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Items tagged with: rustlang

I mistyped cago instead of cargo and now I want to either unlearn Spanish or unsee my typo. That's a worse typo than both gst-insect-1.0 instead of gst-inspect-1.0, and gst-lunch-1.0 instead of gst-launch-1.0.

#RustLang #Typo #Puns

Rust web frameworks have subpar error reporting


#programming #rustlang

My reaction when I discover a script running "cargo build" in the repository of the first example program I opened from the ones listed on the gtk-rs documentation page.

Is this common in the rust world when interacting with primarily C based libraries?

#rust #gtk #rustlang

✨ Making Rust binaries smaller by default

👉 "The PR has been merged a week ago, and it is now in nightly! 🎉" 😊

#rustlang #rust

#Hugo's slogan of being "The world’s fastest framework for building websites" is a shameless lie.

It has been raised up 3 times on Github with benchmarks showing that other full-featured static site generators like #Zola (#Rust) are faster, sometimes by 10x. Each time, the issue is closed and locked.

I migrated a couple of websites from Hugo to Zola and won't look back.

Feel free to ping me if you need any help with Zola 🥰

#RustLang @kubikpixel

We have just issued the first #release of #sshd-openpgp-auth and #ssh-openpgp-auth.

Using this server and client-side tooling it is possible to manage the #authentication of #SSH host keys with the help of an #OpenPGP certificate as trust anchor.

Many thanks to @wiktor for the great collaboration and #NLnet / #NGIAssure for funding this work!

#DNS #KeyOxide #KnownHosts #OpenSSH #Rustlang #Software #WebKeyDirectory #WebOfTrust #WKD #WoT

Recently I have ported the Monk Tower game written in #rust to native Android, I've collected some issues found on the way - so you don't have to reinvent the wheel :)

#rustlang #android #gamedev

If you are a #jobseeker with an

✅eye for detail,
✅a background in business legalese,
✅speak english und auch gut deutsch

– we're #hiring a Contract Manager at Ferrous Systems 👉

#NowHiring #contractlaw #opensource #rustlang

Time for the annual State of Rust Survey! 📝✨

Whether you've just begun using #rustlang, are an experienced Rust user, stopped using Rust, or might use Rust in the future, we'd like to hear from you!

Available in seven languages and open until January 15th:

Launching the 2023 State of Rust Survey,

Your feedback is very valuable. Please, give 10mn of your time 🙂.


A while back I posted to announce we were enabling the use of #rust as a development language within @thunderbird

Pleased to say that we've now landed support, and as of today it's possible to write new libraries and xpcom components using #rustlang, as part of the libxul build!

Don't worry, we're not about to "RIIR" - this is enabling new code next year to supercharge the backend architecture for your favourite mail client.

Thanks to this tool I never have to remember the arguments to "tar" anymore ✨

🦀 **ouch**: Painless compression and decompression in the terminal - written in Rust.

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #compression #commandline #opensource #tar

I'm looking for jobs again! I'm open to jobs in the Rust programming language. 🦀

I have >1 year of professional working experience in Rust / axum / tokio. ~3 years of Rust programming experience in total.


TYPE: Full time or contract

LOCATION: I'm based in Malaysia.

REMOTE: Yes, and open to relocation (not US).

#rustlang #rustjobs

loco-rs: releasing a framework inspired by Rails on Rust


#programming #rails #ruby #rustlang #webdev

Is it true, that one of the major goals in the coming period is to change the code base to #rustlang?

Or did I misread something a while ago?

JetBrains has just published the results for their yearly #rustlang developer survey.

There's a lot of interesting data.
A data point some might find surprising: more than a third of Rust developers are using Rust for web development!

An exciting space to be in right now.

The full survey results can be found on including comments from me, Tim and Florian.

A while back I mentioned I was working on #rustlang support for @thunderbird - well, that work is now coming to a head.

Patches in flight for mozilla-central and comm-central that, if merged, will allow us to build Rust-based components in Thunderbird!

The sudo-rs (safety-oriented and memory-safe implementation of sudo and su in #rustlang) underwent an 🔍audit by
ROSecurity (
. You can read about the findings and what its changed over on our blog 👉

👏 Thanks to @NGIZero and ISRG ( for the funding.

En estos días fríos y un poco depresivos me ha dado por aprender #rust #rustlang y me está encantando, no solo por el lenguaje en sí, sino por los maravillosos recursos oficiales de aprendizaje que tienen. Los tres que tienen en su web son muy, muy buenos.

You know how it's hard to learn something you can't see the point of?

I think this is why senior developers, particularly, flock to Rust.
We've been in the trenches, we've been paged at 4am, we've debugged the same missing semicolon or bad indentation errors a thousand times.

You tell me that with just a bit more syntax, Rust can fix my PTSD? I say SIGN ME UP! 🎉

A junior developer, the sweet summer child, only wants things to be easy NOW.

#RustLang isn't optimised for easy NOW.
It's optimised for easy FOREVER.

Did you know that a lot of things in #Rust directly implement the `Ord` trait?

For example `Option<T>` where T: Ord

So you can do:

assert_eq(max(Some(0), Some(1)), Some(1))

assert_eq(max(Some(0), None), Some(0))

assert_eq(min(Some(0), None), None)

There are a lot of other things that implement `Ord`:

#RustLang #RustTips #RustTip

In #Rustlang you can return std::process::ExitCode from main().

It's better than calling std::process::exit(), because it allows the program to run destructors, which may be needed to flush pending I/O or print buffered logs.

Announcement: All-in-one JMAP, IMAP and SMTP server written in Rust


#programming #rustlang #selfhosted

:ferris: vs :julia:

My talk about "Rust vs Julia in scientific computing" is confirmed!

I am very excited about it :D
Only 7 minutes, but that is fine for the first public talk :)

The talk will be recorded and I will write a blog post about it. Stay tuned :D

You can still register to the free online conference "Scientific Computing in Rust":

#RustLang #Rust #JuliaLang #ScientificComputing

Brace yourselves, `let else` formatting in `rustfmt` is coming 🦀


Answer: 0231 🦀

0 gets dropped at the end of its statement.

1 will last to the end of the main scope.

2 is assigned to the underscore pattern making it temporary, and gets dropped at the end of the statement.

3 is treated as a value; the underscore prefix allows the unused…

QT orhunp_: 🦀 #rustlang quiz

what is the output of this program?

🦀 I wrote a proposal for an #[export] attribute in #rustlang to allow for *dynamic* linking between Rust crates, without losing memory safety at the linker boundary.

This will make other ABI work aimed at Rust FFI directly usable between Rust crates as well.