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Items tagged with: Swift

I am playing with the NaturalLanguage framework in #Swift and I am having some interesting results. Here are the most similar words to the word „Dictatorship”. The left column are the words, the right is the distance. The more distant, the less similar the word is.

dictator 0.7791867852210999
autocracy 0.7871801853179932
dictatorial 0.7904724478721619
regime 0.7980139851570129
democracy 0.8397299647331238
totalitarian 0.845069408416748
repressive 0.8523193001747131
oligarchy 0.8619794845581055
despotism 0.8681145310401917
despot 0.8691430687904358
Here is the code I used.
import NaturalLanguage
guard let embedding = NLEmbedding.wordEmbedding(for: .english) else {
print("Nic z tego nie będzie.")
let words = embedding.neighbors(for: "dictatorship", maximumCount: 10)
for word in words {
#apple #swift #programming #CodingFun #iOS #macOS

It’s been about two months since I was laid off from Mozilla, and I’m still on the job hunt! I’m looking for an #iOS role, open to other #Apple platforms. 10+ YoE total across a few industries, exclusively iOS for the last 7+. Happy in both #Swift and #ObjC environments. #Remote / Chicagoland. #fedihired

Check out the latest blog post on the #swiftlang website about the #adwaita for #swift package!

You can find the repo on GitHub:

#linux #libadwaita #gnome #gtk

Content warning: Opinion about operating systems, possible holy war, strong language.

After being with Mozilla for a little over 5 years, I've been laid off today, alongside a group of some of my favorite people. So, I'm on the job market! I've got ~8 years #iOS, #Swift, and #ObjC under my belt, working on everything from libraries all the way through full user-facing features. So, I'm #opentowork. Remote (US), working out of the Chicagoland area. 👀 LinkedIn in bio. Boosts would be much appreciated!

There are 3 #Swift relatedt things i wanted to explore but I never had time to do so. They are
- Swift Argument Parser: a library for elegant and nice parsing of command-line argument
- SwiftSoup: a library used for web scraping
- Creating a full Swift utility as an SPM package rather than Xcode project. I was forced, or rather motivated to do all 3 thanks to my Chinese university studies. In order to download audio material for the official #HSK #book, one needs to go to a website, click a link for the file, and confirm whether you want to download it, for sure! Tage into account that the server is slow, and every such operation takes a minute or something like that, multiply that by the number of tracks and by the number of books. I have discovered that the HSk sites have the exactly same structure, hence I want to build an utility that will scrape the website and download the files for me and my teachers. I want to publish my work to Github so yall can roast the unstructuredmess it is heh. There's always room for improvement.

Currently working on two #gnome apps!

- Scripter: A simple app for basic scripts ⌨️ & calculations 📐 [GitHub:]
- Flashcards: Create, edit, and study flashcard sets 🎓 - easily import your existing Quizlet sets [GitHub:]

Both are written in #swift using an interface similar to #swiftui for #gtk and #libadwaita [GitHub:]

I came across a blog from a 2 years ago that compared different implementations of dot product. It had a couple interesting points. The cost of functional programming in #Swift was huge (31x on M1 and 198x on x86). I did an equivalent test in #Rust and the cost was 1x (on M2). That lets programmers use the high level abstractions without dreading the performance costs.

.map(|(&l, &r)| l * r )

OK, trying an experiment with my Programming Languages class!

• Have an AI generate some of your writing assignment.
• Critique its output. Call BS on its BS.

Assignment details in screenshots below. I’ll let you know how it goes.

(Here are the links from the screenshots:)

Raw AI Text:

Comments on AI Text:

(Better) Human Text

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered
#swift #proglang

The first half hour of @rjmccall’s talk provides really good insight into Apple’s plans and motivation for Swift: a single successor language for C/C++/Obj-C for the entire stack, including kernel and embedded systems. Focused on correctness, safety, and security. Incremental adoption is key, hence the importance of interop with C, Obj-C, and now C++. #Swift

“Introducing a Memory-Safe Successor Language in Large C++ Code Bases”:

Today I'm excited to finally introduce @walleri!

Walleri is a Mastodon Client that lets you listen to your timeline instead of reading it!

Here is the TestFlight Link:

If you have any feedback - good or bad, don't hesitate to reach out!

#walleri #swift #swiftlang #swiftui #ios #iosdev #iosdevelopment #tootsdk #fedidev #mastodonapi #buildinpublic #mastodev #testflight #xcode #indiedev

Man Reader - my Mac app for reading Terminal command man pages - has finally had its long awaited update. The new version is now waiting for review.

Currently, Man Reader costs USD 4.99 or the local equivalent. I will be increasing this to USD 9.99 when the update is released, so if you want to save some money, buy it now and get the upgrade at half-price.

#macOS #swift #terminal #zsh #bash

One thing I particularly like about Rust — which I’m very new to — is how thoughtfully the compiler errors and warnings have been designed. It not only diagnoses and explains the problem: it provides a possible solution. Genius.

This is the essence of good design: it’s compassionate, anticipating the needs and wants of another person. I can’t think of another language that does anything like this. Certainly not Swift, not that I’m bitter.

#rust #swift

Using #GTK and #Libadwaita in #swift Attempt Number 2.

Instead of using GIR to generate the code, use hand-written bindings.
More work? - Yes

Full coverage? - No

Better API and easier to use? - Yes

Fellow #iOS #swift #swiftui developers. Do you know if the ButtonRole structure actually does anything purposeful? With #VoiceOver, I cannnot get any indication whatsoever about the button’s role, while at the AppleDeveloper documentation site:, they state that such an info should be conveyed. Is there any visual indication of the role? If so, what?

Finally got around implementing #swift demangling support for #GNOME Sysprof (Not upstream (yet?))

The power of FLOSS, a feature you really want is missing? - Just add it

Content warning: Programming, Dev Recommendations

One of the coolest tools we use at #1Password has been #opensource ’d!

I present to you Typeshare 2.0! A way to share Rust types across the FFI (supports, Swift, Kotlin, TypeScript, and Go). We use it everyday and I love it, makes things so easy and awesome.

#rust #swift #kotlin #go #golang #rustlang

Hi, I'm treefit, a #foss dev working on #deltachat. I'm responsible for the desktop client together with @jikstra.
My favorite coding language is #rustlang, but I "speak" #typescript, #javascript, #html, #css, too.
I'm also capable in #python and #swift, but not as much.

I'm new to the mastodon/toot style of communication (never used Twitter, either), so I'm still learning of how this all works.

My goal is to give you some behind-the scenes peeks onto the DeltaChat development.
