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PSA your subscription dollars to Spotify go directly to supporting the convicted criminal that is running for President to turn the US into a fascist state.

The best time to cancel it was when signed in that fascism promoter. The second best time is now.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

PSA your Tesla also finances fascism in America.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

Historians: the space race couldn't have been accomplished at that pace without the US hiring nazis to work on rockets.

2024: hold my beer. He is also a russian asset.
(and not an engineer so he actually doesn't bring anything)

I am that much of a loser I recently stayed up to watch the clock on my phone go from 01:59 to 01:00. Bit of an anti climax really but at least I've experienced it.

reading a cv ...

"Error free coding in C"


that's really not a thing, I'm sorry

in reply to 🐧sima🐧

Oh, they got this all screwed up [takes a red pen]

"error free coding? in C???"

liebe leute,

ich suche weiterhin nach aufträgen für mich, ich bin #freelancer für native #iOS apps und sofort verfügbar. wenn ihr da was wisst, denkt an mich und sagt gerne bescheid. mein angebot ist simpel: ordentliches handwerk. kein bullshit (ki ist mitgemeint).

lebenslauf gibt’s hier:

vielen dank fürs teilen und weitersagen! ❤

Hello, World! We’re now the Sovereign Tech Agency 🎉

It’s been two years since the Sovereign Tech Fund began investing in open technologies in the public interest, and our mission has grown to be more than the “fund” in our name. The new Sovereign Tech Agency anchors digital infrastructure on the agenda and is a home for the Sovereign Tech Fund and our other programs that strengthen the open source ecosystem.

Read more:…

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Are you interested how to use Apple notes as an #accessible graphing calculator? Check out this post…
#accessibility #apple #blind #ios #math #education #tech

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Random thought:
What happens to the TLD if the United Kingdom one day becomes a republic?
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in reply to Patrick Perdue

well we already have .wales and .scot as global tld's. let the battle for .england begin!

@bagder #curl (#libcurl, specifically) is used in Seat Leon (probably a VW-group thing); together with *a lot* of other #opensource (see the scrollbar).
in reply to Mormegil

thanks, now showed off here:…

Today's the day we find out how truly unhinged this country is.

We’re brainstorming ideas for the Holidays. We’ve been once again honored to be engaged by Vancouver’s Vocal Eye to be part of their Almost Live Holiday Zoom event. What Holiday visuals have you always wanted to understand better? Characters? Places? Decoration styles? Holiday traditions that you didn’t grow up with but would like to understand better? Help us brainstorm a description-rich holiday extravaganza.

"Disposable vapes are indefensible. Many, or maybe most, of them contain rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, but manufacturers prefer to sell new ones. More than 260 million vape batteries are estimated to enter the trash stream every year in the UK alone. Vapers and vape makers are simply leaving an e-waste epidemic to the planet's future residents to sort out."

(Original title: Guy makes “dodgy e-bike” from 130 used vapes to make point about e-waste)…

People talk about FOMO.
I get this when my wife's volume exceeds the 'I'm on the phone' level and bits of her meetings ssound interesting.
I know how dull I'd find her job and have zero interest in 99% of what she talks about at work, but only catching the odd bit here and there makes me think there *could* be more to it!

Good luck with your IQ test today America!

Nos gobierna la pandilla del bombero torero.…

in reply to Václav Pašek

Budu příští měsíc Arch přesouvat, tak to ještě vyladíme.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Archos

@archos Na to neber zřetel, to byl jen takový povzdech do větru, jak říkám, v 99% případů s tím vůbec nemám problém. 🙂

Vote for Smerd, because a vote for Smerd is a vote for Smerd. No matter what you do, you remember the name Smerd!……
Takhle si moc kamarádů nezískají.

Wohooo! Díky @archos za upozornění, pokud používáte Matrix (mxchat) a jste stejně pomalí jako já a nepostřehli jste to, vyšla oficiálně appka Element X a je boží. Vypadá jak z 21 století, je citelně rychlejší a šlape bezchybně……

in reply to Jan Korbel 🇨🇿 🏴‍☠️

Ano, přidával. Už to běží dlouho u nás, ale po poslední aktualizaci Element X to fakt šlape super. Výydrž na verzi 2.0, tam už to má být vyřešené 👍
in reply to Jan Korbel 🇨🇿 🏴‍☠️

@jackc Nebyl X původně jen platforma pro vývoj klasického matrixu? Nebo jste našli někde jaký má být postup dál? Máme vlastní a jede nám na tom firma, tak nevím jak dál
in reply to Unreed

@Unreed Původně bylo v plánu, že Element X nahradí klasický Element. Stačí aktualizovat na verzi 1.114, Simplified Sliding Sync je tam nativně implementován . @jackc @cynik_obecny
in reply to Ivan Stloukal

nemůžu se připojit na svůj server aplikace ho "nevidí", to je bolest elementu jako takového. Často člověk neví, proč to nefunguje, kdyby to aspoň napsalo jsi debil, nemáš aktuální verzi, nebo jsi to špatně nastavil. Achjo.
in reply to Jan Dytrych🇨🇿🇺🇦

@jan aha, já mám a jede to super. Možná poradí Archos?
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in reply to Ivan Stloukal

jj, tomu to funguje všechno suprově, já spíš narážím na to, že jsem rozjet vlastní instanci je tak zbytečně složité bez nějakého uceleného návodu, že je to velká škoda.
in reply to Jan Dytrych🇨🇿🇺🇦

@jan bohužel. A bohužel to mnohdy nezachrání ani ten návod, protože množství proměnných je nekontrolovatelné. Proto jsem se na to vykašlal a raději to svěřil Zdeňkovi. Za prvé mu to funguje a za druhé, když náhodou ne, mám komu nadávat a nemusím si vztekle leštit pleš 😇
in reply to Ivan Stloukal

No jo lidi o mně říkají, že jsem flegmatik, ale mně je to jedno.
Sem tam nějaká ta nadávka 😀
in reply to Archos

@jan já jsem býval. Ale s příchodem deprese jsem se změnil v Bruce Bannera. A do Hulka se měním rychlostí zvuku. Slyším kokotinu a už jedu …
in reply to Jan Dytrych🇨🇿🇺🇦

@jan Ahoj, nejede to z duvodu stare verze Synapse, mas 1.97.0, aktualni je 1.118.0 - v nejnovejsi neni treba pak uz nic vic nastavit (driv byvala separatni proxy, ale "simplified sliding sync" je nyni nativne soucasti synapse).
in reply to mahdi

@mahdi tak už jsem na verzi 1.118.0 a pořád stejné 😞 Máte někdo nějaký nápad? 100% mám něco špatně nastavené, ale když to nezobrazí žádnou chybu, špatně se to ladí.
in reply to Jan Dytrych🇨🇿🇺🇦

@jan A mas opravdu nejnovejsi EAX 0.7.2? Nahodil sem adb, ze na to mrknu, ale dostanu se na tvym servru dal, zkus to zadat vcetne https://
in reply to mahdi

@mahdi připadám si jako dement, když zadám celé URI serveru je to funkční! Asi by bylo fajn, kdyby se tam přidal nějaký example nebo aspoň hint na ten text view. Díky moc!
in reply to Jan Dytrych🇨🇿🇺🇦

@mahdi tak už jsme přepnuli na Element X, je to pěkný, video hovory jsou taky super. Taky ale máme na začátku hovoru na Androidu mute? Je to bug nebo feature, kterou můžu vypnout?

If this Election Day thing is a huge success, maybe we should prepare two release versions where people can vote on?

One with increased stability and performance. One that deletes all files from previous versions and tries to occupy all memory.

We should not be making those decisions for you!


Liebe Folglinge:
Ich suche (noch immer) nach einem neuen Job als #iOS & #macOS Entwickler in Anstellung (remote only, ich wohne in Österreich). Ich kann auf ca. 30 Jahre in der Software-Entwicklung zurückblicken, bin immer neugierig und hab eine Problemlöser-/Macher-Mentalität. #Swift, #SwiftUI, #ObjectiveC und das ganze Drumherum sind selbstverständlich.

Solltet ihr also jemanden kennen... ihr wisst schon.

Danke fürs rege Teilen, Boosten, Weitersagen etc. 🙏

#FediHire #GetFediHired

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Neue - nicht ganz offene - #chatmail-Instanz: Auf einem #RaspberryPi Zero 2 mit UPS und Wlan ins Handynetz für #DeltaChat

Funktioniert gut. Kosten: 54 Euro (mit "Gehäuse", teilweise noch offen), brauchte nur extra Schrauben und Abstandhalter zum Zusammenbau.

Einziger Wehrmutstropfen: Ohne dedizierte IPv4 geht es nicht, und die kostet 5,16 Euro Minimum im Monat bei Vorauszahlung für ein Jahr.

Und jetzt wird es spannend: Die Frontpage von chatmail soll eine richtige Homepage werden...

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Daleth Hausmeister

Man müsste mal ausprobieren ob sich #chatmail als #tor hidden service aufsetzen lässt, ich könnte mir vorstellen dass man da weder ip noch domain braucht. Die Nutzenden bräuchten nur zusätzlich tor. Wenn das gut funktioniert könnten wir mal nen experimentellen fork machen von #deltachat der #tor Arti (rust implementation) schon eingebaut hat. 🤔
in reply to treefit


Ähm, das schließt sich im Konzept aus. Zwar können die Elemente genauso installiert werden, das Verfahren mit pyinfra ist allerdings extra auf Interoperabilität ausgelegt, braucht daher Zertifikate, die von Let's encrypt angefordert werden, und das setzt für die Acme-Challenge über http eine pingbare IP voraus.

Ich habe es über die IPv6 des Mifi-Routers probiert, der sperrt aber ICMP. Ich muss also ein VPN mit dedizierter IP nutzen (mindestens fürs Einrichten).

in reply to Daleth Hausmeister

es gibt aber auch domain authentifizierung mit DNS Einträgen, vielleicht geht das besser um sich das Zertifikat zu holen? (braucht aber einen domain Anbieter / Name server mit api)…

in reply to treefit

Es gibt vieles – für Nerds.

#chatmail möchte schnell, einfach und interoperabel für Fastendanwender sein.

Alles mit Tor u.a. Varietäten wären forks mit verändertem konzeptionellem Ansatz...

...nicht mehr chatmail.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Daleth Hausmeister

richtig, tor/onion chatmail wäre (ohne Mehraufwand) nur mit anderen tor/onion chatmail "nodes" kompatibel. Aber dafür müsste man weder offene IP haben noch domain mieten. Also durchaus interessant, nicht zuletzt auch weil tor noch eine weitere ebene von Anonymität & Sicherheit mit sich bringt. Ist halt nur chat, nicht mehr email.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Inspired by @kees and @bagder I graphed #ArkScript source code age (last 3.x version is from mid 2023 hence the big purple triangle starting in 2023)

There seems to be a lot of code, but tests are counted too.
16'540 lines for the source code only, and 12'430 for the tests (8k dedicated to the fuzzing corpus, 4k for the unit tests)

I attribute the big jump to my recent "add tests everywhere" addiction

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

tweaked the script a bit and this was the answer: vX.Y.Z-something tags are ignored (I've been tagging v4.0.0-rcX for more than a year now), leading to missing data points
Tags are ordered using git tag --sort=authordate instead of sorting them using semver (because I have some... questionable v3.2.0-a tags)

Hi, just click the tT icon on the left of the email editor near the clipper icon ;)

Ayer, en la red social mala, anunciamos desde Acción Contra el Odio que estamos preparando una denuncia contra quienes promovieron la agresión a Pedro Sánchez en Paiporta, reivindicada por grupos neonazis.

Horas después, la web de CTXT fue atacada. No solo han tirado el sitio, también nos han borrado todos los ficheros. Agradecemos toda difusión y apoyo.

Ahora más que nunca, puedes unirte a Acción Contra el Odio:…

Donate to our Fundraiser, Support Good People!

@gnome, @tdforg, @fsfe and many other community-driven Free and Open Source organizations are the Good People of the tech world.

This year we are asking you consider them (and also maybe us!) when you #donate. Help out the people that fight for your digital rights, your privacy,and your right to not be exploited by predatory corporations in the tech industry.…

#SupportGoodPeople #donations #fundraiser

In a tiny step away from Microsoft and Office, today I managed to convince my sister to install and use @libreoffice since she couldn’t log in to her company Microsoft account and was unable to use Word. I don’t know how long this will last for but I have a feeling that her IT skills mean it might be a while before she is logged in again so fingers crossed! It would give me a great amount of pleasure if our company dropped Office entirely.

Is there anyway to customise a numbered list so that the numbers go 5,10, 15... or something similar?

#Libreoffice #NumberedLists


The way I view this thing: admin: "I'm going to quit the server. It's just getting too expensive for me". users: "Oh, let's move to another free instance I guess".

I'm getting more worried about this freerider mentality if we are to make this work in the long run.

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in reply to modulux

@modulux I'm not entirely clear on how well it scales tbh. I assumed it is optimised given that the flagship instance is positively huge compared to all other instances. Probably I'm wrong.
in reply to Emil Jacobs - Collectifission

It scales comparatively badly. I mean, you can make it scale by throwing massive resources to it, but Mastodon is well-known for being one of the heavier AP impls out there.

Long post

Sensitive content

in reply to Мира🇧🇬🇭🇺

Long post

Sensitive content

Rupert Easterbrook RIP ☹️ 💀

#gamedev #games #rip

He worked among others on Populous, Powermonger, The Super Aquatic Games, James Pond 3 , Theme Park, Drakengard, Vietcong, Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, Hidden & Dangerous 2, Kohan II: Kings of War, Red Ocean, Velvet Assassin, Tunnel Rats, King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, Black Prophecy, Project Cars, Agony, 428: Shibuya Scramble, SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has put online 492,000 high-resolution images of artistic works.

Even better, the museum has placed the vast majority of these images into the public domain, meaning they can be downloaded directly from the museum’s website for non-commercial use.

When you browse the Met collection and find an image that you fancy, just look at the lower left-hand side of the image.

If you see an “OA” icon and the words “public domain”, you’re free to use the image, provided that you abide by the Met’s terms.

In making this collection available online, the Met joined other world-class museums in putting large troves of digital art online.

Witness the 88,000 images from the Getty in L.A.,
the 125,000 Dutch masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum,
the 50,000 artistic images from the National Gallery,
and the 1.9 million images from the British Museum.…

Waking up to a new day and running the video a few more times just for the giggles. It is just so amazing.…

Seirdy reshared this.

Ha costado 17 años de proceso, pero hemos ganado.…
in reply to Almeida

Eso sí que es pena de banquillo, madre mía. Felicidades.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Martes que sabe a lunes después de 4 días sin trabajar. Por suerte no hay mucho acumulado. Antes de irme estuve revisando el tema de la estrategia de radón, que por lo que veo se ha aprobado en Consello:…

We interrupt your doomscrolling to bring you some good news

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As those of you who follow me unfortunately know, I track the $DJT meme stock. I'm expecting a YOOOOGE pump in the morning. It looks like it's been manipulated all along, so whether or not he goes down tomorrow, it's a last-ditch opportunity to project strength.

I think the smart money gets out of the trade by midday. If he loses, it's going to zero, so if it's clearly going badly for him, it may drop so hard that they halt trading. Again. Could be a bellwether.

in reply to Matt May

I think once a meme stock is always a meme stock. There may be a temp drop, but it’ll be back up regardless of whether he loses or not. Unless, of course, DJT will decide to quiet down and go back to his golf course.