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Items tagged with: LGBTQIA

Happy Trans Day of Visibility everyone. I spent over 6 months writing and rewriting this article that I just published. Most of that time was spent debating whether or not to publish it.

I'm finally coming out; I'm trans. I hope this article helps.

#TransDayOfVisibility #trans #queer #transgender #queer #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #TDOV #TDOV24

I just did a post on #Bluesky pointing out that the #A11y issues that impact screen reader users it’s had since Day One and the message we're getting from their developers is we aren't welcome there. This is particularly interesting as more and more accounts from Twitter, all of which concerned with human rights in some way, are going over there. Blind people may be slowly bweing left in the dark, particularly for info surrounding #BIPOC, #LGBTQIA! and #PopCulture matters. (1/2)

La creadora de la bandera lésbica publicó en su Twitter estos dos mensajes sobre la pérdida de su hogar.

Pide ayuda comprándole, a ser posible, merchandising en su tienda. Os dejo el link por si os interesa.


Utah is now asking for detailed menstrual information for girls looking to register for high school sports.

#gender #rights #feminism #lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtqia #trans #transgender #misogyny #women #girls

Hi y’all. Me and my wife are #queer and #trans with a trans dependent, and we have been fundraising since March. With your support, we escaped Ohio and have relocated to Illinois!

But we still need your help. We are really struggling with bills, and we need donations more than ever. Read our story here:

#LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #MutualAid #TransCrowdFund #Pride #PleaseBoost! @mutualaid @gtfomystate

Weeks ago I released the top 5 best states to be trans in. Subscribers wanted to know the top 5 worst.

I have tracked anti-trans legislation for 3 years. Here are the top 5 hardest states to be trans.

Please subscribe to support my work:

#trans #Transgender #transrights #lgbtq #lgbtqia #LGBt

[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ 😅

Some more things about me:

— I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

— I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

— I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

— I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

— i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

— alt accounts at & @floghost