copine : « comment je peux faire pour accéder à mes mails depuis mon client mobile ? »
moi : « on va trouver les accès imap/smtp ! » je cherche, je trouve les accès imap mais pas smtp donc on envoie un mail à la DSI de son université pour avoir le smtp

leur réponse : « Bonjour, Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas ouverte pour les étudiants, vous devez consulter régulièrement votre messagerie via l'interface web » :blob_fucking_weird_cat:

This morning, I found a bluejay feather tucked like a bookmark in the pages of red and yellow leaf litter.

That book tells the story of here, where unguessable magic drifted through time like seeds on the wind, taking root where I would find my parcel of days and sip black coffee on a muddy trail.

What can we say about a universe, ancient and vast, that populates its tiniest corners with oaks and jays, impossible bits of art hidden away in a turning gallery beneath an ocean of chance and empty dark?

What is that if not kindness?

Kindness for its own sake.

Our new ISO release is here, meet Mercury

It has been a while since we released our last ISO, Endeavour Neo, and even though this new ISO comes with many improvements and technical challenges we had to tackle, like resolving issues that came with Linux kernel 6.13, the Xfce 4.20 update, sfdisk and Calamares' kpmcore, those challenges weren't the main reason for the long hiatus between Endeavour Neo and Me…




Sensitive content

in reply to Alba 🌸


That sort of position always brings to mind Whitehead's quote on his work on mathematics:

It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in a battle — they are strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments.

(1/2) Arabic was formalized almost entirely by Persians who derived language theories to understand how Arabic works.

Two intellectual rival grammar schools developed:

* School of Basra - Accepted rational derivation of grammar + minimized exceptions
* School of Kufa - More reliant on literary evidence + allowed more exceptions

This is simplified, of course. Though they agreed on much & eventually merged, it had a profound impact on legal theory and philosophy - parallel to Aristotle vs Plato

Zotac has a plan to keep RTX 5090 and 5080 GPUs away from the clutches of scalpers – and it sounds like it might be… | Tech Radar…

Moin @Friendica Support ,

nachdem sich die Größe meiner Datenbank über Monate und Jahre hinweg im Bereich um die 2,5Gb bewegt hat, bekomme ich gerade eine Nachricht vom Uberspace, dass sie nun plötzlich auf 9Gb angewachsen ist.

Worin kann die Ursache liegen? Was ich in den vergangenen Wochen geändert habe ist
1. Ein Update auf die aktuelle Stable-Version
2. Die Aktivierung des BlueSky-Addons, von dort kommen eine Hand voll Follower, die es hier nicht gibt.
Einstellungen, beispielsweise bezüglich des Chaching von Profilbildern (=Deaktiviert) habe ich nicht verändet.

Uberspace empfiehlt den Versuch einer Freigabe ungenutzen Datenbankspeichers mittels
mysqlcheck --optimize --all-databases

Kann ich das gefahrlos tun und was kann ich noch tun?

in reply to Michael 🇺🇦

Avatare werden schon lange nicht mehr gecached, aber danke für den Hinweis.

Der Optimierungslauf zeigte zwar gefühlt bei allen Tabellen
"Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead",
aber die Größe der Datenbank hat sich trotzem von ca. 8Gb auf nun ca, 4Gb halbiert. Das ist wohl Magie.

Ich hätte erwartet, dass so eine Datenbank-Optimierung regelmäßig von selbst ausgeführt wird, wenn die entsprechende Option in den Admin-Settings gesetzt ist?

Habe vorhin in einer anderen Support-Anfrage gelesen, dass Bluesky offenbar einiges an Worker-Jobs produziert. Das wird die Datenbank sicher wachsen lassen und auch bei mir die Ursache sein.

Bluesky = tons of job in the worker queue

Hello there !Friendica Support

FIY I have enabled the Bluesky plugin to help Hank (from Relatica) diagnose some issue.

The plugin is working pretty well on 2024.12, almost too well: just a word of caution, on low end systems you may have thousands jobs piling in the worker queue.

Bluesky timeline is very chatty... also, not realtime. They do a pretty good job at showing you what look like real time interaction, the propagation delay is more like in the couple of minutes range 🤔


#TIL that #Thunderbird lets me set #filters to move an #email to a particular place *when* I archive it, rather than immediately! So I can still read the emails as they come in, and then hit "archive" to have them automagically filed away 📁️

There are other triggers too, besides "as soon as the email comes in" and "when I archive" that I haven't explored yet. Thunderbird rocks! :thunderbird: ✨️…

Any #Rust programmers working on #Win32 know of a reusable thing for waking up the Ui thread from a non-UI thread, and possibly sending a value back? Seems like that could be a tiny, reusable crate. Yes, yes, people will grouse about the proliferation of small dependencies, but that approach has its advantages, and Rust makes it pretty natural, so I'm inclined to not fight it.

Federico Mena Quintero reshared this.

This question is directed to those who are encountering unexpected page refreshes with Brave running in Windows.
Can you tell me if you're running any add-ons?
I decided to revisit this issue. I temporarily disabled two add-ons, my AccessiByeBye add-on and DuckDuckGo. It seemed that the refresh issue went away. I enabled those two add-ons and the refresh issue still seems to be gone, at least for now.

Any experience with wire-free robotic mowers, any recommendations? It's a fairly new area. We had a wire-based mower, but it was a valley of tears, so we'd like to change.

#Husquarna seems good, but expensive. #Segway has some good reviews, as does #Mammotion. #Gardena Sileno Free appeals to me because it has an extra cutting disc for trimming edges, but it's completely new on the market, so no independent reviews.

#gardening #lawnmower #lawnmowers

'He's Building a Concentration Camp': Fears Grow as Images Emerge of Offshore Prison at Gitmo

"There's no reason to build this in Guantánamo unless you want to do things you don't think you could get away with on the U.S. mainland. It's easy to put tents in Florida. But they're putting them in Cuba. Ask yourself why."…

Introducing, my new bot @transfers ( @[url=][/url] )

Using the stuff I built for the IP transfer history feature on, this bot will now post all of the new IP/ASN transfers (with a 24-48 hour delay) that the website observes, plus a rough estimate of what the market value for the IPv4 addresses are being moved around are worth

Problems with embedded videos in posts

Hello @Friendica Support

Why when I create a post and embed a video (I upload the video to my friendica storage) I always find it at the bottom of the page? I'll give you an example , I create the post like this

ABCabcAbcABC....I write something..... then I embed some videos from youtube like this,

and finally I insert the hashtags

#friendica #support #etc

I click on preview and everything is perfect , when I click on share, I publish my post, and I find the attachment of the video that I inserted at the end after the hashtags

What kind of formatting should I use? I've tried various combinations, I normally write my posts in Joplin notes, then I copy and paste. But I created this post directly "Create new Post" but nothing changes

original post


The debate around deep seabed mining has been gaining attention as concerns mount about its potential impacts on ocean ecosystems.

The ocean is host to countless species yet to be discovered, some of which could hold the key to breakthroughs in medicine, writes Elizabeth Steyn.…

Our brand's development: How we continue to spread our “Turn ON Privacy” Motto to Everybody! 💡 🔐

Learn more about our last release and why it matters for your privacy:…

#TurnOnPrivacy #PrivacyMatters #BrandDevelopment

If i can offer one piece of advice today, don't feel guilty for doing something that protects you and your mental health. I had to do this by hiding someone's posts on facebook that were constantly negative. They know what to do to help themselves, but don't. I didn't want to see it, so i hid the person. It's a bit of a tough month for me, but determined to cope the best I can.
in reply to Kay

And don't forget, that pressing the block button, or unfreidn/unfollow button, if it means good for your mental health, is also an option. IT's about you, at the end of the day and your comfort. Negativity is a part of life, but when we have to see it every hour of every day, then it becomes a bit too much in my opinion. Sure, the world isn't a fairytale you could melt into to escape reality, but our social media should be our own, safe space, and should have the things we wish to see.

On the opening day of the new GB Terminal in Amsterdam, #NS came out with a promotional video that features a lot of people pretending to be travelling.
It is probably easier to hire a lot of actors than to ask real passengers for permission.…


"For now, China has proven it can build reactors faster and more efficiently at home than any other country."…

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt The source is here. Feel free to build it with your favourite pandoc back end!

This is the first time I've used pandoc, so not sure if I need to do anything special to make it HTML.