Items tagged with: consent


Items tagged with: consent

Meta thinks your #privacy is for sale.

Would you pay 160 euros per year to Facebook & Instagram for respecting your right to privacy?

Here's more info:…

#dataprotection #gdpr #consent #socialmedia #meta #facebook #instgram #whatsapp

  • Yes (4%, 18 votes)
  • No (95%, 376 votes)
394 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

IAB Europe’s consent popups are unlawful

“IAB Europe ‘was aware of risks linked to non-compliance’ and ‘was negligent.’”

IAB Europe is the online advertising industry’s (aka adtech aka the folks I call “people farmers” trade body)…

Via @jayrope

#GDPR #consent #privacy #IAB #adtech #peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #SiliconValley