reminder: the Luddites were not anti-*technology*. They were anti-*factory owners firing weavers and replacing them with lower-paid loom workers*. They could have retrained the weavers and kept their pay high, but bosses gonna boss. We are all Luddites today.
The name later became a slur because the bosses won, and used propaganda to hide the history, and because smashing looms is a dramatic symbol, and humans like retelling dramatic stories, not depressing facts.
Apple's dirty tricks continue: iPhone 15 (Pro) users furious over huge Apple Intelligence snub
Apple refuses to give iPhone 15/15 Pro AI features the $500 iPhone SE 4 will have. The excuses keep getting weirder.Martin Filipov (PhoneArena)
Windows Recall is once again recalled
Microsoft says it needs more time to cook its controversial Recall feature. This time, it plans a public test for December 2024.Taras Buria (Neowin)
Všichni jsme se dočkali! Je to tu! Zasloužený pátek!
Dneska konečně odfrčí všechno vánoční zboží do obchodů. Už se u nás na základně nedalo pohybovat. A od pondělí začneme vyjíždět a dělat výlohy a měnit zboží.
Vánoce se blíží milánkové!
Mějte sváteční náladu. 😊👋
"Hele, já ji vzkřísím, ale všimni si, že na tomhle světě dělaj dobrý skutky furt jedny a ty samý lidi!" 😉
(Suchý - Erben - Havlík: Kytice / Zlatý kolovrat)
(dodatek: tuhle ceduli jsem tenkrát vytisknul a vyvěsil v kanceláři 😁)
I forget who recommended the Alamaxa series here, by Hadeer Elsbai. I'm reading the first book, The daughters of Izdihar and enjoying it a lot, so thanks, whoever it was. It's a fantasy series set in something like an analogue to 19th century India or perhaps the Levant, mixing fantastic themes on magic with social concerns such as women's emancipation.
#reading #books #fantasy #series #ReadingRec
Před rokem mi vypnul mozek a koupil jsem si lano a uvázal smyčku. Vždycky jsem říkal, že to bylo pomatení. Kdybych to chtěl skončit, jako ex-paramedik to udělám čistě, bezbolestně a kurva jednoduše. Ale já nechci. Já to nechci vzdát. Hele, už jsem v životě zdolal větší “krize”.
Tohle není konec. Buď najdu cestu, nebo, ač nechci, začnu znovu. Ale konec, na ten je ještě čas. Však jsem slíbil, že dorazím na #mastopivo
Harris and Trump bring their closing arguments to 2 key Southwest swing states - NPR…
Harris and Trump bring their closing arguments to 2 key Southwest swing states — NPR
With five days left until Election Day, the candidates are making a last-minute pitch to Latino voters in Arizona and Nevada — talking about border security, one of the biggest issues for the
🤣 Russia has fined Google 2 undecillion roubles or USD$20 decillion for blocking Russian media on YT etc.
If not paid in 219 weeks that increases to USD$1 googol.…
Russia is a laughing stock. Putin, you're a muppet. This is Austin Powers / Dr Evil level fines.
Russia has fined Google more money than there is in the entire world
Russia has slapped Google with a fine of $US20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 for blocking state media channels on YouTube.Maddy Morwood (ABC News)
Yesterday, my students presented our work at the ACM ASSETS conference. "Not Only Annpying. But Dangerous": Devising an Ecology of Protections for Photosensitive Social Media Users"…
In this study, we investigate prior work, conduct survey inquiries, and use co-design methods to explore how social media design choices influence exposure to dangerous flashing content which can trigger seizures, migraines, nausea, and disorientation for photosensitive users.
Through our analysis, we identify the current ecosystem of flashing content on the Internet, and propose a more robust ecology of protections, including on-device graphics filters that directly edit pixels buffers to prevent flashing before it occurs.
First, existing WCAG guidelines against auto-play of media need to be enforced. Second, users should have device level control over animation that may trigger flashing, and this control shpuld not be able to be reset by platforms that try to enforce autoplay to support their own ad revenue. Third, other users need to be aware of what makes content dangerous, so thay they may stop circulating it and causing accidental exposure. Fourth, creators need to know what makes content dangerous, and how they can test for danger, to prevent them from creating dangerous media in the first place. This includes corporate creators, like movie studios, whose ads for acrion movies have been a recent source of autoplaying strobing content in movie trailors posted via ad platforms. Fifth, platforms, including GIF libraries, but also all social platforms, need to implement reporting mechanisms specifically for flashing content which can remove that content from circulation. Sixth, there should be actual penalties for platforms and creators that do not react to, correct, and remove dangerous content, or who force auto-play on users.
And seventh, device manufacturers and operating system developers need to create on-device filters that eliminate flashing through simple real time post-processing. Machine Learning classification and prediction algorithms ARE NOT NECESSARY. We can do this with simple math. Yes it may sometimes look weird. But also people won't be dying in their sleep.
This work is very important to me, and I've been working on it (on the side) since 2017. I wasn't allowed to pursue it fully as a graduate student. As faculty, I still had to string the project together on wishes. And I'm still looking for a collaborator to work on the implementation, though if industry would just get their shit together and do it themselves, that'd be great.
#ASSETS2024 #accessibility #Epilepsy #migraine #photophobia #photosensitivity #NEISVoid #graphicsProgramming
👉 "The core issue is that open source contributors are not paid fairly. 60% of open-source maintainers are unpaid volunteers, and just 13% make a living as professional project maintainers, according to the 2023 State of the Open Source Maintainer Report."
Boosts appreciated 🚀
#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #SoftwareLibre #Business #KDE #Research #Science #NLnet #softwareDevelopment
How do we fund open source?
Experts with deep experience across open-source software communities share their opinions on how to sustain this critical ecosystem.Bill Doerrfeld (InfoWorld)
Glam Canes: O&M that’s functional and fashionable – BlindNewWorld
Arthur Gwynne, founder of Glam Canes and manager to blind recording artist Lachi, makes canes that sparkle with pride, glamour and confidenceLeah Barrett Demers (BlindNewWorld)
#deltachat_desktop finally has Automated E2E testing again! 👨🔬 🧪 🚀
Thanks to the desktop team and #deltachat_web for making this possible.
Also thanks to #playwright for making such a nice testing solution.
treefit reshared this.
Scammers Love Your Bank Accounts. Here's How to Keep Them Safe
As AI accelerates attacks on consumer bank accounts, the best defense is still "HI" -- human intelligence.Neal O'Farrell (CNET)
The article discusses VMware Workstation's move towards using upstream KVM instead of proprietary code. This change will likely improve compatibility and efficiency, benefiting users of the virtualization platform.
VMware Workstation Shifting From Proprietary Code To Using Upstream KVM
This isn't an off-schedule April Fools' Joke or anything like that but an exciting sign of the times: VMware Workstation will be shifting off its proprietary base and onto leveraging the upstream Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) for virtualiz…
seriously, the world needs to do a billionaire purge STAT
Woman in hijab on signage sparks debate in Montreal
The City of Montreal found itself in the middle of a debate this week after complaints were made about a sign that featured a woman wearing a hijab.Montreal
Thunderbird — Free Your Inbox.
Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features!Thunderbird
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