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Items tagged with: Libreoffice

Here's a quick recap of what we did in the #LibreOffice community in 2022! Well, just a few of the many things 😉…

Welcome to 2023! But before we get started with the new year, let's have a quick recap of #LibreOffice project and community updates in December:…

Top tip: Looking for a feature in #LibreOffice, but not sure where to find it? Go to Help > Search Commands in the menu, then type a keyword, like this! 💪 (Added in LibreOffice 7.2 by Tomaž Vajngerl at Collabora Office)

Fact of the day: You don't need to be a full-time programmer, to contribute to #LibreOffice! 锁琨珑 (Kevin Suo) is an accountant, and helps to fix bugs in his spare time:…

#LibreOffice (@libreoffice) has been my go-to document creation software for over a year now, and I've been thrilled by just how good Writer is. (I'm less of a fan of Impress, the presentation software, but that's for another day.)

Whether it's "good enough" to replace Microsoft Word is a matter of personal choice but, for me, it has done exactly that.


Awesome people doing awesome things! Don't miss our quick recap of #LibreOffice community activities in November:…

OMG! I'm in the Ꭰɾմʍ βҽąէҽɾ winners list for the" Month of LibreOffice, November 2022", awarded by @libreoffice, for "spreading the word on Twitter and Mastodon"

I'm writing the email to claim my stickers pack. I'll share them with the first three 𝗺𝘀𝘁𝗱𝗻.𝗺𝘅 members who show me, via Mastodon, a selfie using #LibreOffice :axolotl:

I'm feeling like that guys of Mad Max (picture 2) 😂

Want your #LibreOffice to look like this? Just go to View > User Interface in the menu, and choose the "Tabbed Compact" mode. Get more space for your documents!

Dive deep into the greatest free office suite with LibreOffice Expert! The 2022/23 edition was produced in collaboration with @libreoffice @allotropia @CollaboraOffice and @tuxedocomputers Order your copy today!… #LibreOffice #Linux #Windows #Mac #tdforg #OpenSource #FOSS

It's a wrap! 307 contributors got sticker packs in the Month of #LibreOffice – huge thanks to everyone who took part. Here's how to claim your pack, if you're on the list (and there are some bonus winners too):…

how it started

how it’s going


3 years ago I volunteered to create a new edition of Ethan Winer’s 1990s BASIC programming book using LibreOffice (@libreoffice). Over the span of a year, with Ethan’s editorial input, I rebuilt the book layout from TXT sources in #LibreOffice , and recreated all diagrams from scratch using #FreeDOS, #InkScape and #GIMP. It turned out great!

#BASIC #programming #RetroComputing

More videos from the #LibreOffice Conference 2022! This time covering events, GSoC, CJK issues, graphics subsystems and more:…

Setting font replacements in #libreoffice basically fixes every issue I had with docx files.

Non-free fonts probably needs to be talked about more @libreoffice as it's not something I even thought was possible to affect a doc so much.…

Check out these improvements coming to #LibreOffice, thanks to students in the Google Summer of Code 2022!…

Writing some shiny new code for #LibreOffice? Check out how to format it, before you submit the patch:…

@libreoffice is looking at how to integrate the #LibreOffice software with the #Ethereum #blockchain. They're requesting feedback on what the community thinks about such an integration.…

@gisiger what if i told why i love libreoffice using the #libreoffice ? I want my stickers too :c

Dear @libreoffice, your message is clearly an understatement.

"Designing with LibreOffice" is a book about making full use of the writing experience of the LibreOffice Suite.

"LibreOffice is as much a desktop publishing application as an office suite"

#OpenSource #LibreOffice #Design #Publishing

Awesome people from around the world attended the #LibreOffice Conference 2022! Regina Henschel gave talks about Fontwork and shapes – check out the videos, and her thoughts:…

It was wonderful being able to meet in person again at the Conference 2022 by in #Milan. 🙌 #libocon #libreoffice

Here is a short recap, on the contributions to the event by #Collabora. 🤝 Watch the talks! Download the slides! ⏬…

E-Mail Server bei : #Posteo_de
E-Mail Clients: #fairmail #thunderbird
Chat: #signal
Office: #libreoffice
Browser: #firefox #fennec
Phone: #VollaPhone #googlefrei
Password: #keepass
Social: #mastodon
Video: #newpipe
Map: #openstreetmap
VPN: #openvpn
Radio: #radiodroid
News: #hamburger
Route: #osmand
Tracking und Werbeblocker: #pihole auf #rasberrypi
E-Mail Verschlüsselung: #pgp
Cloud Speicher in Deutschland: #MyStorBox
Captcha Plugin for Joomla! 3 and 4. : #aimy

Recently, has published some of the talks of the Conference 2022. Watch explain how to chase an #interoperability bug in Impress. 🐞

Watch it! 📹

#CollaboraOffice #LibreOffice #LibOcon #OpenSource

Help us to grow #LibreOffice communities in your area, and spread the word! Become a Liaison for the project:…

September was a very busy month for the #LibreOffice Community! 💪 Check out all the awesome things that happened:…

We've had a lot of in-depth technical talks today, at the #LibreOffice Conference 2022. But as we come to the end of day 2, here's an overview of... Klingon support in the suite 😁…

Meet the Engineering Steering Committee in the #LibreOffice project – live streaming from our conference: