Items tagged with: IOT
Die @openhomefoundation freut sich übrigens über Sprachschnipsel eurer Stimme. Es soll nur "OK NABU" eingesprochen werden, also viel einfacher als etwa bei #commonvoice
Gerne so viele unterschiedliche Sprecher wie möglich, damit später dies wakeword zuverlässig erkannt wird…
#stt #stimme #voice #nabu #crowdsourcing #commons #nlp #ml #homeassistant #hass #iot #smarthome
Say it with me...
Network vulnerability!!!
A quick story/rant.. my cousin got my mother a new coffee maker. I don't expect my mom to use the WiFi functionality, but I'm still concerned about why we would need a whole coffee maker to have a small computer in it... I understand the versatility of not having a hub, and that hubs are also a single point of access for any malicious actors, but I'm sure a hub for multiple devices instead of a thing for a coffee maker would be updated much more frequently, and supported for longer.
If nothing else, maybe I can pull it into my janky Home Assistant setup somehow.
Even if it doesn't end up being a gateway for snooping on home network, it is quite silly, in my opinion.
Now, I must go check to see if anyone's hacked at these yet lol...
#NetSec #Networking #cybersecurity #cybersec #IoT #smarthome #coffee #keurig #hacking
This piece is worth reading if you’re in tech criticism or infosec/cybersecurity and are being asked for commentary on IoT and smart home devices.
People aren’t foolish for using IoT or for wanting things to be easier in their homes. This tech makes positive and meaningful change for people of all kinds of abilities. It’s valid to worry about the privacy or security issues that IoT is riddled with, but don’t draw a direct line from there to blaming the user - some people have no alternatives that don’t involve giving up independent access to their own homes and lives. Everyone deserves to live in ways that fit their needs.
Instead, join the push to hold manufacturers and providers to account for poor security and privacy practices. Advocate for better, more respectful and accessible default configurations. Help people understand how to anticipate and mitigate the worst of these issues when they’re setting things up, and give them power and agency over their home systems.
We all deserve to have tech that works for us, in all the ways that matters.
#a11y #infosec
#iot #smarthome…
How smart home technology made my home more accessible
Using one’s phone or voice to flip a light switch may be convenient since you don’t need to get up. For the author and other disabled people, this makes it accessible.Steven Aquino (The Verge)
A long pending post from @sanchayan on how we implemented ALSA compress offload support in @pipewire…
#PipeWire #LinuxAudio #Linux #audio #embedded #IOT ~ Supporting ALSA compressed offload in PipeWire
Boutique open source consulting firm, specialising in multimedia and other low-level systems
Nestavte pátou meteostanici!
Postavte 🦅 🦉 🐤 🐦 ptačí hlasovou pozorovatelnu. Pomocí 🎤 mikrofonu, 🖥️ Raspberry Pi a 🤖 umělé inteligence, můžete rozpoznávat hlasy ptáků 🐔 . Podporováno je 6000 nejběžnějších druhů. Jako bonus můžete všechna pozorování sdílet na 🌍 mapě světa a potěšit tak nejednoho ornitologa.
V ČR je v tuto chvíli 6 aktivních stanic. Tak kdo se přidá jako další?
Pomůžete mi výzvu rozšířit? Díky
@chiptronCZ @birdlifecz
#IoT #HomeAssistant…
Rozpoznání hlasů ptáků pomocí umělé inteligence - Tá
OK AI, kdo nám zpívá v zahradě? Na zahradu jsem umístil malý počítač Raspberry Pi, připojil k němu mikrofon a díky umělé inteligenci a software BirdNet analyzuji hlasy ptáků, kteří v zahradě zpívají.Táta Geek (Tá
✅ Staff able to watch customers in the bathroom?
✅ Obviously shabby infosec?
✅ Training AI as an excuse for data retention?
🕵🏽 No surprise here: "#Amazon Ring, Alexa accused of every nightmare #IoT #security fail you can imagine" #privacy…
Amazon Ring, Alexa accused of every nightmare IoT security fail you can imagine
Staff able to watch customers in the bathroom? Tick! Obviously shabby infosec? Tick! Training AI as an excuse for data retention? Tick!Simon Sharwood (The Register)
In San Francisco Autonomous Cars Assist 24/7 'round the clock Surveillance
#SurveillanceCapitalism #privacy #News #SmartCity #IoT #California #InternetOfThings #SanFrancisco…
San Francisco police use driverless cars for surveillance
Plus: Tech giants commit $30m to open-source security, miscreants breach DEA portal, and US signs cybercrime treatyJessica Lyons Hardcastle (The Register)…
Shelly 1 extension of Ikea lamp Vidja
We bought an ordinary Ikea lamp Vidja to the living room. All lights in the room are connected to my home automation system, thus I wanted this new lamp to connect also.Štěpán Škorpil…
Shelly 1 extension of Ikea lamp Vidja
To our livingroom we bought a basic standing lamp Vidja from Ikea. As a geek person I need all my lights controlled by my home system. First I connected the lamp to a smart power plug Sonoff.Štěpán Škorpil