
Items tagged with: A11Y

Hey you! I want YOU to sign up for Games for Blind Gamers 2 game jam! It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't have to be fancy, take it as an opportunity to challenge yourself to make something new and learn about accessibility! I hope everyone signs up! It's still 2 months away so plenty of time to plan! Sign up here! Feel free to ask questions if you have any!… #GameDev #Accessibility #a11y #

#a11y #law #ada

For any blind users of the GoXLR audio interface or anyone considering one, we now have a much more accessible app that lets you configure and use the device thanks to the goXLR on Linux project.…
To get this to work on Windows you need to have the official drivers installed and make sure that the official goXLR app isn't running. Some sections of the UI still need some #a11y work, but the mic setup, mixer and rooting pages are all working really well. #noxp

It's 2023 -- Please don't use an overlay if you care about web accessibility, disability inclusion, and a digital world that works for everyone. And please don't call me a "role model" and write about me on your website if you are using an overlay --like a company called Accessibility Checker did. Instead - read the Overlay Fact Sheet and spread the word. Happy New Year - let's get accessibility right in 2023!! #a11y #disability #TechEthics

In 1993 alt text was added to the HTML specification. Someone then posted an idea: A library where people could store and look up alt text for frequently used images. I've lost the post, and no one else that I can find has talked about it since.

I believe that the time is now, but I can no longer be who. As I announced yesterday, I am closing down the project, but others have expressed interest in carrying the project forward.


#AltText #Accessibility #A11y

2. The General Services Administration should publish data on #Section508 compliance.
#GSA gathers and analyzes data on Section 508 compliance twice a year but does not
release it to the public or Congress. Releasing these data publicly will improve #transparency and accountability regarding Section 508 compliance…


I co-authored a Mozilla blog post about our #a11y work in celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities. I'm posting it a bit late here, but better late than never, I guess. :)
How we’re making Firefox accessible and delightful for everyone:…


Thinking about whether an audio player component should use be a toolbar role with a roving tabindex, even though HTML audio controls do not, and if they should, what happens when the left and right arrow keys get you to a range input uses those arrow keys to adjust the number on the input. #a11y #webComponents


Do you use #Clickup or do you know someone who uses it for managing projects and task? Seems that #accessibility is broken and I am looking for better alternatives or maybe workarrounds how to use it. #A11Y

Accessibility: the land that time to interactive forgot | Léonie Watson | 2022… #a11y #webdev #webperf "We tend to think of performance in terms of latency, code optimization, and things like the critical rendering path, but what happens when the browser creates an accessibility tree as well as the DOM?"