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in reply to Ludovic :Firefox: :FreeBSD:

Docker is used as a substitute of build system and solid deployment practices.

This is why everything turns to shit.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub I would mind it less if the container images were built in a reproducible way but no, they all just `apt-get update` and ship whatever falls out. I guess if they were rigorous enough to have reproducible builds they probably wouldn't need Docker.

So what's the new default SBC that is community friendly, work out of the box and can be purchased easily?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent

Hubert Figuière
@paperdigits first, Intel. Second too big, to expensive.
Unknown parent

Hubert Figuière
@paperdigits it's not Intel vs AMD. It's about wattage, etc.

Začíná být jasné, proč v tomhle rohu tím oknem neskutečně táhlo... #klubovna
in reply to Tritol

Jo to věřím. Tak držím palce, ať se dílo daří .

Seit gestern sind in Deutschland Blinker an Fahrrädern endlich erlaubt (StVZO-Änderung). Das kann vor allem für Fahrer*innen von Lastenrädern, Gespannen und Velomobilen sowie bei Dunkelheit interessant sein. 🚲
Ist zwar nur eine Kleinigkeit, aber ich finde es schön dass die #Ampelregierung solche offenbar überholten Regelungen anpasst. Und das sogar ohne öffentlichen Aufschrei und FDP-Blockade 😉 😇… (siehe "Zu Nummer 11a")

#gutenachrichten #fahrrad #stvzo #velomobil

in reply to Aardjon

Sehr cool. Frage mich aber, ob nicht ohnehin eher auf Handzeichen geachtet würde und so ein blinker übersehen wird.

Erneut Angriff auf 1 Behindertenheim.
Kaum jmd nimmt dies wahr... zu finden ist aktuell genau eine Meldung dazu.…


[Forum Topic] Any new games coming out?…

Blíží se to! S kým se uvidím??

Sorry for skipping June’s emote additions. To make up for that, here’s 1372 1371 new emotes for July!


Updates to existing packs:

  • Added 5 custom emotes :skibidi_wrench: :why:
  • Added 4 neocat_extra :neocat_googly_woozy_angry_thinking_sleeping_face_with_tongue_sticking_out:
  • Added 16 neofox_extras :neofox_oh:
  • Added 18 new Yingmotes! :ying_sit_cuddle:
  • Added 1 blobhaj emote whoops that didn’t work

New packs:

  • Added 351 neomouse and neomouse-extra emotes :neomouse_boop_cute:
  • Added 370 neodog and neodog_extra emotes :neodog_train_wagon:
  • Added 12 neodlr emotes :neodlr_pleading:
  • Added 134 Frieren emotes :frierenChest:
  • Added 349 blobcats :BlobCat_Ayo:
  • Added 47 dragn emotes :dragnAww:
  • Added 15 Sylveon emotes :sylveon:
  • Added 12 vinnybox emotes :scream_heart:
  • Added 38 jellyfish emotes from :jellyfishYay:

I ensured all new emotes have unique descriptive names. They’ve been losslessly compressed, stripped of non-color metadata, and downscaled if necessary. Credits are in the envs pleroma-custom README.

We’re at 8324 emotes now! #EnvsEmotes

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in reply to Seirdy

Oh, and 69 last minute additions for July after that big batch:

  • 3 neofox_ohio emotes :neofox_ohio:
  • 7 BlobCat fluffy variants :BlobCat_FluffyHappy:
  • 59 spinny emotes :spinny_fox_genderfluid:

Now at 8394 emotes! #EnvsEmotes

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

I'll still be #Queer tomorrow.

As #Pride month comes to a close, this is your reminder that we still exist the rest of the year and we really need allies to keep showing up for us.

March, vote, write to your representatives, sign petitions, donate to charities, buy from #LGBTQIA+ business owners, learn, and fly your rainbow flags year round.

This might just be the most minimalistic GUI for a software installer on Windows ever.
in reply to Bob Pony

There was an old Polish speech synthesizer that would just ask whether you want it to be installed. If you clicked "yes", it would start installing automatically and then show a "Install successful" dialog, and that was about it.

As a blind person, I find it quite sad that the most common use of Unicode Braille these days is to make terminal apps *less* accessible to the people Braille was originally intended for.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

or, well, anything else I haven't thought of that would make the accessibility problem go away without getting rid of the useful display for sighted people?
in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

@DrHyde Terminals are actually surprisingly backwards in terms of accessibility. Where modern GUI environments have a way to indicate such semantic information to a screen reader, terminals don't really. If the spinner contains a progress indication (like percent done), I would at least put that at the beginning of the line to make it slightly more readable. Otherwise, there's nothing you can really do.

We need something like the ARIA specification, but for terminals.

Es gibt starke Hinweise darauf, dass das Bildungsministerium uns Kommunikation zur #Fördermittelaffäre verschwiegen hat. Wir haben sie angefordert. Jetzt wird sie offenbar gelöscht!

Wir haben Eilantrag beim Verwaltungsgericht eingereicht, um die Löschung aufzuhalten.…

This is bonkers.… Some pharmaceutical crystals can no longer be synthesised because they now spontaneously change to a more stable (but less medically efficacious) form. The more stable form acts as a seed crystal for the less stable form, and once this happens it creates a cascading effect, in which people who have ever worked with the stable form can contaminate an entire factory/lab and make it unable to reproduce the earlier form.

I made a web component to handle keyboard shortcuts!…


Die Frage auf welcher Seite die Polizei stehe wird von vielen als ungebührlich empfunden. Das ist bemerkenswert, denn der Kreisparteitag der Grünen war wegen einer Handvoll gewaltbereiter Traktoren nicht durchführbar–gestern waren 70.000 Menschen die den AFD Parteitag verhindern wollten kein Problem. Das Bedenkliche ist nicht, dass man diese Frage im Einzelfall stellen kann. Das bedenkliche ist, dass man diese Frage nicht stellen muss, weil die Polizei sie wieder und wieder von selbst aufwirft.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

#AudioMo: A quick demo of the #ElevenLabs Reader app on #iOS. I'm not yet sure if this is available on Android. Link on the App Store: ElevenLabs Reader: AI Audio by ElevenLabs, Inc.…

Edit: Here is the Android signup form. Add your email to be notified when this goes live:

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Andre Louis

@TomGrant91 I have heard you say much good about it. I'll need to move away from goldwave I guess at some point so when I do, it'll be on my investment list.
in reply to Sean Randall

You can use it in there if it supports VST's.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Tom Grant

@TomGrant91 it does say it supports vst's but I've never used one. I guess it's free to twiddle with!
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @TomGrant91 Well make your life a little easier by downloading something easy and genuinely free, like a reverb plugin to see how GW handles vst's in the first place. Two I recommend are called:
These are both completely free reverb plugins that probably don't even have installers, just dll's that you put in a certain place in windows where vst's get scanned, and then you just load it as an effect.

Ich habe es endlich geschafft mal wieder etwas für meinen Autorinnenblog zu schreiben: Reden wir über das Gendersternchen.

#Autor_innenleben #Autor_innenblog #Gendern #Gendersternchen #Pridemonth…

Tento týden mi není kolo souzeno. Dnes 2x defekt. Duši jsem měl jen jednu a sada na lepení, měla vyschlé lepidlo 🤦‍♂️
Domů holt autem. Tak #birellovka asi až příští týden
in reply to cozechcescelo

Je no, budu příště pořádně vysát. Nevím proč to tam Garmin napsal.

I really recommend this app. For a multitasker like myself its a game changer. I am writing a program in Xcode, I get a message, CMD+M, reply, CMD+X. Its that easy. I can’t recommend it enough.…
Unknown parent

@FluidEscence I switched from VmWare Fusion to UTM, because the CoreAudio option is basically native to me. I can’t find a way to make any other option use that. It’s worth it if your just using output from a VM.

Парламент Грузии в первом чтении одобрил запрет «пропаганды ЛГБТ»

Парламент Грузии принял в первом чтении законопроект о запрете «пропаганды ЛГБТ».…

Pred pár dňami sme vďaka @Zvonimir Stanecic a ďalším dobrovoľníkom zverejnili prvý slovenský ženský hlas pre #rhvoice. Hlas dostal aj pekné netradičné meno Jasietka. K dispozícii sú hlasy pre #Windows #nvdasr #android aj #linux . Aktualizácie sa zároveň dočkala aj celková podpora pre slovenčinu, vrátane už skôr zverejneného slovenského hlasu Ondro. Ak potrebujete #tts #textToSpeech k čítaču obrazovky, na čítanie kníh, inštrukcie pre GPS navigáciu, pozrite si prosím podrobnosti na jednoduchom webe.

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in reply to Martin Kubicek

to určite. Dnes už väčšiu kktinu neuvidím ale nechvál ráno pred večerom.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

At FWD50, inclusion and accessibility have always been top priorities. Our 2024 survey showed these remain crucial. How can we make digital government more inclusive? Join the conversation and tag #FWD50.

Check out the survey results:

Quite number of things have happened since I have mentioned my occassional usage of #emacS:
* @Termux is trying to update its compatibility with recent #android versions returning into the Google play in the process.
* speechd-el the app that acts as a built-in screen reader for emacs got some polishing and fixes recently.
* Touch and speech have recently released an update to Corvus, suite of assistive apps for #android that also feature great liblouis powered braille keyboard that can emulate alt, ctrl and shift keys allowing me to use emacs keybindings on the braille touch keyboard.
* I'm on holiday these days and I can benefit from having a screenreader accessible linux terminal with powerfull tools inside my pocket.

So here is a short article I wrote on the matter last week…

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@Piciok Thanks for sharing the instructions. Now the voice output of Emacs also works on my Android smartphone. Together with the mobile Braille keyboard metabraille, this is very practical.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Oskar

@Oskar @Paweł Masarczyk Do you guys have more details about @Projekt Define Is it really this hardware mobile phone case with braille keyboard included? I know all the documentation is available online for the do it yourself project, but is there someone who is making these units?…
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok Metabraille is a mobile Braille-Keyboard. You can connect it via Bluetooth to a Smartphone or a Computer. We are developing and producing them.
in reply to Oskar

@Oskar @Projekt Define @Paweł Masarczyk Can you please try to describe how it looks like? Is it built into the smartphone case? Is there a place to order it from? What's the price for an individual user? Does it use liblouis for the back translation from braille? I don't seem to be able to find out these details on the website or should I be looking at something else?
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok Metabraille is built like a house with a roof. 8 buttons in the front and two buttons on the roof instead of windows. You hold the house with both hands between your palms and type with the fingers on the front and with your thumbs on the roof. It is like holding a keyboard upside down in the air with your palms and typing on the backside. 12 cm long, 10 cm width, 2.6 cm depth. it is a standalone device, not built in the smartphone case.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok Metabraille does not use liblouis. The translation happens in the device. Liblouis is not ported to the microcrontroller and not used.
in reply to Oskar

@define @Piciok unified english braille is not supported yet. we support german braille for the moment. but we will implement unified english braille.
in reply to Oskar

@Oskar @Projekt Define @Paweł Masarczyk Hmmm, while adopting we'll have to implement different braille codes. e.g. For some serious typing I'd like to have slovak braille code. Newertheless it sounds very interesting. With this keyboard can you fully operate your smartphone?
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok We want to implement all European languages step by step. Metabraille is a full keyboard replacement. You can fully operate your smartphone with this keyboard.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@define @Piciok metabraille is optimized to be assembled by people with visual impairments or blindness. the assembly kit costs about 180 Euro
in reply to Peter Vágner

On iOS we have ISH which is an awesome piece of software. Its a full emulator of Linux kernel. Emulator, not a VM. Reading through its code is an adventure full of twists and turns, but very rewarding if you like such things.

Dear !Friendica Support I'm sometimes reading my #friendica timeline from the @Tusky app on #android.
I am having an issue that some parts of the timeline are not loaded into the @Tusky app at all.
I have figured out when replies are added into a thread, the post is being repositioned in the list of posts returned by the #Mastodon compatible API. @Tusky is not fetching older posts when the one that has already been requested is found while syncing new posts. That is causing gaps in my timeline I can read on the phone.
It really sounds complicated. Do you understand what's my issue?

in reply to Cynik

toto presne potrebujem, dobré
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

trochu od Samsungu "AI" ale iba trochu, trošiiičku
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

30 years later, FreeDOS is still keeping the dream of the command prompt alive

The blind community has been hit hard with loss this week. RIP to Austin Pinto with so very much energy and knowledge he put into the Accessible Android community, Brandon Cole, a true super hero in the blind gamer community, and Penny Duffy, an awesome advocate and friend to parents of blind children. Families and friends are definitely on my heart.

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#AudioMo for June 30, 2024
To end AudioMo for this year, though I didn't post every day, I offer this short narrated thing I put together on June 28, 2018, demonstrating how quickly the night sounds change in my old hometown around this time of year.
I was recovering from some serious alergy badness in this recording, so my voice isn't quite what it should be. Sorry 'bout that.
I would re-record the voice track, but I apparently didn't save the project in anything but rendered format.

reshared this

I just wrote a little #NVDASR app module for Phone Link to:
1. Allow shift+tabbing to the message list without the app crashing, since Microsoft apparently can't be bothered fixing this rather severe bug.
2. Allow alt+1 to focus the Conversations list when the Messages view is already active instead of just doing nothing.
I can't really be bothered submitting it as a proper add-on or a core app module, but if anyone wants it, let me know and I can throw it up somewhere.

reshared this

in reply to Jamie Teh

Maybe it would be good for the windows app esentials addon?
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew Maybe. It probably should go in core, but it feels a bit weird because I'm hacking around a very silly bug that Microsoft will probably eventually fix. Then again, maybe they won't.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@drew Mostly, I just don't have the patience or inclination right now to go through code review and polish the code - type annotations, etc. - when it works just fine for me.
in reply to Jamie Teh

Does phone link get updated often? I haven’t used it much though I hear it is quite useful. IDK man, I am still mad at them for “new outlook” being such a pile of garbage. I have to use it for work and it is a massive hit to my productivity. I am not confident the app teams are looking at stuff like that. I suppose I should be more forgiving though, , their track record in general is quite good.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew I do get update notifications every now and then, one within the last month or so, but I'm not really sure how often. I did submit feedback for the crash a while back and it's been crickets thus far.

Death, a11y community

Sensitive content

CNN hosted a fact-free debate. The losers are U.S. voters…

AntennaPod plně nastavena. Díky Vám za doporučení.
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Ale zase je to první krok, jak se zbavit co nejvíce Googlu 😃👍

In this weeks’s @club MacStories Weekly column for members I wrote about the app @getseasons, an intriguing new app aiming to help you save money on your streaming subscriptions. It does this by spreading them out across the year based on the shows you want to watch.…

Unlock more with Club MacStories: