doing the last prep for next week's Design Systems Week!
There are a few online talks in English, free to join for all:… (the awesome @gerireid, @stevenjmesser, @mgifford, Amy Cole and Gert Hengeveld)
Also if you're in NL and want to hang out with the NL Design System community, there's an in person social event on Friday afternoon, let me know if you need the signup link for that. :bitterbal:
Katarina Mahdalova…
Analýza digitalizace stavebního řízení (DSŘ), kterou svět neviděl, ale kterou teď celý týden žilo české X, se objeví zde už zítra aktualizovaná o nejnovější data.
Tato data ukazují, že problémy s DSŘ byly pro premiéra Fialu jen zástupný důvod k vyhazovu ministra Bartoše, a tedy i Pirátů z vlády.
Tuto analýzu jsme původně připravovali pro Seznam Zprávy. Ty ji odmítly publikovat, což způsobilo nečekanou vlnu reakcí. A zdaleka nešlo jen o náš okamžitý nedobrovolný rozchod s redakcí.
Majitel Seznamu I. Lukačovič se otevřeně a vědomě pustil do politiky. A zahrál si se svým médiem “na Babiše”, když veřejně hodnotil naši nepublikovanou analýzu. Obavy pana Lukačoviče, aby se k lidem nedostala informace, že DSŘ zase tak závažný problém nepředstavuje, otevřely nové kolo otázek o budoucnosti české nezávislé žurnalistiky.
Stojíme o vaši podporu!
Pokud vy stojíte o to, aby kvalitní nezávislá žurnalistika založená na datech mohla pokračovat, predplaťte si naše analýzy. Abychom mohli popisovat skutečnost, jaká je. Ať to premiér, vlastník velkých médií nebo kdokoliv další spinuje, jak chce. Hlavní výstupy budou veřejné, další hlubší analýzy potom pro předplatitele.
Abychom mohli pokračovat, potřebujeme teď alespoň 500 předplatitelů. Není to zase tak moc. Není to vlastně tak moc. Šest lidí v okrese. Pokud jste jedním nebo jednou z nich, teď je pravý čas to ukázat. My jsme ready. Je to na nás.
A díky za sdílení!
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Seeing this here a lot, too. Always tempted to tie them up to something strong, with a 10 digit number lock, and a QR code for the redeem code requiring a proper payment.
Of course I'd make sure that money would be used for the common good, not for my personal one. Might be another path to get some funding for my common-good projects, kike the IzzyOnDroid repo 😜
Freitag 11.Oktober um 19:00 ist wieder Metaday
Uni hacken! von @luebbermann
Mehr Info ->
Copyright: Minderbinder CC-BY-SA 4.0 (wikimedia)
Oskar reshared this.
Si yo fuera periodista y más de ciencia entrevistaría a profesores de ciencias de la computación que empezaron en los 80 sobre cómo se han ido ignorando contribuciones no estadounidenses/británicas al aprendizaje automático. Hace tiempo que se le asignó la etiqueta de pioneros/padres/padrinos del deep learning a un grupo y se ignoró el trabajo previo.
Dieses System ist ein Zahnrad-Werk aus Konzernen, davon abhängigen Unternehmen, medial präsenten Politikern sowie der Medien, die das verbreiten und die Themen besetzen, inklusive gepushter SocialMedia-Influencer. Zunehmender Populismus sorgt dafür, dass Diskussionen über Nebenkriegsschauplätze die Debatten beherrschen und so von den eigentlichen Themen ablenken. Um so wichtiger ist es, dass immer mehr Menschen diesen Spuk erkennen. Vor allem Medienschaffende und Menschen, die Karriere in politischen Parteien machen, müssen lernen, das Spiel zu durchschauen und sich verlockender Günstlingswirtschaft konsequent zu verweigern. Denn die beginnt oft schon früh, während des Studiums.…
Mehr Spielraum für sicheren Radverkehr! 🚴 Die novellierte Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung ist heute in Kraft getreten: Kommunen können ab sofort einfacher Fahrradstraßen, geschützte Radfahrstreifen oder Fahrradparkplätze einrichten. 👏🎉
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A una empresa se le pone en las narices que para que su plantilla pueda disfrutar del permiso por hospitalización tienen que probar que conviven con sus familiares.
Una chorrada como una catedral, porque a ver qué tiene que ver qué vivas con tus padres para estar a su lado durante un ingreso hospitalario.
Pues está barbaridad se aplica durante meses, denegando permisos. Y tiene que llegar a los tribunales. Con la pérdida de recursos y de tiempo que esto supone. Y, mientras tanto, a saber cuántos trabajadores se han quedado sin su permiso.
¿Y qué consecuencias tiene la empresa? Ninguna. Cero. Ahora aplica el derecho correctamente y ya. Igual algún trabajador reclama a título individual una indemnización por esos días, pero no nos engañemos, esto no suele pasar. La empresa ha ganado durante este tiempo todos los permisos que se ha evitado dar. El abogado/a lo tendrá en plantilla. La plantilla, sin embargo, tiene que depender de que haya un sindicato fuerte en la empresa y con capacidad económica de sufragar el litigio.
Esa es la realidad a día de hoy. Muchas, por no decir todas las empresas, provocan conflictos absurdos porque pueden. Porque no tiene consecuencias. Porque, en cualquier caso, ganan tiempo y en muchas ocasiones dinero. Con una Justicia lenta en la que vemos que muchos juicios se van a uno o dos años, imaginad lo que supone esto.
Y nadie va a hacer nada para cambiarlo 🤦🏼♀️
Por Sara Plaza…
It has already been a whole year since I wrote up my explanation "How I made a heap overflow in #curl…
If you're wondering where the "Mark images as sensitive" option went in Mastodon v4.3.0, it's now hidden behind a cheat code.
You need to turn the Content Warning option on, but leave the warning text box itself blank. This will cause the images in your post to be marked as sensitive, without marking the whole post with a content warning.
De #subsidios a una politica de "#proteccion" al fabricante
Desde que comence a leer sobre el conflicto de los #autos #electricos hay al menos una pregunta que nunca se ha respondido.
Con la subida de los aranceles, es seguro que los electricos seguiran creciendo a las tasas actuales, del orden de UN DIGITO. Hay medios europeos que ponen de gran ejemplo al mercado noruego, que ya ha conseguido una tasa de reemplazo mayor al 50%, pero evitan reconocer que los ingresos de los ciudadanos en ese pais no tienen mayores problemas para ello... es como poner de ejemplo a los grandes accionistas de BBVA o Timofonica, absurdo total. Y sin mencionar que la poblacion noruega dentro del continente suma muy poco.
La realidad es que para todo el mercado europeo, la tasa de reemplazo es la que hay, porque NO HAY OFERTA de autos electricos economicos y los arances han sido un gran portazo para la entrada a este tipo de vehiculos. Ninguna marca europea tiene en sus planes autos por menos de 20.000€ antes del 2030-35.
De lo que realmente se culpa a las marcas chinas para levantar el proteccionismo a favor de las marcas occidentales y en contra de los consumidores, es que fueron pioneros y demasiado rapidos a la hora de invertir en esta industria, consiguiendo un abanico de opciones que en occidente solo da para los sueños.
No es favorecer la libre competencia, ni los valores europeos, ni jugar con reglas claras (pues de lo que menos hay es #transparencia), sino de un claro juego de poder, que tiene como botin, pero tambien como victimas a todas las familias que pertenecen al 40% mas pobre (o de menores ingresos) del viejo continente (como al 90% en USA).
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Welcome to the RB family, Batt! 🥳…
Batt shows your device's battery status information. Aain, joint efforts with its author succeeded in making the app reproducible
I am finding it quite an intriguing concept walking around with my iPhone 16 Pro Max very securely strapped to my chest thanks to a chest harness recommended by @munchkinbear. It is the PellKing Mobile Phone Chest Strap Harness, and it's available at
I wanted to try one of these because with it, I can use the power of all the apps on my iPhone without compromise. And if you have a Pro iPhone that includes Lidar, as of iOS 18 you can now have the Live Recognition Rotor. For example, I walked around with scene descriptions, door detection, text detection and people detection enabled. Since the phone was strapped to my chest in the harness, the phone was seeing what was in front of me, and I had my hands free. It was reading signage, identifying people and doors, and probably giving so much information that it was a little overwhelming, so it's important to be selective about what Live Recognition features you want to use. It is very effective when putting the shopping away. I still think Seeing AI is a little more effective with its instant text feature than Live Recognition, so I opened Seeing AI and had both hands free to just hold things up to the camera and instantly get told what they are.
Of course, since this is your iPhone, you can go to town here. Literally. You can run it in conjunction with a GPS app for navigation. Detailed descriptions of things are available with Aira's Access AI or Be My AI from Be My Eyes. In that regard, it works as well as I had hoped. So many great accessibility tools, hands free, without compromise. And with the super iPhone 16 Pro Max's battery life, you've got a lot of juice built in.
On the downside, it's taken me a bit of learning to understand how to put the harness on but I have that sorted now. And it's not that comfortable. It's not intolerable, but you definitely feel this bulky thing strapped to you which sticks out in front. It probably looks a little odd, but I also think in this day of many people using tech in various ways, some of us probably over-stress about how we look.
But would I walk into a fine dining restaurant with this thing strapped to me, to help me as a blind person who wears hearing aids follow a person, get to the table etc? I'm really not sure.
But it is a cool concept, and I love the power I have hands free with this option.
David Goldfield reshared this.
The last time I made a video about #Ableton, it was to do with Note, their iOS music-making app.
today in an Ableton-first, I bring you their newest piece of hardware, #AbletonMove.
It ships with a web-based screen-reader and I've been enjoying it for many months.
It uses sounds from Note, but in a hardware form.
32 poly-aftertouch pads, four tracks of midi or samples, 8 knobs, USB-C for power and controlling Ableton Live and a USB-A port for connecting class-compliant midi devices, should you wish to trigger it from a keyboard.
Please be advised that screen-reader support is currently an experimental feature and is not fully fleshed out.
Not all aspects of the experience are as desired and there are a few kinks, but it is very much better than nothing whatsoever, and I am extremely thankful to the team that made this possible.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview)
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I promise I understand. haha
Quienes me conocen desde hace años saben que nunca fui condescendiente con la Universidad, que nunca fui corporativo, y que pasé buena parte de los tiempos de bonanza poniéndole el cuerpo a la lucha interna para mejorar lo que funciona mal.
Hubiera sido fácil acomodarme con mediocres y aprovechados, mi carrera académica hubiera progresado mucho más rápido, y hoy tendría muchos más amigos.
Pero yo no soy así. No podría ni aunque quisiera.
Yo di todas las peleas internas que creí necesarias, y sacrifiqué bienestar y proyección para hacerlo.
Esto me pone hoy en una posición especial.
Puedo hablar de la coyuntura sin que nadie piense que lo hago para cuidar un carguito o acomodarme con mis amigos.
It was my great honour to have been asked to speak earlier today at the launch of “Braille On Display Third Edition”.
#Braille is the most priceless, life-changing gift blind people have ever been given. It was invented by one of us, for all of us. Despite some predictions when talking computers came on the scene that Braille would be rendered obsolete, technology has made Braille more relevant and abundant than ever.
There’s no getting away from it, hardcopy Braille books are bulky. But with a Braille display that connects to a smartphone or contains its own storage, we can have hundreds of volumes of Braille at our fingertips.
The cost of manufacture of Braille displays must be spread across a small number of units, so they are expensive, even though their price in real terms has declined significantly. During my time in the Braille product management field, the thing I am proudest of is delivering on two separate 40% reductions in the cost of refreshable Braille display technology.
If you’re going to buy a Braille display, or you have been allocated funding for one, naturally you want to make sure you’re getting the one that will best meet your needs. Finding objective information about all the choices out there is very difficult. Some agencies recommend what they know, and, understandably, distributors recommend what they distribute.
When I ran Mosen Consulting, I was proud and honoured to publish two editions of Jackie Brown’s book, “Braille On Display”. Now, it’s back for a third edition, and it is available free from the Braillists Foundation.
This book begins with the basic concepts and not only covers Braille displays, but Braille-only input devices as well. The Braille display market is vibrant, with plenty of competition and innovation occurring. The line between Braille displays that only function in terminal mode and the more fully-fledged notetaker is blurring, and that means there is more functionality available to the user at a lower price. Then there is the new category of multiline devices that can display tactile graphics.
With Jackie around to cover it all, we are in good hands to ensure that our hands are on the display that suits us best.
So, pick up your free copy of “Braille On Display” today, and read objective evaluations of a wide range of Braille devices.…
Sincere thanks and appreciation to Jackie for the huge effort she has put into this, and to the Braillists Foundation for being such epic Braille champions.
Most people in Montréal speak French and at least one other language...
We're supposed to celebrate multiculturalism and diversity...
Instead, this is Valérie Plante's priority...
This is what Valérie Plante wants to spend our taxes on...
This is why Valérie Plante keeps raising property taxes...
Valérie Plante needs to go. #polMTL #MTLpoli #montreal…
Montreal needs a French-language and Francophonie office: committee…
Bloat wasting tax payer money to go against their own citizen.
in reply to David Goldfield • • •Seedy of Chucky
in reply to David Goldfield • • •Sean Randall
in reply to Seedy of Chucky • • •Seedy of Chucky
in reply to Sean Randall • • •Sean Randall
in reply to Seedy of Chucky • • •Jeffrey D. Stark
in reply to Seedy of Chucky • • •David Goldfield
in reply to Jeffrey D. Stark • • •Jeffrey D. Stark
in reply to David Goldfield • • •