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As I get older, I find myself listening to more LBC and reading more news emails from outlets such as 404 Media and Big Think.
Yep, that's me now in my 40's. I'm not complaining, I like having a convenient way of keeping up with the world, it's just intriguing to me how our interests and thoughts change over one's lifetime.

Wow, this sounds like a really cool library, judging by the demo. But, not cool is that “NKS support is coming”, and by then, the intro price may be no more?…
in reply to victor tsaran

They're using JUCE for their instruments. Last time I took a quick look it needed some work, didn't seem like a big control set though, might not be a huge undertaking. Maybe @FreakyFwoof knows someone in-house? Think I remember seeing him pop up in some of their promo recently.
in reply to Scott

@Scott @FreakyFwoof I just sent them a note through their support website. Yes, I remember some JUCE when I looked at their free plugins. I think Andre found someone who kindly created NKS presets for those, but I wasn’t sure about their paid products though.

Vypadá to, že Immich je pro mě náhradou Google Photos :)

#AndroidAppRain at today with 14 updated and 2 added apps:

* Paperize: wallpaper changer application with a clean design
* Simple Song Collector: gather YouTube audio tracks from your song lists in other apps

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

:potion_genderqueer: 😋 yummy :3
This entry was edited (1 month ago)


ALLEREGRETTO: When you're 16 measures into the piece and suddenly realize you started way too fast

ANGUS DEI: Play with a divinely beefy tone

A PATELLA: Accompanied by knee-slapping

APOLOGGIATURA: A short flourish you immediately regret playing

APPROXIMENTO: A musical entrance that is mostly somewhere in the vicinity of the correct pitch

DIMINNUENDO: Gradually play quieter you sexy thing

FERMANTRA: A note held over and over and over and over and...

FRUGALHORN: A sensible and inexpensive alternative to a brand name brass instrument

GREGORIAN CHAMP: The title bestowed upon the best singing monk

SPRITZICATO: Play while spitting

VIVACHU: gotta catch them all, real fast

reshared this

"This is not a bug, but a feature." -MIcrosoft.…

#github #LeaveGithubAlready

Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans 'Should Just Die' | TIME…
in reply to Simon Jaeger

uspol, ableism, grim thoughts

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Yup, you know your local sight-loss charity doesn't have anyone doing accessible tech anymore when they email a letter as a scanned PDF.
It's OK, though. They attached an 11 megabyte recording of the letter as an MP3.
All blind people do audiobooks so that's them covered! Hurray!

aaron reshared this.

Ty vole zase pijem celý deň pivo, a zadarmo.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Vidím že trolí farma nad ChatGpt funguje dobře ...😂

In case you needed further proof that the human race
is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual
label instructions on consumer goods.

On a Sear's hairdryer:
"Do not use while sleeping."
(Gee that's the only time I have to work on my hair.)

On a bag of Fritos:
"You could be a winner! No purchase necessary.
Details inside."
(The shoplifter special)

On a bar of Dial soap:
"Directions: Use like regular soap."
(And that would be how ...?)

On some Swanson frozen dinners:
"Serving suggestion: Defrost."
(But its "just" a suggestion)

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom):
"Do not turn upside down."
(Too late!)

Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding:
"Product will be hot after heating."
(As night follows day . . .)

On packaging for a Rowenta iron:
"Do not iron clothes on body."
(But wouldn't this save me more time?)

On Boot's Children Cough Medicine:
"Do not drive a car or operate machinery after
taking this medication."
(We could do a lot to reduce the rate of
construction accidents if we, could just get those
5-year-olds with head-colds off those forklifts.)

On Nytol Sleep Aid:
"Warning: May cause drowsiness."
(One would hope.)

On most brands of Christmas lights:
"For indoor or outdoor use only."
(As opposed to what?)

On a Japanese food processor:
"Not to be used for the other use."
(I gotta admit, I'm curious.)

On Sainsbury's peanuts:
"Warning: contains nuts."
(Talk about a news flash.)

On an American Airlines packet of nuts:
"Instructions: Open packet, eat nuts."
( Step 3: Fly Delta.)

On a child's superman costume:
"Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly."
(I don't blame the company. I blame parents for this

On a Swedish chainsaw:
"Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or
(Was there a lot of this happening somewhere? My

Remember: The recipe for economic growth isn’t tax cuts for the rich. It’s investment in our people — in health care, infrastructure and education — to build a strong middle class.

You don't grow the economy through trickle-down nonsense.

I'm attempted to start a petition to get DecTalk on android because I want dectalk on android! I'd use it as a daily driver if it were on android! #Paul we need you on android! Like, right now!

Samsung Galaxy Ring review: great hardware, long battery life, and requires no subscription, but it's Android only and health tracking accuracy is a mixed bag (Victoria Song/The Verge)……

Despite all my experience, I am sometimes tempted to give certain #software vendors a second chance.

And I was curious to see what the new #AppleMaps could do. Unfortunately, my trial only lasted a few seconds, because neither one of my operating systems nor the browser I use for my daily work are supported.

And so I can say: negative prejudices confirmed, I don't need something like this.

#Apple #Firefox #interoperability #Linux

This entry was edited (1 month ago)


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in reply to Matt Campbell


Sensitive content

New: a leaked document obtained by 404 Media shows that billion dollar AI video generator 'Runway' had a company-wide effort to rip off YouTube videos without permission, as well as pirated films. We've posted the full spreadsheet of training data…

I wonder if SV and adjacent industries have enough clout to literally ban the MAGA VC. After all if it is about money then that where they should be hit? Enough of the broligarchs.

Dear Fellow White People:

when you are called out for bigotry, especially by someone who is themselves Black/POC, you are being given a *gift*. it is a measure of respect and trust being extended to you in hopes that you can, and will, *do better*. it is an opportunity to reflect and learn. you will probably feel defensive in the moment, but you *must* resist the impulse to make a quick knee-jerk reply. instead, *think*:

1. what are you being told?
2. what is the context, both in this particular situation, and historically?
3. who is telling you this?
4. what experiences has that person likely had in similar situations?
5. can you do better? how?

do *not* reply until you have gone through that checklist and answered those questions for yourself, at the very least.

we can, and *must*, do better. we have so much to learn, so much to *unlearn*. all of us, every single one--and yes, that includes me.

Well, it's beena bit since we made an original post. So hi all of you wonderful fedi creatures. We've been alright in our little corner of the fediverse. Just been spending time with our partner, and lamenting the loss of our computer chair. the frame is fucked up so the casters are loose. Which means we have to operate our computer from our bed. Thank gods for wireless headphones and keyboards. -- Altheda/Lillianna

It seems to me that one of the problems of contemporary democracies is that knowledge of how the system of government works is not provided by education to the extent that it should be. When I was in secondary school in Australia, basic facts about political institutions and the views of the major political parties were taught to all of the students.
Most people, of course, weren't educated in the detailed workings of government, as I was fortunate enough to be in Law School, thanks to the excellent constitutional and administrative law courses. Also, unless you study certain humanities disciplines, you're unlikely to discover, for example, feminist theory, contemporary ethics, disability studies, critical race theory, or other socially critical, intellectual movements that have much to offer in addressing the challenges of our era.
As I remember, poststructuralist deconstruction was occasionally mentioned on Australian radio when I was growing up, for example, but, in general, unless you were connected with the right scholarly sources, you would be oblivious to what was going on in humanities scholarship from which there's so much to learn, and which can be so transformative to one's perspective - genuinely consciousness-raising, in the sense in which the term is used in feminist theory.
#politics #CivisEducation #HumanitiesScholarship

It turns out a lot of return-to-office mandates were meant to make workers quit…

Apple just released a Chromium/Safari version of Apple Maps. I wonder if they are planning on making a web version as well.

#Firefox #Mozilla #AppleMaps

I've heard it claimed that, politically at least, people tend to become more conservative as they age. I don't know whether this is empirically well supported. In any case, I've never been on the conservative side of politics, and I haven't become any more conservative over time.
I would attribute it to (1) an interest in social justice-related scholarship and social critique, which first emerged when I was a secondary school student and then flourished at university, (2) the experience of following international politics for a long time, and (3) the experience of having a disability and engaging in disability-related, technology advocacy.

That feel when you're trying to modify code from another team and REALLY want to refactor it 😞

Liberty Phone: Your privacy, your control. No backdoors, no tracking, no compromises. Pure freedom in your pocket. #LibertyPhone #Purism…

Could someone please explain what a live region is? I've heard web accessibility folks talk about them before.
in reply to The Cube!

In short it's a type of html attribute that tells a screen reader it should automatically speak that part of the page if it changes. So if you ever heard a website speak something on its own, whether useful like a status message or incoming chats, or annoying when some genious decides to put a live region on a counting down timer or some part of the page that keeps scrolling between news articles or stock prices, that was a live region.

Microsoft Authenticator is making me feel really dumb right now. When Terra used it for high school, she typed the code generated on her phone, into her computer. Now, she is supposed to type the generated code from the computer, into the phone. I don't know if we set it up the wrong way, or what, but I can't figure out how to not generate the code on the phone, but to either be able to scan the QR code on the computer, or let her type the code into the phone.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis The problem is that I need to be able to type the code on the phone that is generated on the computer at login, but when we open authenticator, there is no option for that. The codes are being generated on the phone instead. It isn't asking me to type into the phone, and I don't know how to make it do that.
in reply to Linda Coccovizzo

Bleh. I am sorry. I have no idea. I should've read better. Laughs. Maybe look on the internet and see if there are answers to that.

Spreading misinformation, a simple guide:

Make a Discord Guild and post there something you made up, possibly incredible claims without any proof.
Screenshot your own message and make sure you censored your username and profile picture.
Send the screenshot on social media with a message along the lines of "PLEASE SHARE TO PROTECT OTHERS".


Fracture Sounds have released a really beautiful upright piano library and I wrote a little track using it.…
in reply to Andre Louis

Sweet! After so many years of problems, I am finally healed enough to listen to music properly. I am excited, so I shared the excitement of being able to listen to yours as well. :)
in reply to Andre Louis

It makes me happy when people make music. As someone who didn't sing for years, because of my own issues both physical and mental, it made me appreciate those who make music more. So, yep, that's probably the least I could do.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis I have two spotify profiles, one as 'Andre Louis' and one as 'Onj' which is the name I use when collaborating with other artists.
in reply to Andre Louis

Ah, nice! I also followed you. Woopsies, there is no way to accept requests from blue.

I wonder if #blind and low-vision nerds like me are getting too comfortable in our nerdy social media bubble here on the fediverse. I blithely ignored tiktok from the beginning, and once a lot of us moved from Twitter to the fediverse en masse, I was proud to not be active on any of the corporate-owned social media platforms. But it now seems to me that we're missing out on some important discourse, particularly from other marginalized communities, by staying in our bubble.

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Matt Campbell

you don’t wanna be on TikTok. They discriminate. That’s how I lost my account.

The moon appeared inside the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower, in breach of the Olympic Brand Guide.

Rust 1.80.0 is now available! 🦀🌈

This release brings you LazyCell, LazyLock, checked cfg names & values, exclusive ranges in patterns, IntoIterator for Box<[T]>, Option::take_if, split_at_checked, and more! ✨

Check out the announcement and release notes:…

FYI Informed consent is an essential component of health care.

If you do NOT speak French and/or are NOT otherwise fluent in French, you cannot give informed consent in French. FULL STOP.


#assnat #polQC #languagepolice #caqastrophe #fuckthecaq #polcan #cdnpoli #healthcanada #informedconsent

Question for #blind folks: How accessible is #TikTok now, on any platform?
in reply to Matt Campbell

Its okay, but nothing more. Some things are still weird labeled, and I wouldn't say its anyhow fun to use the app with voice over, but if you turn it off for scralling and use double tabs for liking its all right. Depends what you want to do. Speaking of IOS btw.
in reply to Matt Campbell

i'm able to use it on android. streaming live, beeing a guest in other's live, like, and comment. i'm not sure why others are finding it difficult. as long as you will label the buttons, it's good