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When people start popping off with their opinions about how the world should work, one of my favorite questions to ask is "who is we?" Let's start to unpack who we're talking about, and what we're talking about in terms of changes in their words and actions.…
in reply to Marco Rogers

I think I also need to ask "who is they?" More often. It's always "we" against "they" without a lot of explanation.…

in reply to Marco Rogers

More importantly though, every actor in this dynamic feels that it's not their own actions that need to change. It's always somebody else that needs to change.

That's why I end up poking people about this. Even though I know it often just makes them defensive. Each of us has to understand that we don't have any control over what other people do. The only thing we can actually make a decision about is whether our own actions in the system match up with our stated values.

qué cabrones los de correos de aquí. Todo el día en casa... pues me mandan un mensaje para que recoja el paquete en la oficina del pueblo porque nadie contestó. Y una P**** como una olla. Pero claro, diles tú que eso no es verdad.

Yesterday, I interacted with an iPhone 15 and the dynamic island for the first time. Is there a VO gesture to jump to the island? During setup, focus kept jumping to the island instead of an element on the screen, like the first heading or button. Does that always happen? Seems annoying.
in reply to Alex Hall

It happens far too often. I'm yet to encounter an instance of the Dynamic Island being anything other than an annoyance and wish I could turn it off.
in reply to Alex Hall

I don’t think there is a gesture, but I also don’t think you will be traveling there all that often! :) Most apps do not seem to use it!

Anscheinend wird von den Roma in der Bahn erwartet, dass sie keine Fahrkarten haben. Und vom Schaffner werden sie geduzt. Mich hingegen hat er nicht kontrolliert und andere Fahrgäste siezt er.

#DeutscheBahn #Alltagsrassismus

CrowdStrike is offering a $10 Uber Eats gift card to some of the parties affected by the 2024-07-19 outage. All is forgiven. /s

(no seriously, look it up. oh and they cancelled it too)

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in reply to Seirdy

while i’m here talking about real things that belong in a satirical newspaper, Michael Bay is making a Skibidi Toilet movie and TV franchise.
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in reply to Seirdy

on one hand, a michael bay skibidi movie kills the wacky indie spirit of the web series.

on the other hand, can you imagine the reviews written by critics four times older than the skibidi target demographic.

(i still can’t believe that this is actually happening)

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Honestly I think one of the better decisions I've made in the past year is taking 'I am an artist' out of my lexicon.
I make art, and art is just a thing humans do. You either make the thing or make the thing but not to the degree you wanted and that can make you an artist.

But online makes it so much of your identity and I'm realizing how much I've locked myself into a box. How much pressure there is to perform this label. And honestly I'm so tired of pressure I don't need.

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in reply to Batichi 🧿

Your little doodles in the corners of your notebooks mean you're making art. Singing in the shower is making art. Dancing by yourself is making art.

We are so concentrated on 'art as a product' I've forgotten what art really is, and it's communication and self expression.

It's not any metric internet platforms has forced me to think it is. I've been so conditioned to think that to be 'an artist' I need products. But in reality I don't. I just need to let myself free to be an artist.

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if cryptocurrency was good furries would use it

- posted by Eri

A disconnect I often find in hearing from devs of major browser engines is that the "open web" I value, the open web I find conceivable to serve, rarely relies on surveillance advertising.

They may use contextual advertising, but mostly it runs on love & cheapness. Donations are very common.

Earlier I needed a 3 minute 30 second timer, so I started a YouTube "3 minute 30 second timer" video. But then when the timer went off I forgot to close the video, so the YouTube recommendation algorithm started autoplaying other types of timer videos. By the time I noticed, the tab was about 20 minutes into a "70 minute timer" video
in reply to mcc

Okay, so this took me down a weird path where somebody asked why I don't just use the command line for a quick timer and I thought "sleep && beep && beep", so I tested and discovered a series of weird things:

- The unix `beep` tool does not work in Windows Services for Linux (WSL1)
- However, the act of `beep` *failing to work and printing an error message* causes Windows Terminal to play a beep
- Therefore, the unix `beep` tool works in Windows Services for Linux (WSL1)

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in reply to mcc

You can also do what I do (on the Mac) and just alias it to echo "\a"

Well, mine is a fancy shell function that also accepts a command and beeps thrice if it finishes with an error and once if successful, but that's beside the point.

Many blind people on the Fediverse don't have profile pictures, because they use the internet through non-visual audio interfaces. So, if you see an account with a blank profile image, don't assume it's a bad account.

The most reliable way to check if an account is good is to see what text is written on its profile page, and what kind of posts are in its profile timeline.


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Looking for contact in Colombia

#infosec #followerpower

Does anyone here have contact to people responsible for (or interested in) privacy and IT Security inside the country of Colombia (South America)?

Through friends, I have become aware of a data leak that can be devastating to ten thousands of people living in that country.

My friends tried to get the responsible organization to close the data leak, but were met with complete disinterest. So in their frustration, they turned to me.

Now I am looking for a journalist, activist or even a government official who is willing raise the issue from within Colombia.

"Testes à covid-19. Autoridade da Concorrência condena laboratórios por "envolvimento num cartel""

"em setembro de 2020, o valor os testes covid em Portugal estavam ao nível dos preços na Europa, em junho de 2021 Portugal era o país europeu com o preço por teste mais elevado."…

Restriktive #Bezahlkarten mit pauschalen Bargeldlimits gehen nicht klar, sagt das Sozialgericht Hamburg:…

Die Beschränkung muss - wenn, dann - an den Einzelfall angepasst werden. Das würde Bezahlkarten zu einem Bürokratiemonster machen.

Die Konsequenz muss jetzt sein, dass man die ganze populistische Diskriminierungssymbolpolitik einfach ganz sein lässt.

(Accessibility) #conferences charging participants ~€300/ticket for an online-only (!) conf that doesn't even offer live transcripts or ASL interpretation, but then not paying their speakers?

“We understand that some may not like this, but you can always just not speak at our event” 🤡🤡🤡

You say you support the community by creating this event but at the same time you exploit all speakers and their knowledge to make money? Be honest, you just wanted to jump on the #a11y hype train to profit.

@podcast Jonathan, in episode 292 of Living Blindfully, you were providing instructions to Gary from Cape Town regarding how to unpin items on the task bar. You told him that, to get to his task bar, to move to the desktop, shift+tab once or twice and focus will move to the task bar. This is correct but I wanted to point out a slightly quicker way of immediately moving focus to the task bar by pressing the Windows key with the letter T.

I got bored and looked for #anagrams of #errno codes.

You might get EBADMSG if you're playing a BSD GAME.
I got EHOSTDOWN once, but hey, WHO DOESN'T.
To fix an EISCONN error takes you EONS IN C.
But with ENETDOWN, you WON'T NEED long to fix it.
If you get EACCES you should CEASE C coding entirely.
EINVAL, on the other hand, is only a VENIAL sin.
A social media site gave me ECONNREFUSED? Darn it, UNCENSOR FEED!

То чувство, когда настолько заебали бредовые идеи в интранете в стиле "Платное бронирование сырков и йогуртов в холодильниках", что решил обучить мистраль генерировать похожее.
Шутить ЫЫ всё ещё не умеет, но в целом написанные им "идеи" ничем не хуже написанных людьми. Только орфография по-лучше, да стиль покультурнее.
Неужели люди становятся тупее ыскусственного ынтеллекта?

The Uncyclopedia entry for Skeletor was such a ride.
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in reply to Seirdy

wow, you can tell someone really put a lot of work into it and wrote it in one cohesive voice, and then a bunch of other people came across the article and added some bad jokes afterwards that don't fit at all

Beyond parody. To quote Penny Arcade, how do you make fun of a clown? Insult his big shoes, his red nose?

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that crashed millions of computers with a botched update all over the world last week, is offering its partners a $10 Uber Eats gift card as an apology, according to several people who say they received the gift card, as well as a source who also received one.

📣 3rd-party apps are here! AltStore PAL 2.1 is now available with our first “Recommended Sources” 🎊

Update now to install apps you can’t find anywhere else!

(Unless Apple changes their rules again...)

god grant me the patience to accept the software I shouldn't rewrite, the strength to rewrite what I should and the wisdom to tell the difference

I want to write my #Python docstrings in #Markdown, but I can't seem to find a standardised workflow and format for doing so. I've come across a bunch of tools and scripts people have hacked together, and Stack Overflow answers telling me to write code to convert the Markdown to ReStructured Text so documentation tools can understand it.

Is this really so rare that I have to take on a boat load of complexity to make it work?

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in reply to James Scholes

I suppose having reStructuredText be the only format for doc comments is consistent with the Python dictum that there should be one and only one obvious way to do it. I, too, would prefer Markdown though. RST's way of indicating headings is particularly inconvenient.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @fireborn I wasn't going to say that because, as a partial still largely relying on my vision, I've been wrong before. I used to think that Python's significant whitespace would itself be a big problem for blind programmers.
in reply to Matt Campbell

I can't think of a single way this isn't awful for speech or braille. 2 lines to communicate what can be communicated in 1 in markdown and ridiculous amounts of symbols.
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in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @cachondo @fireborn IMO significant whitespace isn't that much of a problem, aligning things under parentheses would be. Thankfully, we have formatters that can do this for us nowadays.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Meh. When making technical or project decisions, the so-called "Zen of Python" is rarely on my list of considerations, particularly given the recent behaviour of its primary author. The fact that there are at least four competing styles of ReST-like docstrings undermines it on its own.
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Learn to host your own services now. Because in the future you might not be able to discover how.
in reply to Veronica Explains

Since folks have asked, I'll elaborate a bit.

I believe Google/Microsoft/OpenAI/et al will increasingly work to strip search results which provide alternatives to their own products, and that includes self-hosted media.

I've seen this when I've attempted to cover using RSS feeds instead of YouTube subscriptions- I have no reason to trust Google to surface Google alternatives in good faith.

in reply to Veronica Explains

There will come a point where you ask internet-oracle-of-choice "how do I self-host a Netflix alternative" and they will intentionally give you bad advice in order to discourage you.

That point is coming sooner rather than later, and we need to train *an entire generation* of internet users how to get out of this trap.

That's *our* work to do, RIGHT NOW.

I just got a Raspberry Pi 5 case that comes with a screwdriver. Problem is, the screwdriver is in the case, and you need a screwdriver to open the case to get the screwdriver out that you could use to get the screws out of the case. Very meta.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes Years ago I bought a jar of pickled cockles which took I think 3 people to open. Printed inside the lid was a number to call to order a free opening device.
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 @jscholes I once heard about a boxed frozen tiramisu dessert. On the box was the instruction, "Do not turn upside down." That particular instruction was printed…on the bottom of the box…where you'd have to turn the box upside down to read it.

Slack still hasn't fixed the reaction problem. In the Windows Slack app, the only way to know if someone reacted to your message is to find it and listen to it. At the end of the message, you'll hear "n reactions." Can you know if someone reacted without listening to everything you already wrote? No, not that I know of. Do you know what the reaction was? Nope. A thumbs up is the same as a thumbs down. All you get is "reaction."
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @jscholes I haven't used any others so far. Slack overall does a good job in terms of accessibility, which I definitely appreciate. This reaction things is just... irksome.

This summer, #Kdenlive is all about the ASS. Yup you heard it right, .ass subtitle support is coming along with some nifty other features like multiple subtitle tracks. Stay tuned for more.…

#gsoc #gsoc24


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Vhodně zvolené tetování pomůže odůvodnit kožní defekt.


Well played, Parisian tourist shop.

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I've been learning Python the past few months, and oh wow. This is blissful compared to JS. I don't mind curly brace syntax and semicolons (I actually quite like that syntax), but Python does a lot of things that simply make more sense and don't make me want to tear my fur out. Also, it handles modules in a sensible way unlike node.js and there aren't 50 squillion frameworks all trying to tug me in different directions. I like Python.
in reply to aaron

or until you want to do anything with a GUI toolkit that works crossplatform.

Sharing my plans for #MastodonForHarris fundraiser: Incredibly, it is now conceivable that we will hit the current target of $125,000 soon, maybe even today. When we do, I will adjust the target. I hope I have been clear from the beginning; each target is a a benchmark, not an endpoint. 1/…
in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

I am continuing my efforts to contact key people in digital, outreach, and elsewhere in the Harris campaign. Eventually, I will get through, I’m sure. I’d like to have a list ready of qualified volunteers who could assist the campaign in understanding Mastodon and the Fediverse, setting up and maintaining an instance, and so forth. If you are interested in being contacted should an opportunity arise, please provide your details here…. 2/ #MastodonForHarris
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Open Source or Shut Down MastoMetrics?

Every day multiple people sign up for @mastometrics, but hosting is burning a hole in my pocket and I don't have much time to maintain it.

I'm open to cleaning up my code and making it self hostable as well as accepting code contributions. However, I still need donations to fund the free / flagship server.

So here's my pledge and call to you:

Ensure MastoMetrics stays online and help me reach €1500 donations:

Boosts = ❤️


TIL Bezirk Mitte in Berlin benutzt Umap um Sitzbänke im Bezirk anzuzeigen.…

edit: Link hinzugefügt:…

#berlin #OpenStreetMap #Umap #fossgis

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in reply to gislars

Hey, don't use umap for this. You can use instead - then you can add more information in a structured way and even add images, and the data will be available in many apps such as OsmQnd, Organic Maps and many more.

A bunch of GNOME devs are currently in a community centre, sitting on couches, drinking beer, and listening to EDM while hacking. We are the embodiment of the old meme:…
in reply to Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

I didn’t write it, but I sunk enough time into looking for it that I decided to host it
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OK Mastodon #OpenSource folks, this is your time to shine

I need some examples of common open source myths. This will have a security slant to it when I put it all together, but I'm not only looking for security examples, I want all types

Here are a few I've cooked up, but I know there are ton more

- Most projects have more than one maintainer

- Most projects are part of a large foundation like Eclipse or Linux Foundation

- There are many options for libraries and you can swap them out if needed

- Open source is more secure than closed source

- Open source is less secure than closed source

- Most projects have funding driving the development

- If I use open source in my product, I have to open source the whole product

- If the source code is available, it’s open source

- There are a few thousand open source projects

I want them all, no matter how small, silly, or obvious you think they are, let me know

Meta has launched the Llama 3.1 AI models, including the massive Llama 3.1 405B, with a 128K context length. These models are open-source and competitive with top AI models like GPT-4, available through various cloud platforms…

Heads up for Linux @thunderbird users: We have seen an issue where the new tray icon isn't rendering on daily.

Long story short it kinda helps if you install TB-symbolic.svg in `mach install` !

Please adjust your packaging for daily to ensure TB-symbolic.svg is now accounted for in chrome/icons/default/ - we've got `mach install` fixed now xD…