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Pretty handy feature - my previous phone case didn't offer to suck as much as this one appears to.
in reply to Ross of Ottawa

I'm the only one in our household using a folding case. The flick of my wrist to flop the magnet closed and the accompanying click has become a bit of a signature!
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Ha! Gives the satisfying tactile click. Good chief inspector from Scotland Yard vibe.

#Anthrax - Antisocial (Official Video) - YouTube…

Amri star !!!!


In July, #LibreOffice's Design community worked on mockups for a peer-to-peer collaboration feature. We also had updates to the software, a preview of the next major release, and more:… #foss #opensource

LibreOffice reshared this.

in reply to LibreOffice

hi, it is only a design feature ? Yet not at all a in-real time collaboration ? 😬

The second day of DebConf24 has ended, we start again tomorrow, Tuesday 30, August at 10:00 KST (01:00 UTC). The schedule for the day will be… Thank you to all our contributors, viewers, and to our Debconf Video team! See you tomorrow!… #debian

After someone crossed wires in my local exchange recently, connecting me to a line that had sync but no dialtone or IP, and an Openreach engineer fixed it, I have the highest connection rate I've ever had living in this house. Currently been synced this high for 46 hours, so it's quite impressive. Hope it lasts.

Connection Speed (Kbps)
Line Attenuation (dB)
DS1:10.1 DS2:23.6 DS3:35.5
US0:5.1 US1:19.3 US2:28.6
Noise Margin (dB)
DS1:6.0 DS2:5.8 DS3:5.8
US0:14.7 US1:9.5 US2:9.0

Unknown parent

Andre Louis
@Brandon_h @cachondo Funny, I used to use my phone via IRdA and have better luck than a modem in a lot of cases.
Unknown parent

Sean Randall
@Brandon_h the irony is, of course, that your fingers could block data. So touching it was a bad move. Similarly to how picking up the phone to talk to someone would discrupt the data streaming down the phone line, come to think of it. They have it right when they say that observing the data changes the data, I guess. Who new that quantum mechanics could be so real?!

Vedel by som si predstaviť sa opaľovať pri behaní.

Hello, Mastodon. I have news for you today.…

in reply to Scalzi

'And friend?' Great alt text on that photo. ;) Congrats on the deal, glad to know there'll be more coming for years yet!

🚀 Finished "Lake of Darkness" by Adam Roberts! 🌌 What a thrilling journey! Imagine 2 trillion humans across the Milky Way with FTL travel, yet no other intelligent life. 🧠📚 The mix of sci-fi, philosophy, and psychology was captivating. Highly recommend for deep thinkers! 💫✨ #SciFi #BookReview #Philosophy #Psychology #AdamRoberts #LakeOfDarkness #MustRead 📖🔭
in reply to Charlotte Joanne

I wish I could sit and do audiobooks, but I find I fall asleep unless I actually read them myself nowadays. Geting old!

I find it extremely fascinating to read about features and functionalities that old technology made possible, but that new technology does not.

Technology marches forward, most things only get better and better, but progress always involves tradeofs, and tradeoffs make some features impossible to implement. The telecommunications industry is particularly prone to this problem.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

I was gutted for years after switching away from audio tapes that CD's, and then the majority of modern software players, didn't keep your place in a file.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo That's a good example I haven't thought of, but it definitely fits the pattern.

I send voice notes of my farts to my girlfriend via whatsapp. She rates them out of 5. Its a great laugh and I've built quite the catalogue. Only problem is, I think she now subliminally associates my profile photo with farts, as every day she sees my face making fart noises.

De-Googling your life is easy – here’s how! 🤩

Say no to Google’s surveillance and privacy-invading tactics by going Google free. 🙅‍♀️

#Degoogle #DeGoogling #StopGoogle #Gmail #Betterapps #Privacy #surveillance

in reply to Tuta

wouldn't use the word "easy" to install lineage, but still think it's worth it
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to kavah

@Kavah Agreed, will keep this in mind for when we post this again. 😂
in reply to Tuta

nice. But you also need to add the much better Google Docs/Apps/Drive or MSO 365 & OneDrive replacements: NextCloud and OnlyOffice. Quite compelling in my experience.

in reply to Sean Randall

So did you end up getting that book? If so, in what format? Doesn't seem to be available as an audiobook.
in reply to Sean Randall

I wish I'd found this quote sooner. Mark Haddon called it "The bastard love child of The Matrix, Jaws and The Da Vinci Code.
Very entertaining."
All the more interested in reading it now!

I was nominated for the #Microsoft MVP program, but even though I am the main author of #curl that ships with #Windows since many years now, I barely know any "Microsoft technology" so I could not fill in the form without taking some... eh, "liberties".

I'm pretty confident they will just discard it and I will not be sorry.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

the main reason why the form is are asking you this is so the program team can map you to a specific product group.
The different product groups have more or less involvement with the MSMVPs. That impacts anything from how much they communicate/take input from the group, to events, swag etc...
It'd be interesting for you to know who nominated you, a product group specifically, in which case I doubt they'll look at the answer, or somebody from the community.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

(it wasn’t me! If you ever need to get through to other MS folks, feel free to ping me though!)

Peacock streaming for the Olympics is so worth $8. I love seeing equestrian races at the Palace of Versailles.
in reply to matt clark

It's only £4 for the month here, if we want to watch more than the 2 streams the BBC are legally able to show. Being able to select any individual event is pretty neat.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I’m also loving how France is repurposing its existing buildings from the last 400 years. There’s a certain je ne sais quoi to guillotining the king, taking the palace, and then running the Olympic Games there. Vive la France!

staring at some code that has a global variable that is passed to a function and in the function definition they use the same name for it

I know you can, but please don't

in reply to Simon Jaeger

I'm now in it, I forgot I need a separate phone and PC account, lol.

Ja som normálne taký unavený že v električke zaspávam a ťažko sa mi drží polliter... to mám z tej tácky kurva. :kekw:
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Možnosť je že aj z toľkých pollitrov... jedno s druhým asi.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

To Recap:

Russia: Invades, bombs, & kills Ukrainian civilians
•NOT banned from Olympics

Israel: Commits war crimes & genocide against Palestinian civilians
•NOT banned from Olympics

Muslim women: Wears hijab as a personal choice, harms no one
•BANNED from the Olympics

Apparently women’s self autonomy is more dangerous than war criminals.😐

“Intone the computations? Why?”

“I've wondered that myself. Never had the nerve to ask them.”

— Adric and the Doctor, in “Logopolis”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

This, @EUCommission , would be a fantastic opportunity to ditch Microsoft altogether and embrace some European-maintained open source solution instead for your 40K employees. The EU government depending on non-EU infrastructure is not good for strategic autonomy – and that's on top on digital surveillance by American tech corps being against our data protection laws.…

Tell me you’re a US developer without telling me you’re a US developer.
in reply to Hylke 🍵

@hbons one time I encountered a credit card payment form that insisted adamantly the ZIP code was mandatory

After a bit of searching I found out there's a "magic" ZIP code that means "elsewhere not in the US" that they're supposed to accept (it might be 99999).

Still extra silly though.

in reply to Renato Ramonda

that’s gas stations in (US of) America.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub why would it need anything beyond the card (and possibly PIN if they've been updated to the current century)
in reply to Renato Ramonda

US cards don't use PIN. The US banking industry declared their customers too stupid to remember a PIN.

Note that last time I encountered this was in 2018 as I haven't driven south of the wall since.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub they USED to not have a PIN. As mentioned else thread, in recent years the CC circuits have started a "forced" upgrade campaign: in case of fraud (and it's extremely easy with mag band and no PIN) the retailer is not covered by insurance and is responsible out of pocket.

This is making a lot of them upgrade.

But of course there's a giant inertia (and backlog).

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub @renatoram my bank offered me the option of setting a PIN for my new credit cards. But with 1 exception, I've never used it.

Cards don't just get a PIN code, they also have a priority which can be "use PIN always" / "use PIN only in unattended POS" / various. The bank set mine to "Unattended" which means I can use it to buy things at automated kiosks (like for a train ticket). But if I go to a checkout counter with a clerk, the PIN *cannot* be used, and a signature is required instead.

Jedes mal wenn ich im Wald war und die Ruhe, das rauschen der Blätter, die Geräusche der Tiere und den Frieden dort erlebt habe frage ich mich, warum uns der Schutz unserer Natur und Umwelt nicht sooooo viel mehr wert ist. #oneLeahADay

Unfortunately I can't listen to the Solstice School thing today because my browser in unsupported.

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 29. Juli, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Hola a todxs, me presento con #introduccion. Soy Valemaru, chilena de 25 años, licenciada en Arqueología y acabo de descubrir Mastodon como herramienta libre. Estoy recién conociendo la plataforma, pero me interesa crear redes con personas que compartan mis intereses. Mis juegos favs son Sekiro, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, TES: Skyrim, Shadow of the Colossus ❤, Banjo Kazooie, Half Life 2, Disco Elysium :) Por el momento solo compartiré eso, ya que estoy explorando aún en la plataforma. Saludos!

Team GB's 5th medal so far, fantastic diving. Noah Williams' must be so made-up to be a part of this after London 2012.
Brilliant #olympics

Luego que por qué modero los mensajes de los novatos de la lista por defecto: En las normas tengo puesta la prohibición de solicitar o enviar material ilegal por la lista. No va uno de los novatos y me pide un crack por la dirección de administración?

Good morning well still testing positive for Covid it is a really long time now I am on day 11
in reply to Derry Lawlor

blimey derry, keep drinking!
"Good beer nourishes and strengthens. It flushes the system of waste. If people generally would drink more beer and use less medicine and drugs the world would be happier for it."
--Evening Bulletin, November 20, 1911.

Attitudes might have changed a bit since then but a couple of pints won't hurt you I'm sure! :)

Take care o yourself my friend.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yes when I just got Covid I lost 3 days of drinking nothing I do will help me catch up. I have tried. smiles.

Earpiece Mode in Jieshuo Screen Reader…
in reply to Accessible Android

How do we submit suggestions? If actions were more widely supported and braille keyboards such as the orbit writer were supported i might look at it.
in reply to Dennis long

@Dennislong82 You can email the developer. The email is provided in the Jieshuo Settings window.
And it's assumed that Orbit Writer should work, because it is a keyboard not a Braille display. Action support is also up to app developers, and more apps with actions are released or updated.

Tell us! How did you discover #LibreOffice? (If you have another answer, please reply and let us know 😊)

  • From friends/family/colleagues (15%, 126 votes)
  • From a tech website/mag/video (36%, 292 votes)
  • Got it with a Linux distro (47%, 382 votes)
  • Someone else installed it (0%, 7 votes)
807 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to LibreOffice

I discovered Open Office in school then at college a friend introduced me to Linux and Libre Office 😃

Mumbles something about some kernel projects suddenly becoming not reproducible, using broken #makefile based setups, also offering #meson, but that being broken (and leading to differing output!!), too.

I'm quite tired of these types of untested projects, without any CI. Maintainers pointing contributors to their 10 step "easy to follow" mail based workflow isn't helping either I guess 🙄

I have less and less energy packaging stuff like that.

#ArchLinux #PackagerLife

in reply to Emil Velikov

@xexaxo Well, I work with a bunch of kernel projects and (help) package some of them in buildroot. Without knowing what David is talking about I don't know if I have maybe some input here. 🤔

So knowing what we are actually talking about seems a lot more productive than "some projects have questionable release engineering practices" IMO.

in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

@Bubu asking in private seems reasonable IMHO.

As a person also involved in a few, that's what I did 😉

Pissed in the garden one night, didn't want to wake up my wife & daughter. Next day she came home from school with a picture she drew of "daddy going wee in garden last night". Turns out she was awake & gazing out the window. Had to explain I was watering the plants with a hose.