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🇩🇪Schmutzige Tricks zur #Chatkontrolle? Obwohl die Vorlage der gemeinsamen Position der Bundesregierung u.a. zum Schutz von #Verschlüsselung eindeutig widerspricht, will Innenministerin Nancy Faeser sich offenbar nur enthalten. Schweigen könnte aber, falls morgen nur nach Gegenstimmen gefragt wird, als Zustimmung gewertet werden und den Weg für die #Chatkontrolle frei machen!

Habt ihr Kontakte in die SPD? Die Telefonnummer des Bundesinnenministeriums ist ansonsten: 030186810…

in reply to Patrick Breyer

🇬🇧Dirty tricks around tomorrow's #ChatControl showdown vote? Several critical governments are discussing whether to oppose or to abstain. If the Belgian presidency tomorrow only ask which governments are opposed, silence could be counted as approving!…

Tohle je potenciální průšvih obřích rozměrů, přitom se o něm moc nepíše (čest výjimkám) :( Návrh evropského nařízení, které chce ve jménu ochrany dětí zavést skenování obsahu soukromých konverzací na přítomnost dětského porna, má před sebou důležité hlasování. O jeho výsledku spolurozhodne hlas Česka:…

"These chatbots failed to recognize that sites such as the “Boston Times” and “Flagstaff Post” are Russian propaganda fronts, unwittingly amplifying disinformation narratives that their own technology likely assisted in creating."…

Hey, look! Our Flathub build is out now as well!…
Now I just need to adapt the old app to eol-rebase to the new one...

#nheko #matrix

Eurostar terminal Amsterdam
26 October 2020 - 14 June 2024
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to stefan [🏰👻][☎️😬]

@stefan Yes, it closed for good on last Friday due to reconstruction of the station.
A new departure terminal for Eurostar is being built underneath the station in the former Amstelpassage, hopefully with somewhat bigger capacity and level of comfort.

Piráti jsou tvrdě proti plošné kontrole osobní komunikace, která je opět ve hře…

Čudujem sa ale vôbec ma to neprekvapuje. A tie kvety čo im urobili...?…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)…

Two Silverblue systems here got hit by the secure boot signature bootloader bug on the upgrade that brought in a new kernel. Good thing there are rollbacks (to boot an older version) and a workaround.


Workaround to keep using secure boot (run these commands on a working boot):…

Hopefully there's an automatic fix soon? ('bootupd' should be the long term fix for this.)

#Silverblue #Kinoite #Fedora #Atomic #FedoraAtomic #Linux

in reply to Garrett LeSage

I’m stuck to F39 because of that. Or did it get fixed and I missed the window?
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub As long as you can boot, you should be able to run that workaround.

(I would've expected an automated fix not long after it was filed on 28 March, but here we are in mid-June, with just the workaround.

There is another workaround of not using secure boot, but I don't consider that a valid workaround. The copy files from one place to another is the correct workaround fix.

It just should've been automated at this point, really. 😢)

in reply to Garrett LeSage

both are super shit. and yes it should have been a P1 blocker,.

But it's SilverBlue. Has been a let down from day one.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub I mean, all OSes have their issues (a recent Windows release accidentally made the start menu not available, for example).

But yeah, I agree. This should be a P1.

Bugs in Fedora's Atomic builds should be high-priority blockers with quick fixes, especially when they're as serious as not being able to update and/or boot a new version. (Both, even, in this case.)

O rozklade statu:

"Skutočnosť je však omnoho prozaickejšia. Nedôvera v inštitúcie, nedôvera v systém a nedôvera v demokraciu má (aj) omnoho triviálnejšie korene a voľby do europarlamentu sú toho dokonalým príkladom. Práve voľby sú predsa najzvrchovanejším aktom demokracie. Voľby sú demokracia, no a my si tu ich výsledky čítame po messengeroch a whatsappoch. A zdá sa nám to úžasné, hoci zvyšok Európy len krúti hlavou."

~ #SamoMarec…

in reply to Peter Hanecak

ja dôveru v tento štát už nemám dávno. V podstate čo sa štátneho aparátu týka verím iba lekárom. SME nemám predplatené, i keď mi niečo hovorí že by som mal mať ale nemám...
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

I just wrote a blog post about how to use the new counted_by attribute in C and the Linux kernel. I've been mentioning this attribute in my presentations over the past year, and I thought it was about time to write about it. So, here you go:

"How to use the new counted_by attribute in C (and Linux)"…

I hope you find it useful. Thanks!

Kernel Self-Protection Project ⚔ 🛡 🐧

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

On this day five years ago, I learned about the #Google #libcurl fork named libcrurl (!).…

(old blog post)

It was subsequently cancelled and never got anywhere.

Unknown parent

daniel:// stenberg://
@jpmens this looked more like the opposite: throwing massive amounts of manpower on making a libcurl look-alike API wrapping their chromenet networking library. Which I presume is written in C++.

Tie časy keď bol Samsung v aktualizáciách medzi poslednými si ešte pamätáte? Na upgrady na novšiu verziu Androidu pre top modely sa čakalo aj pol roka... dnes je Samsung pocitovo líder spolu s Pixelmi. Niekde som čítal že aj kvôli tomu nie sú hardvérové upgrady také časté ale to je skôr asi alibizmus.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Ne, už je 3. generace a mají 2, T Phone a T Phone Pro.
Ale chápu, že T Phony mají čistý Android, kdežto Samsung musí ještě řešit nadstavbu.
in reply to Jsem na

tiež nemôže vydať novú verziu Androidu v ten istý čas pre strednú triedu a vlajkové modely, teda môže ale dosť ľudí vrátane mňa si kupuje vlajky aj preto že sú aktualizované ako prvé.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Introducing Libervia: A Universal Communication Ecosystem

This is the first video of a series of short videos about Libervia, where I'll be showcasing the project's features, design ideas, and tutorials.
In this video, I'll give a quick introduction to Libervia and demonstrate the web frontend using the Docker demo.
Stay tuned for future videos, where we'll dive deeper into specific features, design choices, and tutorials.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

The clock is ticking: if EU citizens don’t act now, #ChatControl could become a reality – and online privacy a thing of the past.…
in reply to Threema

@eskensaskia Gerade jetzt, wo Rechte und Rechtsradikale massenhaft gewählt werden, soll Massenüberwachung eingeführt werden. Ich fasse es nicht!

My talk for



Bogus CVEs, know-better organizations, conflicting databases, AI hallucinations, inflated severity scoring, security scanners, Jia Tan. As the lead developer in the curl project, Daniel describes some of the challenges involved and what you need to do to stay on top of security when working in a high profile Open Source project running in some twenty billion instances. Involving many examples from real life.

🇬🇧 It's up to all of us now. Write a mail to you government. Share the call to action. Call your government during the day. Together we are the resistance. Stop #ChatControl!…

Ja, dann weint doch wenigstens mal!

Es lässt einen frösteln: Nach der historischen Wahlniederlage regt sich in der SPD nichts. Warum die Partei emotional und strategisch so tief in der Krise steckt.
Ein Essay von Bernd Ulrich

Ten odkaz na Instagram a to video tam hovorí za veľa.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

When you try to access your @Tutanota mail (on Mac, Chrome) and it takes forever to load before showing you

“The connection to the server was lost. Please try again”

And then you try again and it doesn’t change.

And then it shows
“New version is available. Postpone | Refresh”

and you click on Refresh to update it and it doesn’t do it and it starts loading again as in the video, and it repeat.

Yeah, it’s a secure email provider, but Jesus Christ, the UX it’s like back to the early 90’s..

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
Unknown parent

Thanks for the additional information. I have passed this over to our technical support team and will provide an update when I have more information.
Unknown parent


Could you please try to access the site again while using a private window in Chrome? If the update is not being applied there might be a service worker/code cache issue.

Could you also please check the speed of your connection?

I'll be the first guy brave enough to say it: the mascot for CTAN (The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) is hot. that wink? knowing he can unfuck your shit when you run tlmgr before setting it up as user-mode? fucking woof

Your eight-step PDF accessibility checklist…

Reflections on Workplace Accommodations for Employees who are Blind and Low Vision…

Amazon's RxPass Extends to Medicare Recipients: How to Use the Online Pharmacy Perk - CNET…

Tak opět náš kraj nejhorší ze všech 🤷🏼‍♂️…
Unknown parent

Já taky, mně se u nás líbí. Všude lesy, kopce a jezera🤗👍
in reply to Archos

"Praha je nejlepší místo k životu."

Ano, také jsem si to včera myslel, když jsem kvůli rozpáleným ulicím a první tropické noci tohoto roku nemohl usnout...po otevření všech oken jsem zase nemohl usnout protože si někteří myslí, že při návratu z hospody musí všichni vědět, že si to v hospodě užil, případně osvěžit večerní Prahu nějakou milou odrhovačkou z pera mistra Záviše.
O tramvajích projíždějících pod oknem ani nemluvím, to už ignoruji. 😆

in reply to FandaSin

Jj znám, dělal jsem na Smíchově asi rok. pořádně nebyla slyšet televize večer na bytě, ale jen sanitky co jezdily po Plzeňské do Motole 😃
Ale třeba u Zvonu, byla dobrá hospůdka 😃
in reply to FandaSin

@FandaSin Ono je asi otázka, co se kvalitou myslí? Vzduch, klid a čistota to určitě nebudou. Praha je smradlavá.
in reply to Lucinek

@Lucinek @FandaSin @archos A ani tyto zjevné nevýhody nepřevažují výhody, díky nimž se tu žije nejlépe 🥰
in reply to Černý Můr


Well...jediná výhoda je plat v práci.

Moci pracovat kdekoli jinde, tak ležím u vody hned jak mám padla, tady to není možné. (případně je "u vody" tolik lidí, že mě to odradí jít k té vodě)

Praha je krásná (z pohledu turisty), ale pro život má určitá úskalí.
Neříkám, že to je tak hrozné, že bych tu nemohl žít (to bych se odstěhoval), ale že by to byla až taková pohoda, to bych taky netvrdil.

Samozřejmě máme každý jiné požadavky a jsme v jiné "pozici v životě", pouze říkám své názory.

@Lucinek @archos

in reply to FandaSin

@FandaSin @Lucinek Jasně no, já jsem nikdy nic jiného nezažil, takže představa, že bych vyšel z domu a nebyl ve městě se všemi jeho službami, je mi dost nepříjemná. Z toho asi plyne i to, že jsem fanda spíš sezení v kavárně než u vody 😁
in reply to Černý Můr

Já to chápu, kdo bydlí, nebo se narodil v Praze, by jinam bydlet nešel. Jsou tam větší možnosti.
@FandaSin @Lucinek

I just signed this open letter and hope you will too.…

"Ask publishers to restore access to the 500,000 books they’ve caused to be removed from the Internet Archive’s lending library."…

#Books #CDL #InternetArchive

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Latest discovery about windows 11 is that if you have a shaky internet connection (I found this on a train) and you hit the windows key and start typing it doesn't search locally until the internet search is finished. So if I want to start a program by typing the first few letters of its name it just doesn't work. Had to choose between scrolling through the list of programs by name which has now been quite well hidden, or turning internet off. Extraordinarily stupid bit of design. No way to turn this off either that I could find.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Google image search for basically any female celebrity returns AI results on the first page, some of them lead directly to nonconsensual porn:…

[Jezebel]: Um, ICYMI, Elon Musk Repeatedly Asked Employee to ‘Have His Babies,’ Punished Her for Declining

A bombshell new report about Musk's alleged, highly inappropriate sexual relationships with his employees is slipping through the cracks and I am here to put it on your radar.
By Kylie Cheung…

#elonMusk #sexualpredator

If you're anguished by the incredible suffering in Gaza, protest Hamas.

-It broke a ceasefire to start the war.

-It directly and purposefully targeted innocent civilians.

-It seized hostages.

-It uses civilians as human shields, hoping to turn civilians into martyrs.

-It keeps rejecting ceasefire deals.

This war continues because of Hamas.…

I'm happy to report that work on this issue with accessibility in the most prominent community documentation on HTML/CSS seems have started to get rolling, additional help or input certainly welcome.

Right now accessibility documentation there; guidelines, warnings, and more; are not prominent and easy to miss. There's low hanging fruit and a broadly agreed upon path beyond that toward a more accessible web.…

NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate 2 is now available:…

Changes in this release candidate are new translations.

There are lots of new features in 2024.2, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hey remember the time “Nigerian scammers” tried to steal Graceland? We followed a trail dripping with clues. It led to a grandma in Branson.…

Awesome treat for #StarTrek fans.

A 22 minute Recut of 'Star Trek-The Motion Picture' set to Daft Punk's modern original score for #Tron: Legacy.

lolol me: "I should really at least pick up the basics of writing NVDA addons some day. I believe there was an addon dev guide somewhere" *googles NVDA Addon Guide*

First result:…

First line on that page: "This page will be removed in 2021"

...oh! Wait...what year is it? Am I back in the pandemic? AW FORK! @NVAccess you might want to track down who posted this and actually get them to remove it, this looks a little sloppy :) #accessibility #nvda

in reply to Florian

There is no reason for the addons subdomain, and add-on updater, to still exist. The fact that they do, the lack of an official add-on store page, and the unofficial add-on store browsers people have put up are not, as some would like to think, a demonstration of the advantages of open source. They're just a confusing mess.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes Not so much to do with open vs closed-source - the same thing could exist for a closed-source project, IF the right data was available - the advantage of open-source is that you KNOW the necessary data is going to be available. But yes, that is all something we are looking at cleaning up