There are some amazing people who provide all kinds of support about Thunderbird, whether it's here or in our official Mozilla Support (SUMO) site! If you've ever wondered how to get involved there, or are just curious how it works, our most recent Office Hours shows you the ins and outs of tackling community questions. You don't need a cape to be a Thunderbird superhero (also, no capes!), just skill, knowledge, and time!…
#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community
VIDEO: How to Answer Thunderbird Questions on Mozilla Support
In this first of a two-part series, the Thunderbird Team discusses how to get involved with providing Thunderbird support.Monica Ayhens-Madon (The Thunderbird Blog)
Agree! BTW, it’s a much-discussed issue and the solutions are on the way!…
#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 4 updated and 2 added apps:
* Volume Percent Calculator: Calculate alcohol mass, content and volume in drinks
* Passwords to remember: Generates human speakable and readable passwords
Both apps have #reproducibleBuilds 🥳
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with F-Droid. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
For users of Slack on iOS, the latest version provides a bug fix for VoiceOver users. From the release notes:
What’s New
Version History
Aug 21, 2024 Version 24.08.30
Bug Fixes
• Fixed: With VoiceOver enabled, some DMs simply would not open, no matter how much double-tapping you did. VoiceOver was built for increased accessibility, not to make messages literally inaccessible. Our sincere apologies.
I'm so excited to be going to the matrix conference in Berlin in 3 weeks. Me, Jan and @CvG6666 are going to the conference on behalf of @fairkom to meet the community, be part of this rich exchange and also hopefully showcase some of our undertakings.
We're hoping to make new friends and learn about interesting new projects related to the matrix eco system.
We are a bit jealous that we can't all come along! But with you guys we are very well represented and are happy that @fairkom can also be there. we are very excited to hear what you will report!
Here's the schedule:
The Matrix Conference is coming to Berlin, Germany on September 19–22,…
#MadeInUSA #OpenSource #GovTech
Flipping the Script: Exploring New Paradigms in Secure Mobile Computing – Purism
Purism makes premium phones, laptops, mini PCs and servers running free software on PureOS. Purism products respect people's privacy and freedom while protecting their security.Purism SPC
‼️Hey!! Tusky 26.1 is out!!!! 🎉🎉
We have fixed some issues 👇
- Fixed a bug where Tusky sometimes mixes up timelines and/or notifications of accounts ✅
- Fixed two bugs where Tusky would not provide the translation option even the server is configured correctly ✅
- Fixed a rare bug that sometimes made Tusky crash at startup ✅
- Fixed a bug where the timeline would randomly jump to the position of the last "show more" placeholder clicked on "oldest first" reading order ✅
And added new things 👇
Have you shared or joined our #SupportOutreachy campaign yet?
Outreachy is calling out for your help. You can donate as an individual or ask your employer to sponsor us as an organization.
You can also support us by joining our #SupportOutreachy campaign.
Help us keep the Outreachy work and impact going.
Outreachy needs you!
Read our blog post and learn how you can contribute:…
Outreachy | Internships Supporting Diversity in Tech
An internship program that supports diversity in free and open source software. Learn more by visiting our website!
Image recognition apps for the blind should do an OCR pass on the image first, and include any text found in the prompt. The LLM should be told not to do its own OCR and to rely on the text provided.
LLMs are notoriously bad at OCR, particularly for non-English languages. To make things worse, unlike normal OCR engines, their badness doesn't result in typos and garbled text, but in perfectly understandable and grammatically valid text that says something very different than what's actually included in the image.
An OCR pass should help "ground" the LLMs here.
@jcsteh @vick21 1. Do OCR. Tesseract or whatever, there are good models aplenty.
2. Dear LLM, please describe this image. Do not try to perform text recognition, assume that the text provided below is correct and complete, except for possible typos.
You could also use this technique when finetuning, giving it images with lots of foreign-language text, but with the correct text already provided in the prompt.
J'ai passé 4 jours à retoucher 3 photos que j'ai prises de ma tante harpiste qui va bientôt mourir.
Elle voulait des 4x6", alors je suis allé chez #JeanCoutu pour les faire imprimer au comptoir… pur désastre.
Même si je prépare du ratio 6x4 « au pixel près », leur équipement crop quand même, et ajoute de la grosse compression JPEG low-bitrate (alors que j'avais apporté des PNG); couleurs faussées, perte de détails partout.
Suggestions pour un bon service d'impression #photographie au #Québec?
It's time for the job hunt again. If you've been enjoying my posts now's your chance to see how I work!
If anyone has NY-based or remote #UX or #ProductManagement roles at the Lead/Manager/Director level, please sent them my way!
And if not - I'd still appreciate the signal boost.
Anti-nuclear activists, and a minority of the population, including many 'progressives', dismiss the best solution to climate change out of hand.
Universal, Fuzzy Door Team For 'Dungeon Crawler Carl' Series
Universal International Studios (UIS) and Seth MacFarlane's Fuzzy Door will develop a TV adaptation of Matt Dinniman's novel Dungeon Crawler Carl.Jesse Whittock (Deadline)
@jackf723 That's good to know. I've had mine for four years by now and I've done that quite a few times, haven't noticed a difference yet.
I feel like they'll physically disintegrate before the battery becomes an issue, they've already started doing that.
I'm not too mad though, I use them very heavily and have gotten a ton of mileage out of them.
Viele meiner Patientinnen notieren ihren Zyklus im Kalender. Manche benutzen auch Apps.
Falls ich dafür auch eine App benutzen wollt, empfehle ich euch dringend keine aus dem GooglePlayStore, denn die enthalten alle Tracker und sind unzuverlässig. Außerdem wollen wir unsere intimen Gesundheitsdaten nicht durch die Welt posaunen.
Also, falls ich eine App dazu benutzen möchtet, kann ich "Drip" aus dem F-Droid Store empfehlen.
F-Droid Store:…
Drip bei Mastodon:
P.S. Falls ihr generelle Fragen zum F-Droid Store habt:…
Oder mich fragen.
#frauen #periode #zyklus #menstruation #fdroid #dripapp
F-Droid: So installieren Sie den App-Store (Android)
Sie möchten F-Droid ausprobieren? Wir zeigen in einer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung mit Screenshots, wie man den App-Store herunterlädt und auf dem Smartphone einrichtet.Inga Pöting (
Welcome to the RB family, PhantomProcessesSavior 🤩 After we figured what JDK was used, and with some help concerning a missing dependency, we finally made it:…
(xposed module to keep Android 12 from killing subprocesses)
As I rework my Emacs configuration, I am reminded once again of the many reasons why I like Emacs. Currently, I especially appreciate the quality of the documentation (available not only for Emacs but also for many established packages).
Importantly, the keyboard interaction is the primary and expected means of using the application, not an afterthought to pointer-based graphical input. The documentation reflects this priority, as does the design of the software.
There are no compromises made in the flexibility and efficacy of features to cater to non-technical users of software - people who don't know basic programming concepts and who don't enjoy learning to use powerful, complex tools. This focus is liberating. Efficiency of interaction for the experienced user is a priority.
Emacs has been evolving for decades, and it remains as relevant now as it ever was. I first learned to use it in the mid 1990s, and that investment has more than been repaid. If you're going to learn to use software well, it's advantageous to choose tools that are likely to remain relevant and useful over the long run. The UNIX shell and utilities, Emacs, Vi, LaTeX and Git, among others, have all been in this category for me.
#Emacs #Linux
For the hard of thinking at the back, let's be completely clear on this, "Carbon Credits" are just another form of Greenwash. Once we accept that and stop trying to continue using fossil carbon, we can finally start thinking about real solutions to the Climate Crisis.
No amount of magical thinking is going to get us out of the Climate Crisis, until we fully accept that extraction and use of fossil carbon is the problem, and we have to stop using it now. Not is 20 or 30 years time but NOW!
Garrett: What is an SBAT and why does everyone suddenly care
What are the most common languages spoken by fediverse users? My (biased) view is that they are:
In that order. But, how could such a survey be done? A random sample? Do you see a very different set of languages on a regular basis?
Free DNS hosting, Cloud DNS hosting and Domain names | ClouDNS
ClouDNS provides Free DNS, Cloud DNS, Managed DNS, GeoDNS and DDoS Protected DNS hosting with included web redirects, mail forwards and Round-Robin load balancing. Instant updates in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia.ClouDNS
Ludovic :Firefox: :FreeBSD:
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox • • •