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Hah! I fixed the codec problem. Now #FluffyChat on iOS can play ogg files (by converting it to caf before) and also FluffyChat now records with opus/ogg codecs if the platform supports it, which should be the case on all Android devices and newer iOS devices.

Also tested with the WhatsApp bridge. Finally I can send voice messages to my friends on WhatsApp

in reply to Alexandre Franke

Yikes! Thanks for pointing that out. We've retracted the boost and boosted the original post you linked to.

We monitor the #Matrix hashtag to try to find news to reshare with the ecosystem, and will be wary of that particular outlet going forward.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I was just told I'm threatening the Ventoy "community" by [checks notes] not mentioning it enough in my video. Had someone say they're coming after my systems now. 🙃

Didn't think I was going to be putting up my harassment defenses over a boot tool, but here we are.

in reply to Veronica Explains

So, here's my recommendation: don't use Ventoy.

The community will threaten you if you ever leave.

'The money was critical': Forbes report shows staggering amount Trump earned as president - Raw Story…

Come on @404mediaco. I know this isn't the experience you want when people come to your site.

as an adblock developer you spend a lot of time improving websites despite the owners of said websites constantly trying to make them worse…

Come on @404mediaco. I know this isn't the experience you want when people come to your site.
in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

many times I wanted to make a blog hall of shame of websites. With that kind of examples. But I felt it would create too much negativity.

This is a wild story that says a lot about right-wing evangelicalism:

1) Matt Bevin, the Republican former Kentucky governor, adopted a boy from Ethiopia for PR purposes
2) Bevin and his wife decided they don't like the boy so they ship him off to an abusive "troubled teen" facility in Jamaica
3) Jamaican government shuts down the horrible group
4) Bevin family abandoned the boy in Jamaica after the facility was closed…

If OpenAI were a serious and responsible company they would enable their watermarking feature. But they know that it would completely undermine their product: Nobody wants to read "AI" generated shit and having that easily detectable would shed a bad light on their users. Which it should: If you don't want to write it, I don't want to read it.

(Original title: OpenAI won’t watermark ChatGPT text because its users could get caught)…

in reply to tante

Text is just text, you can't watermark text without decreasing its quality.

Simple example, if you ask Chat GPT to count from 1 to 10000, either you get unwatermarked output or you get incorrect output, there's no way to do both.

It's important to note that this doesn't apply to any other format, images, audio and video can be watermarked easily with little to no difference to the human eye or ear.

Via Emptywheel:

I guess it's not surprising that Artificial "Intelligence" sold by the guy whose autopilot keeps crashing offers up far right disinformation rather than facts.

Jenna Johnson:

Top election officials are urging Elon #Musk to fix the AI chatbot on X that spread false election information, suggesting Kamala #Harris missed the ballot the deadline in nine states. (She hasn't.)

Recently finished Kamala Harris’s 2019 memoir. Must say she is a true public servant. If Americans truly care for public officials who in turn care for them, I mean like really care, then voting in the upcoming elections should not be a question for you. #USPoll But then perhaps Mastodon is not the right place to post this?
in reply to victor tsaran

It’s an odd feeling to know that you and the possible next president were born in the same hospital. I guess you can tell who I’m voting for…

Today the stock market has crashed... down to the level it was at 2 months ago.

My #Epson L486 #printer stopped working because of a full waste ink pads.
🔍 Finding new pads?
✅ Easy, they are on aliexpress or allegro...

🔧 Replacing pads?
✅ Easy, one screw in the back, plenty tutorial videos on youtube...

0️⃣ Reset software counters?
❓ Tool found on didn't work.
✅ The following one did. Of course, I had to start it in Windows in virtual machine as I don't have any win machine laying around and I don't trust the app.…

in reply to Khronos

I use a virtual Braille-n-Speak set to pipe through SAPI 5 so my main screen reader doesn't get hijacked.

strašne som si chcel dať pizzu

edit: ešte mám šošovicový prívarok, a vajcia hehe
edit: #leanatlet

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

New SpoonStack Dev Blog is up! Introducing the BitLadle project - highly efficient, Disability-Driven server tech for the unrepresented masses:…

Making cool online stuff shouldn't be reserved for a small handful of people with privilege, money, time, and/or skills. BitLadle is part of changing that.


in reply to Amelia

> There's also a bit of an unfortunate cultural tendency to conflate efficiency with a kind of extreme minimalism, which often ends up having very exclusionary results in practice - not something I'm keen to recreate.

This! So many minimal, from-scratch, "handmade" UIs are completely inaccessible with screen readers and other access tech.

It's funny to see all the bottom feeders creeping up in the GNOME Discourse, testing the limits like the kids they are
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

To appropriate a turn of phrase from their idol, "when 4chan sends its people they're not sending their best".

The Scam: Demand that Black & trans people CW/TW their sociopolitical thoughts and issues. Make them hide the bigotry & racism they experience in life or online away. Unfollow people who speak on it. Mute all things political.

Then, conveniently, when people speak about the bigotry and racism they experience here, claim “well I don’t even see that…” because you purposely avoided politics with privilege, and demanded everything be on CW/TW.

Again. You’re not smart. You’re racist and complicit.

The type of person that’s part of a marginalized group and react to any improvement of that group’s situation with “people today are spoiled and get everything for free”

The “If i had a hard time, s then so should everyone after me”, which is effectively a demand that nothing ever improves.

Congratulations, you’re doing your oppressors’ work for them.

Dear white people: when Black people share our experiences with racism, don't ask us

"What can be done about it?"

We didn't invent racism.

And on some level, many of you know what needs to be done. It just sits outside of your comfort level.

Well, you need to learn to sit with that discomfort, then pose your questions about what needs to be done to other white people. You need to challenge racism within:

* YOUR family members who
are racist (The major holidays
are coming. Time to prepare!)

* Your friends and social

* Your co-workers and

* YOURself

Asking Black people to explain the dynamics of racism and to offer solutions, unless they volunteer that information, is asking for them to "educate you" by doing FREE emotional and intellectual labor - and most of us have enough on our plate trying to survive and thrive.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

#racism #antiracism

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

i've made a thing:

it's an alternative frontend to with some important differences:
- title text shown in a more accessible way (instead of abusing alt text)
- transcript included for every comic (with newer ones sourced from explainxkcd)
- link to (for when you don't get the joke)
- dark mode!

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Learning how to date as a girl was really easy because I could finally rely on my instincts to flirt instead of basing it on the mating rituals I’ve seen in movies

I do hit bumps occasionally such as men being sensitive about their height (even though smol guys are cute)

in reply to Liv 🐝

i have a theory now that a really smol guy led the charge to take our pockets away to prevent us from keeping him in our pockets

The European Union must keep funding free software,

An Open Letter to the European Commission…

reshared this

If you use Microsoft CoPilot in a web browser, you may have realised that JAWS will use what is known as Application Mode.
Put simply this mode is designed so as to treat a web-based environment as a standalone application.
With CoPilot there is a lot of difficulty with this approach. Even if you disable Application Mode by pressing NumPad Plus twice quickly, there are times where if you browse CoPilot with the Virtual Cursor, JAWS automatically goes back into Application Mode even if you have not asked it to do so.
A good example of this is where CoPilot displays items in a list. Ask it to create a food recipe for you and that will clearly demonstrate it.

The next update to Leasey will resolve this problem. There is some discussion about the benefits of Leasey on this platform right now. This is just one of the advantages. Issues like this can be resolved in short order. #LeaseyLove

Silly #PipeWire question for people out here… the program `pw-cat` takes raw input via `stdin`, and through experimentation on my AMD64 machine, I see it is little-endian audio.

Now, is it little-endian because AMD64 is little-endian, or is it little-endian because it's hard-coded for little-endian audio?

If I ran the same commands on a big-endian architecture (Sun SPARC, IBM PowerPC, MIPS, … etc), would PipeWire assume big-endian audio or little-endian?

Toto teatrálne označovanie budov Polície je tiež pekne od piči.

Sedím na lavičke medzi Doln. a Horn. Krčacami (Krčacami tak sa to píše že) a to je prvý krát čo tu sedím a tadiaľto idem vôbec, pozdĺž el. trate.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

So what's the verdict on that Chuwibook? It's... Well, as much as 300 bucks gets you. Build quality isn't horrible but screen has a slight wabble with minimal push, battery life is OK (about 6 hours.)
There's a weird issue where you can't press Capslock, shift, and right arrow, but you can press left arrow, not sure what that's about either. Alt+Shift+ right arrow work, but not Windows +shift + right arrow, either. This computer has quirks of its own.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

This sounds great for throwing in a bag. I'll still be sticking to my gpd though.

The whole internet loves Turkish Sharpshooter, a lovely Turkish man that shoots in a tshirt
*5 seconds later* We regret to inform you the Turkish Sharpshooter is possibly guilty of war crimes in Kurdistan

Zeptal jsem se lokální instance Llama3.1, proč pořád padají akcie Intelu. Asi bych ji najal jako lamu analytičku.

Je obtížné identifikovat jediný důvod pro dlouhodobou klesající tendenci cen akcií společnosti Intel. Společnost Intel je technologický lídr, který nabízí široký rozsah hardwaru a softwaru pro PC, serverové systémy, IoT (Internet věcí) a další oblasti.

Nicméně, existují několik možných faktorů, které přispívají ke klesající cenové tendenci akcií Intel:

Změna trhu: Za posledních pár let došlo v oboru PC k významnému poklesu prodejů. To bylo způsobeno změnami ve spotřebitelských preferencích a vyšší dostupností chytrých telefonů. Pokud je trh, který produkujete, klesající, bude se pravděpodobně cena vašich akcií snižovat.

Pokročilá konkurence: Existují společnosti jako AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), které se snaží Intel konkurovat v oblasti procesorů a dalších produktů. Přestože je Intel stále předním výrobcem procesorů, jeho tržní podíl může klesat, pokud AMD nebo jiní konkurenti získávali na popularitě.

Změna modelu příjmu: Historicky byla společnost Intel silná v oblasti hardwaru (procesory), ale také měla významný podíl na trhu softwaru (operating systemy a další). Nicméně, s úbytkem prodejů PC se společnosti stává stále těžší udržet svou tržní přítomnost. Pokud nebude schopna adaptovat svůj model příjmu nebo rychle zavádět novinky, může být cena akcií ovlivněna.

Investiční trendy: Obecně vzato, existují investiční trendy, které se objevují v různých obdobích. V posledním desetiletí existovaly trendované oblasti jako například kryptoměny, umělá inteligence nebo IoT, ale nyní je vidět návrat k tradicionalizmu a silnější důraz na dlouhodobou udržitelnost. Pokud se společnost Intel nenachází ve spojení s těmito trendy, může být její cena ovlivněna.

Finanční výsledky společnosti: Pokud bude mít společnost Intel slabá finanční výsledky, například snížení příjmů nebo zvýšení ztráty, jeho akcie by pravděpodobně klesly.

Je důležité poznamenat, že žádný z výše uvedených důvodů není absolutní a existují i pozitivní faktory, které mohou ovlivnit cenu akcií společnosti Intel. Je také důležité brát v úvahu širokou škálu dalších faktorů, jako například politickou situaci nebo ekonomický vývoj.

Je také nutné poznamenat, že cena akcií je dynamickým ukazatelem a může být ovlivněna mnoha různými faktory. Pokud chcete získat hlubší pochopení této situace, doporučuji vám, abyste se obraceli na odborníky v oblasti financí nebo analytiky z oboru technologií.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

у меня вышло восстановить свою первоначальную скорость ходьбы

полгода спустя правда

но получилось :blobcatbongocomfy:

in reply to mnnwvn

Нифига себе! Вот это я понимаю. Респект и уважение!

You know what type of #accessibility feature doesn’t get talked about enough?

Having multiple access points to achieve a goal, and the ability to choose how you want be contacted.

As someone who struggles with executive dysfunction, auditory information processing disorder, who sometimes can’t deal with hearing sound or speech, and has a lifetime of sleeping issues, enforcing phone calls in early morning to make appointments is cruel.

in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Germans and Dutch people are definitely not alike when it comes down to dealing with situations like this. Dutch people would probably switch to English instantly (which some migrants complain about since it makes it hard to practice the language with a native speaker)
in reply to Marijke Luttekes

Oh yeah! I was just impressed how every single person I met spoke great English in the Netherlands.

Na zvyšok dňa mám voľno, zaradil by som to do kategórie, sprostý majú šťastie.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

"Social media wasn’t web 2.0, it’s what *killed* Web 2.0!

You might think I’m arguing over mere nomenclature but the important fact is that this era existed, and the Web3 pitch pretends it didn’t. We already had decentralized internet with social features. This fact contradicts the story the Web3/blockchain advocates want to tell you, so their story skips this entire era."

Good post over here:…

Chipmakers puting AI cores in your CPU and not letting you use them for absolutely anything is the biggest waste of silicon in the history of modern computing.

Those tensor cores are godsend for things like large-scale CAD simulations but the only SDKs/samples provided are hardwired to run pretrained models.

There's no way to access the matrix/tensor capabilities directly. And that goes for both AMD and Intel.

#ai #NPU #tensor #programming #hardware #cpu

It seems that even those who are not interested in sports and do not follow the Olympic Games have already read about the "50-year-old Turkish man who showed up at the competition in a wrinkled T-shirt, without special equipment, and took the Olympic silver without even taking his hand out of his pocket."

"Surely, Turkey sent some kind of hitman to Paris!" social media marvels.

In the blink of an eye, Yusuf Dikec, a previously unknown figure outside professional circles, a retired gendarmerie officer and professional shooter, became a global internet meme and sensation.

Everything is great! The moral of this story could be: no matter how old you are, keep doing what you love, and your best achievements may still lie ahead, even if you are an athlete over 50!

But another nuance caught my attention.

The fact is, Yusuf Dikec did not win the Olympic silver alone. It was a team event. Shooting alongside him was his colleague Sevval Ilayda Tarhan. In the same T-shirt, in the same pose, and also with minimal equipment.

The only difference is that he is 51, and she is 24. He began professional shooting around the time she was born.

Dikec is an excellent shooter with a plethora of medals from prestigious competitions, but he had never made it to the Olympic podium until his young partner grew up and competed with him on the same team.

If we look at the individual performances of these shooters in the same discipline where they took silver as a team, we will see that Tarhan finished 7th, while Dikec only came in 13th.

Now let's trace how mass consciousness works: we simply do not notice the woman standing next to him. It does not matter who she is, how she is dressed, how she shoots, or how unique her achievement is. We only see the man in the "wrinkled T-shirt," deliberately nonchalant, and create a romantic image of a "hitman." We spread a photograph in which he is shooting alone, and the result of this shooting is 13th place! Yet, we declare that he won "silver."

Why does the logic of mass culture work this way? After all, patriarchy has long ceased to exist, feminism is unnecessary, equality has been achieved, at least in Paris 2024 for sure!

This is how patriarchal myths about great male victories are born before our eyes. These images are entrenched in culture and shape our thinking. Meanwhile, women's contributions and achievements are simply erased from history. It was like this before. Unfortunately, it still happens today.

#Paris2024 #YusufDikec #SevvalTarhan #Olympics

Translated text. Original text from Maya Guseynova

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Can you guess what's happening on Wednesday?

Hint - It's going to be beautiful 😉

#privacy #beautiful #teaser #comingsoon

in reply to Tuta

is "T-drive" coming ? 🤩 With 100GB free storage ??🎉