025 i Česká republika vydala maďarskou cestou.

Odhaleno: obžaloba rožnovské Energoaquy z otravy Bečvy je založena na podvodu

Klíčovým argumentem v obžalobě rožnovské Energoaquy z otravy řeky Bečvy je tvrzení soudního znalce, podle nějž toxická látka tekla přes tři kilometry při břehu, a teprve pak se rozmísila do celého koryta. Znalec posudek založil na podvodu.

cheaply print processors onto materials like plastic and paper


Known for its core design IP that ends up in everything from IoT to smartphones to servers, Arm is now presenting that it has enabled one of its key microcontrollers in a new form factor: rather than using silicon as a base, the company has enabled a processor core in plastic. The technology has been in the works for almost a decade, but Arm has...
in reply to Ecosystems ~ LivingLabs ~ Bio shelters

@chrysn please follow @Ecosystems * Living labs * Bio shelters * for the conversation to be included on the main channel page!

If I understood the recent news articles right, the PlasticARM was of limited success due to low yield. The more recent work of PragmatIC <> seems to fix that by lowering processor complexity -- but in the end, the complexity bound will need to be pushed.

in reply to Ecosystems ~ LivingLabs ~ Bio shelters

Flexible plastic microprocessors cost less than a penny – The IC Informations


IC Information, Speicfication, Pin Configration & Marketing Researchers from The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), in collaboration with PragmatIC Semiconductor, a flexible electronics manufacturer, have claimed the first commercially viable flexible plastic microprocessors. For less than a...

Content warning: Logging C Functions

Content warning: Fixing the entire SM64 Source Code (Insane N64 performance)

Content warning: CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java

in reply to Disroot Community

Happy Birthday and seriously thanks for all your services.