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I got my flu shot and the latest Covid vaccine yesterday. As of right now, feeling pretty crappy. This will pass though.

umelecké a kreatívne potreby.. v uličke po cestě z električky vidím a je to ulica hneď vedľa práce.. to ma zaujíma

nemusím sa tváriť.. som chorý môžem prostě tak len byť

appreciation post for __builtin_dump_struct, beloved by all those who live without functional debuggers…

(the builtin takes a C/C++ struct and, through compiler magic, pretty prints it using a function of your choice)

Is it possible to use the gtk emoji picker (CTRL+.) in input boxes of non-gtk apps?

#GTK #Linux

in reply to Jan Steffens

@heftig @ebassi
Super+. and Super+ does nothing for me (but probably you need to configure ibus before?)

CTRL+. opens this one:

in reply to Fabian (Bocchi) 🏳️‍🌈

@heftig that is indeed the GTK emoji chooser. It can only be used by GTK apps, because it’s provided by the toolkit. That’s why there’s an emoji chooser provided by the input method stack.

najradšej by idem pešo ale asi pôjdem električkou
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Acabei de ouvir o Tucker Carlson dizer que os furacões não têm a ver com aquecimento global, mas são consequência dos abortos, ou seja, um castigo divino.
É assim, meus amigos, que se mergulha no obscurantismo.
Começo a ficar preocupada com o que irá acontecer com a comunidade científica nos próximos anos, pois parece-me que há uma luta contra o pensamento científico com cada vez mais adeptos. E esses adeptos são violentos e opressores.

Finally got round to finishing my Lego Large Dalek design, needs a fair bit of refining, and would likely have to rework the joint, but I really like this concept ^_^
Head spins and eye goes up and down.

#DoctorWho #Lego

感谢 CDN18 的出色工作,#GoToSocial 现在有中文文档了!您可以在此处查看中文文档:…

非常感谢 CDN18

Thanks to the amazing work of CDN18, #GoToSocial now has documentation available in Chinese! You can view the Chinese documentation here:…

Thank you very much CDN18!

Religion map of Germany

(by saptadvipa_maps/instagram)

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

sa rozprávaš sám so sebou, uvedomuješ si to? nie, ja si píšem denník, šach mat

What Was The First McDonald's Happy Meal Like?…

mne môžu prednášať aj štyri Paštékové a tým by som dal do popredia že mám jej CDčko z devedesiatehodruhého aj s podpisom... a keby mi zaň niekto ponúkne 111000€ slovom stojedenácťtisíc eúr muho kľudne dám, môže si sním robiť čo chce…

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Channel 6 FM Radio Stations…

keď veľa rozprávam a púšťam hudbu pijem.. väčšinou, dal som si rum a teraz neviem, mám lieky a neviem čo mám robiť

ach ten Bitcoin budem sa opakovať ale hľadám niekoho kto ho bude za mňa, zdieľať?

zamýšľam sa nad kktinami a tvárim sa akým som múdry... úplne mimo

včera som si fotil nohy.. v noci, pamätám si to? nie.

už sa dostávam dom.. chodím pešo jak oný a preto mi všetko tak trvá

WLED Native now got entirely rid of the last proprietary components and no longer needs a separate FOSS flavor. What's more: it was just confirmed to be reproducible 🥳…

WLED - Native lets you easily and efficiently manage and control all your WLED light devices from your Android device.

#reproducibleBuilds #FOSS #IzzyOnDroid

Na Luik en Bergen krijgt Vlaanderen nu ook eindelijk een werk van Santiago Calatrava! Zie hier zijn laatste creatie voor De Lijn!

Stocard is going away (becoming Klarna). I've been using stocard without an account (ie: all local) and it's been fine. The data is all on my phone, no account in the cloud.. but they push 'promotions' and stuff.. but mostly the app does what I need with minimal intrusion.

Well - the only migration path is to get an account and move over.. yuck

I found the brilliant:

Thank you @SylvieLorxu for your amazing work!

in reply to Fred Brooker

tak Megan Fox dáš skryť a babizňu s výstrihom nie!? Vrchol... haha
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

Unified Braille, observations

Sensitive content

in reply to Marco Zehe

Unified Braille, observations
LOL. I guess I am one lucky terrible human, because we learned the most extended, oldest braille version you could think of. Guess how hard this is to find correctly working nowadays. Like, people dismiss it. Bleh.
in reply to Marco Zehe

Unified Braille, observations

Sensitive content

Coming soon, menovite zajtra (mi) bude horúco, a to aj v Nízkych Tatrách. Budem totiž rečniť ako účastník panelu s potmehúdskym názvom Nebojte sa “GRCu"!
Vidíme sa s niekym?


My wife's last name is also a man's name & it's written on our shopping bag. We moved to a small town & supermarket cashier called me by that name. I said, "No, that's my partner's name." She was supportive & not wanting to appear homophobic, I'm now the town gay man.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I hope you wrote "200" on it. The existing approximately 500 is a bad omen

Moja nová doktorka sídli v nemocnici na Kramároch, po dlhej dobe som bol u doktora kvôli chorobe (nie bitke haha vtip) a nejak to na mňa doľahlo. Neviem či som bol niekedy pred tým na Kramároch.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Nechcem byť starý a zatrpknutý, starý môžem ale nie nahnevaný na svet. Toto to vo mne zanechalo.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

A must-have #blind survival phrase list for people learning a new language:

1. I can't see the lights on the modem.
2. No, you're not walking too fast.
3. That's interesting, but I don't know your cousin's friend.

in reply to James Scholes

@cachondo My personal additions: 1. No, I don't need the elevator, the stairs / the escalator is fine. 2. I'll be happy to take your elbow, this way you're guiding me, not the other way round. 3. Learning all the numbers and the million ways some of them might be confused with others.

I released ThirdStats v1.11.1 🥳

📜 Update to Manifest v3
🎨 Color improvements
🔑 Security fixes

Full Release Notes:…

Get your own Email Stats:…

#thunderbird #email #statistics #analytics