Wow, it's great seeing more of the Internet Archive back in operation. I was so disgusted at what happened to them. This amazing library helped me to find electronic copies of out of print books that I've wanted to read for decades. These are books that I honestly never thought I'd be able to read, short of purchasing used copies of the books and spending hours of my time scanning them. I can't express enough my thanks for the hours of joy I've received from this service after finding books that I thought would always be inaccessible to me as a blind reader.
Internet Archive Services Update: 2024-10-21…
Book Talk: The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood
Join us for a book talk with legal scholar JAMES BOYLE, discussing his book THE LINE: AI and the Future of Personhood, in conversation with KATE DARLING of the MIT […]\
Our DM is experimenting with giving us players more free rein to suggest aspects about the world and especially stuff that concerns our characters. He's finding it's more fun for him if he gets to enjoy what other people add to the story.
I think it's fantastic, but it's difficult to foster that approach in #DnD. It's not really built for it. Of course, at this point the version of "D&D" we are playing is so homebrewed and tweaked that it's eventually not going to qualify as the same game.
And this is maybe #WotC's biggest vulnerability now. Even people who play D&D almost exclusively are often really playing a game that they and their friends have customized and tailored to themselves.
Trying to force things digital would mean forcing people to play the game "as is", and I'm not sure that's what most dedicated gaming groups want.
I wish they'd just be content to sell books with cool, creative content instead of trying to somehow gain control over the *game* itself.
You can own the license to publish official D&D content. You *cannot* own D&D.
What if Doom II had a propper OPL3 soundtrrack?
It would fucking slap, that’s what.…
What if Doom II had a proper OPL3 soundtrack: Running from Evil
I was wondering what a soundtrack that actually used the OPL3 features decently might have sounded like. Here's a quick demonstration :]Video rendered with c...YouTube
upside: No fuss about video and audio syncing or using propriatary OS and screen readers.
Downside: Well, this, I guess. Ideally I would somehow play streams as playlists in VLC and channel surf that way, but never in our corporate DRM-protected world. | Watch Live Sports, Shows, News - The easiest way to watch live TV, NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL
I think you can check what comes on as well if you can get the schedual from the site and manage to import it somehow.
Hopefully they can fix it because when a dam piracy service does better than your actual leegal service, you know you have issues.
DEVONtechnologies | How to Deal With PDF Searchability
DEVONtechnologies develops DEVONthink, DEVONagent, and other Mac and iOS apps for document and information management and web research.DEVONtechnologies
¡Las postulaciones para GNOME Latam 2024 aún siguen abiertas!
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@gnome en América Latina! Regístrate ahora y asegura tu lugar en Medellín, Colombia, o en línea.
It's interesting how thin a skin the React crowd has. They think I'm being deeply antagonistic when, in fact, I've been holding my fire (and the confidences of consulting counterparties) for ~8 years. This has only served to make things look *better* than they really are.
The damage I'm seeing isn't just in the public sector, or limited to exceptionally bad cases. It's now ecosystem-wide, and JS-first culture owns a share of the blame.
But why do I care? A short thread.
reshared this
My primary motivation is that I want the web to win.
What does that mean? Concretely, that means that I want folks to be able to accomplish most of their daily tasks on the web. A reasonable diagnostic metric is time spent as a percentage of time on device. JTBD fraction would be the natural leading metric, but it's wicked hard to track.
This phrasing – fraction of time, rather than total time – has the benefit of not being thirsty. It's also tracked by various parties.
Ok, but why?
The Archive is back! (In read only mode). Get to the things you love, and we will continue our quest to be dependable, clean up the mess left behind, and be there for you.
iOS 18.1 upgrades business messaging with RCS support - 9to5Mac
Apple is expanding its Messages for Business feature in iOS 18.1 to include support for RCS. Previously, only iMessage was supported.Ryan Christoffel (9to5Mac)
iOS 17.7.1 is coming soon for iPhone users not yet on iOS 18 - 9to5Mac
Apple is prepping another iPhone update for users not yet on iOS 18. The forthcoming iOS 17.7.1 will include important security fixes.Ryan Christoffel (9to5Mac)
If you make $20/ hour, you take home about $15 after taxes.
That night out isn't $300, it's 20 hours of your time, or 2.5 days of work.
That car isn't $60,000, it's 4,000 hours of your time, or 500 days of work.
Framing purchases in time instead of dollars will help you make better-informed decisions with money.
Always consider opportunity cost. Your TIME is valuable.… #aws
AWS announces a seamless link experience for the AWS Console Mobile App - AWS
Discover more about what's new at AWS with AWS announces a seamless link experience for the AWS Console Mobile AppAmazon Web Services, Inc.… #aws #blog
Analyze access patterns and use the most cost-effective Amazon S3 storage class | Amazon Web Services
Businesses that use data lakes, machine learning (ML), and analytics need scalable data storage. However, not all stored data is accessed equally. Some portions of data may be accessed often, while whereas other portions of data are rarely accessed.Amazon Web Services… #aws #blog
Deploy a serverless web application to edit images using Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services
In this post, we explore a sample solution that you can use to deploy an image editing application by using AWS serverless services and generative AI services.Amazon Web Services
Got to love those "recruiter" emails. Today's favorite?
"Hey, Emilly. We've seen your resume, and we're really impressed with it. A bachelor's and a masters in Computer Science? 20+ years as a dev? I think you'll be excited at the opportunity to take a 70% paycut - - maybe more! - -and join our team as an independent contractor in an entry level customer service role! You can work from home in those totally legit job!"
I think the dead internet has eaten the whole online job hunting and application process. It's bots AI tailoring resumes to ghost jobs posted by company bots to collect resumes against some future need, which is all filtered by automatic screens built by more bots against vague requirements written by overworked folks due to random management demands.
I really wish my professional network wasn't so weirdly tilted towards chemical engineers and materials engineers.
#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 4 added apps:
* Process Hook: Xposed module to unlock hidden features and options 🛡️
* Tool Telegram: Send messages on telegram as a bot, easily
* WikiReader: Read Wikipedia pages distraction-free
* SupIR: a general-purpose IR blaster using the irdb database 🛡️
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
I've heard people wonder "as a developer, will AI kill my job?"
I think there is a definitely non-zero chance that it might...
But not because an LLM is going to write all the code, better, faster and cheaper, no. Because, when this bubble finally pops and tech companies are left with nothing but piles of out-dated GPUs and plummeting stock prices, they'll "fix" the problem the only way they know: by firing 30% of their workforce!
Filetypes / Airports ✳️
mapsmania (
Attached: 1 image Which Airports are also Filetypes? - this map only displays airports whose three letter codes are also file extensions.
Prichazi historicky okamzik pro lidstvo! Nas novy web.
Musim se pochvalit, vypimpili jsme to hezky.
Jakykoli feedback, krome feedbacku, ze vypimpit je hrozny slovo a nemel bych ho pouzivat, vitan.
Nebojte se sirit mezi umelce.
Not a label. Not management. Just a collective of artists, dreamers, & designers trying to change an unfair - Objavené nové najväčšie prvočíslo, prvýkrát pomocou GPU
Projektu distribuovaných výpočtov Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, GIMPS, sa opäť podarilo objaviť nové najväčšie ľudstvu známe prvočíslo. Projekt to oznámil dnes.
Brian Hartgen
in reply to David Goldfield • • •