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Items tagged with: webDev

"Change the name, but not the state, of play/pause buttons. Use state for all other toggle buttons."…
#webdev #aria #a11y #buttons

Why you should never use px to set font-size in CSS… #css #RemFTW #webdev #webdesign

"Better accessible names"… hint: function over form, unique, concise #a11y #webdev #webdesign

Accessible UI Frameworks: A Word of Caution… #webdev #a11y

First ask yourself, "Why are we hiding content?" Check out this great article, Inclusively Hidden, by @scottohara… #webdev #webdesign #uiDesign #a11y #accessibility

Great resource! Screen Readers get allot of coverage, but contrast errors are sadly incredibly common and effect hundreds of millions of people with poor eyesight every single day on at least part of almost every app and webpage out there.
#A11Y #accessibility #WebAccess #disability #VisionImpaired #VisuallyImpaired #Blind #WebDev #UXDesign

Automated Accessibility Part 2: Mobile Web Testing… by Mark Steadman #a11y #mobile #testing #webdev

Why the GOV.UK Design System team changed the input type for numbers:… #forms #webdev #uiDesign

Fact: I never implemented role='application' in my entire career as a front-end web development. Related:… #a11y #aria #webdev

6 Steps to Improve HTML Images For Users & Developers… #webdev #images #webperf #html #css

Building a resilient front-end using progressive enhancement… #webdev

"Is There Too Much CSS Now?" Yes, I'd say we're at the limit.… #css #webdev #webdesign

"aria-label is a code smell" — great article detailing issues with using aria-label… by @ericwbailey #aria #webdev #a11y #htmlFirst

Introducing the Accessibility Inspector in the Firefox Developer Tools
The built-in Firefox Developer Tools just received a new family member. The Accessibility Inspector allows you to inspect your website's exposure to assistive technologies. Introduction As a web developer, have you wondered what your web site might look like to a screen reader for the blind? Have you w ...…
#a11y #webdev

I blogged about text-overflow: ellipsis which can hide important content, especially when the viewport changes:…

(And yes, I always wanted to write a “considered harmful” title. And here it is!)

#a11y #webdev #css

I'd like to run this example…=

on my local machine

what do I need ?

Do I need a web server running locally ?

If I open the js source file in Firefox it just shows me the text


💡 New quick post about how I set up Ungoogled Chromium for web dev testing purposes.…

#chromium #degoogle #webdev

We've added a README file to our website repository, which gives some hints about different types of contributions.
Are you into #CSS/#HTML/#Jekyll? Your help would be most welcome!
#webdev #FOSS #markdown #staticsite #liquid