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misconceptions about FOSS, no, 315:

FOSS does not necessarily mean “community developed”. For example, Lua isn’t developed in the open. The source code is still distributed, freely licensed, and easy to fork.

in reply to Seirdy


Sensitive content

in reply to Odd_Jayy

gender!! :ms_robot_headpats: :neobot_hug_bot:

video description: an quadruped animal-like drone sits perched on Odd_Jayy’s shoulder, then is in their arms and nestling their chest. the drone excitedly “looks” up as Odd_Jayy cuddles it.

I added a section to everything #curl about what we do to mitigate backdoor attempts:…

Did I forget anything obvious?

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I think the review of commit messages (and rewrite if need be) should be there too. That’s part of making sure a commit message does not hide the intent of the change. (Or change more than it describes)

Discovering the custom settings on the Fujfilm X-T3 and X-Pro1 and realise the raw + jpeg workflow is terrible. (It’s a tool problem)

Katie Ledecky who just won another gold medal and is one of the GOATs, has POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), which causes a fast heart rate, dizziness, and fatigue. For years she didn't speak about the condition as she didn’t want it to shape the media narrative.…

I didn’t expect a core member of the Mastodon team to admit they will not hire a safety resource unless the project gets bigger in response to someone saying they are willing to fundraise specifically for that purpose, but here we are.

I’m honestly stunned it was that easy to get them to admit safety of an unregulated space just isn’t important.

But I appreciate them confirming everything I’ve said about the priorities of that project not being remotely centered around the people that use it.

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🇩🇪 Schluss mit der Rumeierei – jetzt ist es Live! mehr als 18% der Apps bei IzzyOnDroid verfügen bereits über Reproducible Builds (also mehr als jedes 6. Ei – oops, jede 6. App; mehr folgen). Zwei wundervolle Clients werden Euch dies und weiteres transparent machen. Das & weitere spannende News könnt ihr hier nachlesen:…

All dies war nur möglich Dank der Hilfe von @obfusk – und ihrem :awesome:

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds #FDroid #transparency

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IzzyOnDroid ✅ reshared this.

It is time once again for me to ask all #unix #retrocomputing enthusiasts to dust off their old iron and run a test program. This one's about corner cases of mmap().…

I want to know about OSes that fail one or more of the tests, no matter how old they are.

I have already tested current versions of Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, AIX, and Solaris. Further testing with these is only useful if you can identify an exact version number where something changes (e.g. "FreeBSD prior to version x.y fails tests A, B, C"; "AIX prior to version w.z does not recognize XPG_SUS_ENV=ON"; that sort of thing). I don't expect any CPU dependence for this test, but if you discover some, that is also worth knowing about.

Please report results by following up to <…>. (You can write to this mailing list without subscribing.) Please do not reply to this post with results, or email me directly.

(I'm happy to talk about the test itself on here, say if you want help understanding what's being tested or you're having trouble getting it to compile or like that. But I really need all the results in one place.)

Please spread this call for testers widely.

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My phone rang. As did the phones of everybody else in the coffee shop. Unknown number.

I looked around. Everyone inside, and on the street outside, stared at their phones and rejected the call.

I looked at my phone.



"You are," a voice said, "the Chosen One."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

BBC Reporter calls his blindness an asset for key Trump shooting interview: ‘Vision could get in the way'…
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Cairo uses setjmp()/longjmp() in six places that are not calls to libpng, so I guess that's something to fix early 😱
in reply to penguin42

@penguin42 Nah, just unwinding when it finds a special condition in whatever it is processing. At least one of them is to handle OOM from a function that is several levels deep while computing... something. I think they are okay to have in the state the code is in, but I'll want to take them out to make all of this easier to test/refactor/etc.

Seid Ihr bereit? Are you ready? BEWARE: The ferret is booting up!


in reply to -/mondstern

@mondstern Hast Du den Folge-Toot etwa 15min später verpasst? 😉 Im IoD Repo gibt es jetzt Dinge wie Reproducible Builds und mehr.

Canonical Reports Revenue Growth in 2023, Reaching $251 Million…

Accelerate your Terraform development with Amazon Q Developer… #aws #blog
#blog #aws

🎶 I'm so excited … I just can't hide it … 🎶

Any thoughts here on Fedi about the ISO week date system? Under it today's date is "2024-W31-3" (or "2024W313" in compact form, which I like less).…

I actually kinda really like it in concept and want to learn to use it. I've set up my bar to show me both the week date and the standard ISO date, to hopefully help me start getting a feel for it.

"Keeping VLC free and without ads is a no-brainer. I know people focus a lot on that part but, for me, it’s just the way it should be and it’s not difficult for me to keep it like that... Sure, more money would be fun, but most of the people I know who have more money are annoying." -- Jean-Baptiste Kempf………

#OpenSource #NonExtractiveSystems

If you're an EU citizen and you hate DRM and planned obsolescence, here's an easy petition for you to sign:

TL;DR: If online-only DRM servers shut down, publishers would be required to keep your game working regardless.

Only targets video games because that is where this practice is by far the most prevalent today, but it would set a precedent that we might soon need for things like phones, cars, and all the other things that are increasingly getting CPUs shoved inside them.

1 year to reach 1 million signatures.

in reply to Siguza

Video with more explanation, if you have an 11-minute attention span:

Are you running Chrome 127 on Windows? I can use your help for a quick test.

1. Go to this URL:

2. Zoom or resize so the table has a scrollbar at the bottom.

3. Without using your mouse, Tab to the table.

4. Use your arrow keys to scroll it left-right.

If it works, cool. If not, less cool. I have a case of someone where the keyboard scrollable containers feature added in Chrome 127 does not work.

in reply to Adrian Roselli

I have filed a Chromium bug:…

If anyone here knows someone on the Chrome team, probably let them know their latest attempt to make scrolling areas focusable is not working for everyone.

#a11y #accessibility

in reply to Adrian Roselli

Thank you for doing all this investigative work. I passed the bug onto the team.
in reply to Adrian Roselli

Updating this post with Chrome’s stutter-step release of this feature is becoming a part-time job:…

in reply to Adrian Roselli

If you read this from the Google Chrome Developer Blog, when do you expect this feature to be available?


#accessibility #a11y

in reply to Adrian Roselli

Confirmation that this feature is not really in 127:

“Currently, 10% of users see it. By 128, 100% of users should expect keyboard focusable scrollers to be enabled by default.”

“Because we need to be a bit nimble as we do that ramp-up, we didn't put all of the nitty gritty details of that ramp schedule into the blog post. But it's true that some people will see this feature enabled in M127, potentially up to a majority of users.”

So Chrome’s claim was 90% wrong.…

in reply to Adrian Roselli

Not sure what you are saying here. If it is rolling out as part of 127, and it is already available to 10%, then it will get to 100%, which will ultimately complete the 127 release. What am I missing? You can’t have a partial roll-out for one release and the rest in the next release.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 “From now on scrollers are click-focusable and programmatically-focusable by default” is not the same as enabled for 10% of users today and then later up to 100%.

Given the feedback to the Chrome Developers blog post announcement language question that I asked here and elsewhere, I am not alone in thinking the feature was available for everyone.

in reply to Adrian Roselli

@vick21 In other words, the post makes no mention of a partial release nor a rolling release.
in reply to Adrian Roselli

Sorry, I am on all sorts of builds, but did the 127 release already rolled out completely? If not, then this is how Android / Chrome has always worked. The announcements are written with the complete roll-out in mind. I assume you have done your due diligence. I was just confused with the way your argument sounded to my ears.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I guess I need to understand what a “complete roll-out” means.

Everyone who tested this for me was running a point release of 127. As far as I am concerned, that is a complete roll-out.

in reply to Adrian Roselli

No, not really. Just because you have 127 on your computer does not mean everyone else has gotten it. It may take several days before most of the world gets the update. That’s how it always worked… There is probably a description of the process somewhere online. I know it puzzled me the first time I heard about the process.

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the linux-game-manager project First attempt at updating custom game scripts to use the new directory layout. Operation mdk with Project Brutality the only one so far.

Hey guys ,
Good to meet yall . I joined Mastodon when I saw it trending when twitter was burning 😄
This shit good 👍🏾 it's different from IG , tik tok and shit. I following sum good people on this app but just thinking not many black vibes ??
How do we connect with other black folk?
I like connecting with all folk white and black but they seem to be hardly any black folk on mastodon?
Please hit me up so I can follow y'all
Love Jaden ❤️

#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #introductions #blacklivesmatter

Give me books, any genre, that feature good strong friendships. Please boost!

Hunting down fixes for PDF accessibility errors? Check out for clear and thorough explanations and solutions. #PDFAccessibility #Accessibility #a11y
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Chrome appears to be first to have hit all the 2024 Interop #accessibility test goals:

Interop tests (which you can read to balance against the Chrome claim):…

While I want more (more done, more aggressive goals, etc), this is good. Kudos to the team for getting there.


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I think a major factor to the Harris switch is that Trump was ready to run the rest of his campaign holed up in Mar-A-Lago, popping out to rallies and interviews with safe outlets. And now he's out here showing his ass to a roomful of Black journalists.

I hope he stays out of his comfort zone for the rest of the election. Harris will win in a walk.

in reply to Matt May

I hope you're right... At least that shit show (on his part) exposed more of his true colors, which can never not be a bad thing, though.

I just moved and I'm over my old wifi name. Anybody want to help me come up with some suggestions? I like to try to be original. :D
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I've seen the second one but it was burns instead of hurts. I like the first one, never heard it before.
in reply to Malia Suhr

Of course, then there are the creative names like "dear_neighbor_from_number_eight_your_weed_fucking_stinks." A friend of mine saw a variation of that once.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki That would have been so much better at my old complex because someone's weed was constantly venting into my place. So much so that when like my grandma would come over I'd make sure to mention the problem so she wouldn't think it was me hahaha.
in reply to Malia Suhr

I've had that problem where I live for the past couple of months
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Yeah it's not great. Not that I hate weed or anything but there are better things to have my place smell like.

I'll say, the new SIRI voices are pretty good, especially voice 4. Voice 5 IMO has some weird inflections to it. I cannot imagine speeding them up to try to read a book faster, which is why we always need an eloquence.

Data privacy is a much more complex topic than we give it credit for being.

How easy is it for a stranger to find someone like you?
How easy is it for a company to find you?
How easy is it for the government to find you?
How easy is it to find ... yourself?

Somehow we have a system where the companies have it easiest, strangers (with a little $) are second... the government does OK and you? you know the least of all.

By knowing as little as possible it *feels* safer... more private, right?

Squishy squishy squishy squishy squishy squishy squishy squishy squish.
in reply to Squish

Haha. Whir whir whir, hum, and pur, and time to throw stuff into the time vortex. Really a favourite activity of mine.

I suspect that a lot of white people in the fedi think if there were as much racism as Black folks are saying then they would see more of it. However, they're misunderstanding the nature of the racism. It's not casual, it's _targeted_. The racists go out of their way to find Black people and harass them.
Since it's targeted, people who aren't the targets see only a very small fraction of it.
Black folks aren't making shit up. Listen to them.

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Hey all, I have a nice pro tip for you. If you want to record iPhone's audio, like VoiceOver, games or whatever else and comment on it then you may run into an issue where your headphone mic is captured by default and there's no apparent way to change it. That's true, but you can download an app such as Ferrite Studio, set monitor to your iPhone mic, disable the mic in the screen recording control panel control and voila!