I just remembered this amateur music recording project that I was part of early in the pandemic, a cover of "We Are the Champions" by Queen: youtube.com/watch?v=Iq_25V5aLB… We all recorded our parts at home, then someone mixed it together. My voice is the first one. Note: There are about 10 seconds of silence at the beginning.
Yes, this kind of virtual collaboration has been done many times before, and often better. But I was part of this one.
jo, váhal jsem, jaké české punkové album a jaké od znouzecnosti, a bude to tohle, protože bylo první od nich, které jsem měl na CD a ne na kazetě a fakt mi ovlivnilo 🙂
takže překryv mít budeme, světový punk bude asi zastoupen něčím od Ramones (i když je neposlouchám už 30 let)
ale z jiného soudku: proč se mi to syncuje tady u Pirátů a ne na f.cz? 🤔
To bylo první album ZNC co jsem koupil. Taková klasika. Ramones si pustím už jen občas v autě.
A neblokuješ na f.cz #20albums20days ??
ne, určitě neblokuju, taky tuhle hru hrajeme (i když já sám ne tak úplně podle pravidel - dávám komentáře a odkazy na youtube, místo fotek obalů)
Králičí díra v tomhle sahá někam hluboko, protože když jsem si explicitně vyžádal tenhle status, hodilo mi to Error 500... že by nekompatibilita mezi backendy verzí 4.2.x a 4.3.x? Pokus o restart sidekiq a webu skončil tím, že to už nenaběhlo, takže jsem rebootl komplet VPS... a ejhle, status se adresovat dá a dokonce jsem ho boostnul.
aby jí polibkem proměnil
kouzlem stává se z něho žabák
sotva k ní ústa přiblížil
Vaultwarden: Bezpečný správce hesel pro každého
#Aplikace #vaultwarden #opensource
There is a global need for us to stand up for our #RightToRide. Here is a message I just sent to Uber, which explains what we just went through tonight.
I am blind and use a white cane. My wife is also blind and is accompanied by a guide dog.
This evening, we enjoyed dinner with friends, and upon leaving the restaurant, used the Uber app to request a ride home.
The driver pulled up almost immediately, but I still sent a text to him to let him know that my wife and I are blind and that she was traveling with a guide dog. I asked the driver if he could assist us to his vehicle.
One of my friends has some useable vision, and was able to direct us to the vehicle. The driver told my friend that he wasn’t going to take us and that we had to call Uber pet. All of us explained calmly and clearly that guide dogs were not pets, that it was illegal for him to refuse to carry us.
The driver did not believe us. He kept insisting we must use Uber Pet, or Uber Assist. At this point, I explained the process as I understood it. That if he drove away in breach of the law, we would notify Uber. Uber would begin an investigation which would result in the driver being barred from the platform pending that investigation, and possible further training.
At this point, I was videoing the exchange on my phone for evidence, which I may yet still provide to the media. The driver continued to insist that he wasn’t required to transport us. I indicated that since he was breaking the law, we also had the option to call the police.
As I am tired of having my civil rights violated by Uber drivers in this way, I calmly advised the driver that I was going to sit in the vehicle while my friends called the police. I explained that while in it, I would also seek to raise assistance from someone at Uber.
At this point, he said, “OK, I’ll take you”. I didn’t feel particularly safe, but I advised my wife that we were no longer being refused a ride and that she should get into the back of the vehicle with her guide dog.
During the ride home, the driver was courteous and I think curious, but he continued to insist that he wasn’t required to take us, that he was only doing so out of sympathy for us because we are blind. I took the opportunity to educate, to explain how well trained guide dogs are. He asked what functions guide dogs performed and we explained them to him. But he kept insisting that Uber had told him that disabled people with dogs should use Uber Assist or Uber Pet. For the record, we used Uber X because a driver was nearby and it was raining heavily.
To add insult to injury, because of the altercation which took several minutes, we have been charged extra for the ordeal we endured.
Clearly, something is seriously deficient in terms of the way Uber trains and onboards its drivers. Blind people should not be made to feel like they are liars, and have to take action to prevent the vehicle from leaving the scene so the police can get involved, just to get home from a night out.
Drivers must know the law, and Uber must take responsibility for ensuring drivers are aware of the law and comply with it.
This was a deeply distressing, upsetting conclusion to what was a pleasant night. We should be able to enjoy a night out without it ending like this.
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Our new episode is here! I walk you through using the Dictionary Manager to customize JAWS for a faster, smoother workflow. Catch it now! 🎧 #UnmutePresents #JAWS #Accessibility #BlindTech pinecast.com/listen/2225898f-b… @freedomscientific
Ondřej Caletka: Pohled do zákulisí sítě pro RIPE Meeting
Dvakrát ročně pořádá RIPE NCC setkání komunity internetových sítí na různých místech po celé Evropě. Na této akci provozujeme vlastní Wi-Fi síť pro návštěvní...YouTube
FediNuke/tier0.csv transparency update:
I override-added an instance to FediNuke using my documented override process.
(subdomain “fedi.”): I blocked this on envs back in June proactively after it was automatically queued for manual review. The decision was easy, given the blatant transmisia on their root domain.
Since then, additional receipts have cropped up and they’ve been blocked by enough bias sources for me to do the override process. I added it to my shared lists, inc. FediNuke. Receipts on my receipt archive.
Severity is on par with the likes of spinster.xyz
And now this too ...
"neither of the current Accessibility team representatives are able to log-in to WordPress.org "
"On behalf of the WordPress security team, ..." and then many mentions of "fixing a security issue" without specifying what it is. (The patch is, presumably, public since the plugin is OSS and PHP?)
I don't have an opinion on the broader Wordpress situation, but seeing a security exception used to wield power in a broader controversy is extremely worrying.
Open source communities trust security teams with exceptional powers, and weakening that trust damages everyone.
Finding fulfillment and satisfaction in life is a very difficult task.
Ableism and individualism make it far, far more difficult than it should be, by leading us into a false understanding of how life even works.
But there is a way out.
Come spend a little time with me and explore the Priceless Gift of Weakness:
@Michael Vogel @Friendica Support Absprachegemäß mit Michael auf XMPP habe ich das Native Teilen (das seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr funktioniert) auf Spiegeln als meine eigenen Beiträge umgestellt. Der aktuelle Blogeintrag mit dieser Einstellung wurde in den letzten 30 Minuten nicht mit meiner oldie-Instanz föderiert.
Wo ist er geblieben?
Belated #AndroidAppRain report for apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid yesterday (I was AFK the entire day) with 9 updated and 2 added apps:
* Conty: Interactive stories for children
* AlgoSorts: understand how sorting algorithms work using the example of animations 🛡️
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
Even though I know #HTML inside out and use it virtually every day, I'm still reading #HTMLForPeople by @bw because it's a prime example of how a good guide should be written.
1. The book is simple and easy to follow, with relevant points explained well enough even for non-coders to understand.
2. Images are clearly described for #blind readers through the use of #AltText.
3. The website is easy to navigate with a #ScreenReader.
4. There are no annoying pop-ups or ads on the website.
5. The book is entirely free of charge.
HTML for People
HTML isn't only for people working in the tech field. It's for everyone. Learn how to make a website from scratch in this beginner friendly web book.htmlforpeople.com
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Apple macOS 15 Sequoia is officially UNIX. If anyone cares...
But what does that mean?Liam Proven (The Register)
Výpusť bazénu. Trubka velikosti 50. Se zakončením šroubovice 1" na hadici. Ať se může bazén vypustit po celé zahradě, né jen na jedno místo.
Jenže závity zrezlé. Dolů to nejde. A celá koncovka na trubku v místním dealerství není. Mají max. velikost 40.
A i kdyby, stejně nemají kombinaci závitů, abych se dostal na požadovaný rozměr na konci.
To bude ještě sranda, abych nemusel používat ponorné čerpadlo na vypuštění 😁
Fliegerbombe in der #schanze
#Evakuierung !
Betroffen ist der zentrale Bereich der #Sternschanze rund um den SBahnhof in einem Umkreis von 300 Metern.
Na Prost Malzeit. An nem Samstag Abend.. das kann ja was werden.
500 kg-Bombe gefunden - Hamburg-Sternschanze warnung.bund.de/meldung/mow.DE…
"A decade ago, Germany’s renewable energy transition was seen as a model for the rest of the world. Today much of the working class has turned against all things green. What happened?"
Excellent piece by Sean Sweeney in Jacobin
Just a thought: abundant cheap and clean energy is necessary. "Public ownership" in itself won't solve that basic physical reality. As long as Germany doesn't build plenty of new nuclear power plants, it will remain to deindustrialise for the same reasons the article already explains very well.
Another one of those "I didn't leave the left, the left left me" screeds by the deposed minister who I used to work for😐 so much for self reflection and "sensitivity training" with interfaith groups she promised.
I don't know what's more astonishing: the new typesetting language José Reyes explains here, or the depth and quality of the explanation.
Doing another yard sale stream tonight at 7PM est! Auctions start at $1, even the computers
Come hang out, it’ll be a ton of fun!
AAA gaming comes to Apple M1 thanks to the latest Asahi Linux build — Control, Cyberpunk 2077, and The Witcher 3 are playable with respectable frame rates
Asahi Linux is now the first and only distro capable of running x86 Windows games on Apple Silicon devices through a Linux OS.
"The search for AI is the search for a better slave."
Tech bros watch Blade Runner, and immediately set about trying to become the next Dr. Eldon Tyrell.
Here in one paper is the probable reason why Apple abruptly pulled out of OpenAI's current funding round a week ago, after previously being expected to buy at least a billion bucks of equity.
(AI is peripheral to Apple's business model and not tarnishing their brand in the long term is more important than jumping on a passing fad.)
> I want [this] from my digital assistant
is 1000% valuable product-direction research data
Current systems are basically outsourcing to call-center style labeling factories — with a bit of ML laundering in between — & this fully pre-dates the LLM boom (Facebook M,? & when Siri was new)
Recent LLM innovation has let them do more of the ML laundering and time shifting by throwing compute at it
But they're still mostly emulating what a call-center drone can do
That "emulate form without doing actual reasoning" is so effective at charming the executive class into throwing money at it…
…is kinda damning of the executive class' own "genius" intellectual self-regard
They themselves have used prose-based discriminative pattern-matching (& privilege) to get where they are, not actual reasoning
"That guy fast-talks like he knows what he's talking about, put him in charge of a division" is no way to run a system of {governance}
Poseck erfüllt die Voraussetzungen für eine Duldung schon gar nicht. Ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, ihn an einer Autobahnraste seinem Schicksal zu überantworten.
Matt Campbell
in reply to Matt Campbell • • •