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Items tagged with: Recording

Zum #SoundMapping habe ich #Radio#aporee gefunden:
Gibt es im #FediVerse vielleicht jemanden, der die #Plattform nutzt?


#Colangelo says #Pecker will testify that $150k was more than The #NationalEnquirer would typically have paid for such a deal, & that Pecker had trouble being reimbursed. Crucially, Colangelo says, Pecker will testify that he spoke to #Trump about it.

Colangelo mentions an audio #recording #Cohen made between himself & Trump discussing the #McDougal deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Ковыряю тут.

Если прокатит, то будет песенка в очень низком строе (ниже, чем Drop D тут).

Даже решил попробовать гибридное звукоизвлечение одновременно медиатором и пальцами по такому поводу.

Кто узнал - тот молодец. Но пока ничего не обещаю - нужно чтобы немало факторов сложилось.

#guitar #recording #sound #music #cover #draft #teaser #log

Одним из больших откровений в записи звука гитары для меня в своё время стало осознание того факта, что если гитара вне микса звучит как понос - это нормально.

#sound #guitar #music #log #thoughts #recording #mixing

#AudioMo for today the 19th of #June. recorded the #sound of our drier. this is a long #recording so feel free to fast forward if you want. listen to the machine as it revs up to its full power. I don't know but when I listen to this, it reminds me on the sound of my #first #Flight. it sounds like an #Airplane taking off but then losing its power. for the record, on my first flight, the plane did not lose its power. haha! enjoy!

@jdking92 yeah, they do. my wife has the #BMc3 model, however one of the mics are no longer working. good thing about that mic is that you just clip both mics on your collar and they record in #Binaural. you need to wear a separate headset though if you want to monitor the #Recording

Staying in the spirit of ticket machines accessibility, France is doing it right, at least in the city of Metz, not sure about other places.
Have a recording of a ticket machine that speaks three languages: French, English and German. Upon pressing a dedicated button above the card read we activate the speech component. Everything that is displayed on screen is read back to us. On starting, the machine greets us in the language of our choice, tells us to insert our travel pass if we have one and reads the minimum and maximum amounts for card and cash payments. The upper part of the touchscreen acts as a navi pad with the left corner taking us to the previous option and the right one to the next. In the lower part, the left corner is "Cancel", while the right is "Confirm". This way we can choose our desired ticket, the preferred payment method and complete our transaction.
The recording is a montage of different clips from the machine indicating a chosen ticket in English, through its welcome message in French and German with the latter going through some ticket options, coming back to the full welcome message in English. The recording is peppered with occasional Polish from me as it was originally recorded for our Polish podcast. It was taken using the built-in mikes of my Motorola One smartphone. Now that I listen back, it sounds kinda condensed.
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #France #Metz #PublicTransport #Audio #recording #FieldRecording