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Who Could Ever Love You by Mary Trump review – family burn book dishes on Donald | Autobiography and memoir | The Guardian…

#writefreely is connected to the #FediVerse, but it seems, for now only in one direction?

I can follow writefreely blogs and have the posts in the FediVerse timeline. But comments from the FediVerse are not shown on the writefreeely blog website.

Are there plans to implement it, ?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

An article just went up on Eurogamer talking about the Periphery Synthetic game and the state of game accessibility for both blind gamers and blind developers. It features comments from many respected blind consultants and developers including @talon, @shaysters and yours truely. I think it's totally worth a read because it covers the topic from multiple angles very well… #GameAccessibility #GameDev #IndieDev

Talon reshared this.

in reply to Pitermach

Glad to see Periphery Synthetic getting some love in the press.
in reply to Orinks

@Orinks I just wish I could figure it out. I really wish there was a sound guide to understand the different sounds. I want so much to get into this because it is such a chill thing.
in reply to Sarah Russell

@blindbat84 @Orinks What I would suggest you do to start with is go into the settings and turn down the music a bit at least to start. It’s really pretty and dynamic changing based on where you are but it can make things more confusing. Then, just keep doing the area scan which will reveal any materials you can collect with pings followed by a continuous sound that you can just center and move toward. After you collect a material, rinse and repeat. Eventually this will let you upgrade parts of the suit to let you drive around and eventually also fly. The other sounds you hear when you scan is a continuous rhythmic beeping for your next destination of interest which might be more prceptions you can read or a portal to the next world, and the other sounds you hear that quickly change in pitch is the terrain shape around you. So if you hear the scanner make very high pitched humming that tells you there are hills you might need to jump up to climb, while if you hear lower descending sounds that tells you there are valleys. @bscross32 did a short gameplay recording that demonstrates a lot of this in practice though his suit is already upgraded a bit which yours won’t be at first.…

Kennt sich jemand mit #Infrarotheizung en aus? Mich würde interessieren, wie viel Leistung man für ca. 20 m^2 braucht. Auch interessant fände ich mögliche Integration in #HomeAssistant

Bitte nur eigene Erfahrungen, danke.



If you know it's a phishing email, why is it showing up in my inbox?

in reply to dwc (inactive)

Thanks for reporting, it shouldn't. I will inform the responsible team.

Seeing people installing Haiku on a single core CPU....

FFS in 1995 the OS this is based on what meant to run on multiples CPU which a multi-core CPU is.

Having an absolutely amazing time in Ottawa. Heard some awesome music and spent time with great friends. We are heading back home tomorrow. Today, we are just hanging around our place. Went to a farmers market this morning and picked up some Wagyu beef steaks for dinner.

Alternative app stores will be allowed on Apple iPad in the EU from September 16

I released #GNOME #Calls 47.0 yesterday 🚀 \o/

This is the first release running #gtk4 and #libadwaita

Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed code, translations and bug reports!

Find the release notes at…

And of course, it has already been uploaded to :debian: 🎉

#LinuxMobile #phosh #Debian #Mobian #Librem5

ATTENTION ALL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCHERS: workshop series to integrate disability theory into your research agendas and protocols. If you study technology and disability, this workshop series is for you.

Find details and registration at

#HCI #DisabilityJustice #Research

Objednal som si zapekané hranolky a nejaké pivo. Taký nejaký som bez emócií. Dám prať ešte práčku nech zajtra nič také nemusím.

Nevím, zda je to k smíchu nebo k pláči, ale mě osobně to pobavilo. 😂…

in reply to brabitom

všichni mladí mají deprese a nechce se jim pracovat 😂

Listening to my mom rant cause she’s upset at her dogs…

“No! N! O!”

I just started laughing when she spelled for the dog to understand better.

September 15: 40 minutes delay so far. Time to bet on whether the train even shows up or whether they just say "screw it" and cancel it altogether.
Not that it helps me be any less stuck here for the next half hour, mind you.

Können wir bitte bei der nächsten Bundestagswahl diesen Mann ins Kanzleramt wählen? Robert Habeck bringt mal wieder das Statement, das ich mir sehnlichst vom Kanzler gewünscht hätte.

Leider hab ich das komplett nur auf Instagram gefunden.…

#Hochwasser #Habeck

*open fedi*
there are people arguing about operating systems
*close fedi*

some people need to look up what "practicality" means. You can use things outside of what the "this is literally the best thing ever" people endorse. Or go a step further and embrace it like I do! C++ and Zig (not memory safe!), JS (clown language!), an iPhone (Apple fucking sucks!), GNOME (ew it looks so modern!). Jeez...

in reply to Linus

I'll let you use Rust, a desktop environment that looks like it's from 20 years ago, and a phone where you compiled the kernel yourself. It doesn't matter. Just stop shitting on things people enjoy okay?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I have played a little bit with OpenAI's new iteration of #GPT, GPT-o1, which performs an initial reasoning step before running the LLM. It is certainly a more capable tool than previous iterations, though still struggling with the most advanced research mathematical tasks.

Here are some concrete experiments (with a prototype version of the model that I was granted access to). In… I repeated an experiment from… in which I asked GPT to answer a vaguely worded mathematical query which could be solved by identifying a suitable theorem (Cramer's theorem) from the literature. Previously, GPT was able to mention some relevant concepts but the details were hallucinated nonsense. This time around, Cramer's theorem was identified and a perfectly satisfactory answer was given. (1/3)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Breaking: For the first time in this election season, Donald Trump has succeeded in writing a post which contains no lies.
in reply to Randahl Fink

Well, it's an image with no description, so of course it contains no lies :)

If it ever enters your head to get between a leopard and his food...this growl might possibly persuade you to reconsider that notion! @Estrella
in reply to Matthew J

Aww they sound so cute. Probably extremely dangerous, but still cute.

You should always want your tools to be better, and taking an uncreative view of the possibilities of software tools locks us into a culture where we blame people for their natural limitations instead of questioning whether our tools could make the experience both less error-prone and more enjoyable
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Looks like all my USB charging problems are the laptop. FUCK.

Also it start being sluggish when I lose power.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Maybe I should get a replacement psu with a jack…. The Dell shit that died less than 2 years in….
in reply to Hubert Figuière

ThinkPad next but I ordered an APC Easy-UPS BV - BV1000I-GR recently and everything is wonderful even if the rest of the city goes bananas ... just saying 😇
in reply to Andrea Giammarchi

lt's not about losing power at home. It's about the shitty USB-C that lose the power at the laptop. It's the fucking laptop. 7 year old laptop. But I have been using the USB-C since the Dell jack AC adapter died (XPS13).
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

I had XPS then bought a ThinkPad and never looked back. It’s not even a competition, ThinkPad is the laptop to use with Linux to me and all it does usually works out of the box.
in reply to Andrea Giammarchi

@webreflection I had Thinkpads before that but I got the Dell when Lenovo didn't want to take my money. Really until this one dies I have no incentive to replace it. And I dread that time.

And yes I'm not convinced I should buy a Dell again. Because they are definitely one of the worst customer support I encountered.

Robert Habeck, Bundeswirtschaftsminister: "Es gibt keinen Kollegen, der soviel um Unterstützung bittet, wie Hubert Aiwanger."

Und Robert Habeck antwortet immer. Anscheinend braucht Aiwanger jemanden, der ihm erklärt, wie Wirtschaftspolitik funktioniert!

#Grüne #GrüneHadern #HubertAiwanger #Aiwanger #RobertHabeck

Neviem, možno sa presťahujem. Neviem ale budem možno švorc potom. :kekw:
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Myslím že by to všetkému ale prospelo i keď v pláne to bolo až minulý rok.

key rebinding programs should not do "press the key you want to bind to this action" bro how do you expect me to press the f23 i want to bind to you

Proc radi platime poplatek za rozhlas a televizi? Treba kvuli CT24
Unknown parent

Znám rozdíl mezi státní a veřejnoprávní. 🙂Nicméně i veřejnoprávní medium může být financováno z daní a přitom plnit svoji roli. Výši poplatku u nás tuším stanovuje parlament. Proč tedy koncesionářský poplatek, když se mu stejně nemůžu vyhnout (podobně jako daním) a na jeho výši má vliv parlament (jako v případě daní)? Jen další administrativa s jeho výběrem, z daní by to byla jen milionprvní škatulka, kam se peníze přesunou. 😁 Neznám legální způsob, jak neplatit. 😉
@PodolnikSr @archos
Unknown parent

Já toto vše znám. Neřeším, zda platit nebo neplatit, já platit musím a platím. Jen, v tomto případě, nevidím rozdíl, zda jde platba zákonem přímo z rozpočtu (pokud je např. stanovena fixně na základě, řekněme, sčítání obyvatel) nebo zákonem formou poplatků, jejichž výši stanovují opět politici. Je to tedy skutečně finanční nezávislost?
@PodolnikSr @archos Pro místní experty co říkají že je to jen voda. Na Jesenicku padají domy, spousta měst se evakuuje, ale ono se vlastně nic nestalo :D #CzechRepublic

in reply to Archos

Ach jo. Je aspoň trochu čiperná? (Jen si tak zkouším představit, že nějak evakuujeme naši babičku.)

Ať je to dobré!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jan

Ano je, je jí 90 a je to čiperka. Až neskutečný v takovém věku. Už je na penzionu v Přerově
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Vosotros que visibilidad soleis ponerle a vuestros tooths? La verdad es que yo eso ni lo tocaba pero parece que es muy serio... sin listar? Encima es que al menos con la app que uso no encuentro la forma de ver la visibilidad de un tooth ya publicado, y menos cambiarla 😂
in reply to Logard

Por lo general pública, en los hilos y respuestas no listado, si es algo muy espinoso solo para seguidores, y si es un directo, pues directo.

:boost_request: asking again because it kinda got lost in the sea of posts I threw into the fediverse:

can anyone recommend some material when it comes to learning Polish? (both in terms of typical learning material you'd find, and (especially!) also in terms of media to consume that is in that language)

#Glocken online - Schönes Projekt!

Leider fehlt mir die Freiheit, es uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen, solange keine trackingfreien Dienste, wenigstens alternativ wie z.B. #OpenStreetMap oder #PeerTube, verwendet werden.
Schade, dass es auf Nachfrage so gar keine Reaktion gibt.

#RespektDerDigitalenPrivatsphäre, besonders bei Projekten mit Jugendlichen.

#digitaleKirche #FediKirche #OSM #selbstbestimmtDigital

Skvělé, Vodafone vám vymění eSIM kartu jen jednou za den, ale to se dozvíte až v momentě, kdy je eSIM karta z druhého zařízení odebraná 🙄
in reply to Martin Bodlák 💙💛

@babaq těžko říct, ale vůbec by mě nepřekvapilo, kdyby za vytvoření každé eSIM platili licenční poplatky - ostatně ta infrastruktura pro eSIM je společná pro všechny operátory.

Jako mnohem horší problém se ale jeví, že Vodafoní samoobsluha vyžaduje dvoufaktorové ověření pomocí SMS zaslané právě na SIM kartu, která neexistuje.

My generation 3 Sims are getting ready to pass on soon, so here's them spending time together through the years.
in reply to Chris 🌱

They didn't know each other for as long as my Gen 2 sims did, and they didn't always have a perfect marriage (the Prom incident was them), but they made it through. They were the first set of parents to have multiple children in my main legacy family, and they did an amazing job raising their kids while being very accomplished in their careers. They were also wonderful grandparents.
in reply to Chris 🌱

they look so in love! I never though Sims characters could live that long, now I know they can even have long and prosper life.

Thanks for sharing.

Das Kontaktsemester geht zu Ende

Es war eine gute Zeit, und nun geht sie zu Ende. Morgen ist mein letzter Tag im Kontaktsemester. Ich will ihn nutzen, um schon mal einen Überblick zu bekommen, was danach dienstlich alles auf mich zukommt. Also ist es inoffiziell irgendwie auch schon der erste Tag wieder im Dienst.

Ein Bericht ist geschrieben, ein paar Vorhaben habe ich formuliert, vom frischen Wind in meinem Kopf werde ich hoffentlich eine Weile profitieren. Ich freue mich auf den Wiedereinstieg in die Gemeinde, auf die Menschen, auf die neue Gruppe der Konfirmand*innen, mit denen wir bald starten werden, auf die schönen Gottesdienste in der Predigerkirche und darauf, selbst wieder welche zu halten... Noch immer beschäftigt mich vieles, was ich in den letzten drei Monaten (vor allem in Bradford) erlebt, gefühlt oder gedacht habe. Vielleicht wird manches davon weitergehen.

Diesen Blog schließe ich nun erst einmal wieder. Es ist der zweite auf dieser Plattform nach den Advent-Gedanken vom letzten Jahr. Der nächste kommt sicher irgendwann, wenn es sich anbietet. Macht's gut und bleibt behütet.

I love toolbox reliability:

>>> Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated: 48ea7729665cea44a1e7755055eadc30f46cd23ddf4a75d6352374f8be021dd801f610bcfa73231edf41425346
>>> Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were triedFailed to download metadata (metalink: "…") for repository "fedora"
Librepo error: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Here goes my attempt to build something for which Fedora 40 is too old.

Remember, developer experience include how easy it is to build your shit.

Je to strašně zvláštní pocit, číst co se teď u vás děje.
Člověk tak strávil 40 let, čte o místech kde žil, která zná a vidí tu zkázu.
A zatím u toho sedí na sluníčku na zahradě...
Divně mi je
in reply to Archos

@archos zrovna na to koukám. Videt ta místa, kam člověk jezdil, jasně hodně se to za ty roky změnilo, ale stejně ta místa poznaváš. A kolem voda...
in reply to Ivan Stloukal

Je to úplně šílený, no snad tam budou všichni v pořádku.🙏🏼