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Items tagged with: Librewolf

Firefox: Weshalb man LibreWolf und andere Forks bevorzugen sollte. ๐Ÿ‘‡

#firefox #mozilla #librewolf #fennec #mull #browser #datenschutz #privacy #android #audit #dsgvo #tdddg

1) #Linux! This is the fundament of everything.

2) #Librewolf
3) #Vaultwarden

4...99) a lot!

Whatever I can I try to #selfhost

Thank you, dear #Oss #developer!

Use #Librewolf instead of #firefox because it is firefox without the mozilla bloat like pocket

This issue summarises the issue and suggests a good solution (to have an option to override just the color-scheme setting without disabling fingerprint resistance in general).

# # # #

At least it tells you something about even more ways they can fingerprint you. But # should allow you to change the theme keeping in mind the harmful effects it could have.

Right, so there is such a thing as going too farโ€ฆ this should at least be a configurable option so that folks who want web sites to adapt to their system light/dark mode settings can have that.

Thereโ€™s a line between protecting people and being paternalistic. And I canโ€™t believe Iโ€™m the one having to say this but privacy isnโ€™t the only concern when designing (e.g., in this case you might be overriding someoneโ€™s accessibility preferences).

# # #

hmmm is there an android version of # somewhere or an alternative ?

LibreWolf browser: telemetry stripped Firefox fork - worth trying if you are annoyed with Firefox recently but don't want to join the Chromium crowd: #linux #browser #firefox #fork #librewolf #privacy #alternative #foss
