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Items tagged with: emacS

As I rework my Emacs configuration, I am reminded once again of the many reasons why I like Emacs. Currently, I especially appreciate the quality of the documentation (available not only for Emacs but also for many established packages).

Importantly, the keyboard interaction is the primary and expected means of using the application, not an afterthought to pointer-based graphical input. The documentation reflects this priority, as does the design of the software.

There are no compromises made in the flexibility and efficacy of features to cater to non-technical users of software - people who don't know basic programming concepts and who don't enjoy learning to use powerful, complex tools. This focus is liberating. Efficiency of interaction for the experienced user is a priority.

Emacs has been evolving for decades, and it remains as relevant now as it ever was. I first learned to use it in the mid 1990s, and that investment has more than been repaid. If you're going to learn to use software well, it's advantageous to choose tools that are likely to remain relevant and useful over the long run. The UNIX shell and utilities, Emacs, Vi, LaTeX and Git, among others, have all been in this category for me.
#Emacs #Linux

Inspired by T.V. Raman's latest blog post on Emacspeak, I have started updating my Emacs configuration and exploring the new Emacs packages now supported by Emacspeak. It has become clear that the best solution is to recreate my Emacs configuration from the beginning - slower, but sufficient to get rid of all the old and outdated code that had accumulated.…
#Emacs #Emacspeak #accessibility

me a few seoncs ago: Oh, well, that sounds cool, but that requires Emacs which requires I ran Linux.

Oh wait, I'm *on* Linux right now! :) I still can't believe it. People say I'm gonna give up and go back to Windows, but I haven't yet, and don't feel the desire to since this is... Well... Honestly I don't think I use my Windows laptop quite as much as this one. I mean sure, I'd love Orca plugins, Vollama (although Emacs with its Ellama and GPt-shell packages bridge that gap pretty well), Tweesecake, Steam to be accessible, stuff like that. But for web and email and writing and file management and of course a terminal, Orca works pretty good. There's even a program called Pidgin, which is kinda like Miranda IM for those who remember that. Orca even reads out incoming messages automatically. :) And of course LibreOffice works well, for the most part. Orca sometimes doesn't like a lot of formatting at once, but I don't like it either lol.

#Linux #accessibility #blind #foss #Fedora #Mate #Emacs #Pidgin #LibreOffice

relax, #windows users are used to it. I use #emacs with the #magit #git porcelain all day, and each operation is like that: unnoticeable delay on #linux, several seconds on Windows.

Okay, #Emacs users, does anyone still use Helm? Gonna get back into it, and setup is kinda different, so yeah. I loved it though when I had it working last time.

So I've been reading "Surfing on the Internet", written by #JCHerz in about 1994. It talks about #MUD and #MOO. I had only heard of them in passing back then.

Reading the book, I realize: Whoa, these things are like multiplayer #interactiveFiction . Not just that, but the world can be programmed.

It's like the #Emacs of gaming.

Some #MUDs are still active now. Some of these games have been going for 30 or 40 years.

What are good resources to learn about MUDs?

So, I worked on a lot today. I got Ellama, LLM, Company-mode (I hope), and Nov-mode installed and set up. So, I can talk to AI, read EPub books (with formatting!) get autocomplete when writing (in a form a lot more like the Mac than Windows annoying bullcrap.) I still am amazed at how responsive Orca is. I feel like I'm flying around when using it. The closest I can come to that feeling on Windows is JAWS, when it's being good. Emacs and Emacspeak are that way for me too, but I've also had Emacs commands wired into me since I was like 15; I don't know why I'm so attached to that. Maybe it was my first look at Fss. Anyway, I'm gonna see tomorrow if I can back up my home directory to Dropbox or something, so when I install Fedora on my old laptop, I won't have to do things all over again.

Overall, so far, if you're techie and don't mind learning and breaking things and learning more, and aren't currently stressed out a lot, I'd definitely give Linux a try. Maybe start with Debian, and move up to Ubuntu, then Fedora. Read docs, all that. But it's definitely gotten better over the past year or so. And with Audiogame manager, which I forgot about, we can still play a lot of the games we have on Windows. Oh, and I've not had to pull out my Windows laptop all day.

#Linux #foss #accessibility #blind #Emacs #emacspeak #Mate #fedora

I wouldn't say that #python is hard, its just different. It takes me a while to generate working code, but when I do it works. If you can handle #emacs config files you can handle #python.

So, I ended up having to create a brand new container in #Crostini on the ChromeBook. I upgraded it to Debian 12.6, installed TDSR, but also installed too many Speech-dispatcher modules, and now it's using Festival as its TTS, and I don't feel like braving the config file to fix it back to Espeak-ng. Anyway, I got Emacs, Voxin, Emacspeak, tcl, tcl-dev, build-essential, tcl-dev, SOX, and libasound-dev installed, and Emacspeak, with Outloud, works! The only bad thing is that sound icons are sluggish. That may be an Emacspeak issue, or a Pipewire issue. Not sure yet. But it does work, and speech is very, very responsive! #Emacs #Emacspeak #blind #accessibility #FOSS #Linux #Debian

@Devin Prater :blind: Frankly there are just two posts like this dated a few years and single recent post. Perhaps I'll ad more in the near future.
If you like to suggest some topics, please feel free to point them out.
My ideas are: copying and pasting, reading to the end of a line, looking for context sensitive help, using #emacs customize buffers, speechd-el review commands, adjusting speech properties at runtime. These are new to me as a novice emacs user.

A lot of #Emacs #accessibility tips, from the view of Speechd-el, which is a more traditional screen reader, as opposed to Emacspeak's more all-in-one package.

Quite number of things have happened since I have mentioned my occassional usage of #emacS:
* @Termux is trying to update its compatibility with recent #android versions returning into the Google play in the process.
* speechd-el the app that acts as a built-in screen reader for emacs got some polishing and fixes recently.
* Touch and speech have recently released an update to Corvus, suite of assistive apps for #android that also feature great liblouis powered braille keyboard that can emulate alt, ctrl and shift keys allowing me to use emacs keybindings on the braille touch keyboard.
* I'm on holiday these days and I can benefit from having a screenreader accessible linux terminal with powerfull tools inside my pocket.

So here is a short article I wrote on the matter last week…

Sensitive content

What a nice discovery. I am an occasional #emacs user and latelly I have found out built-in tramp can be used with #rclone to work with files on rclone remotes.

I’m building, a new blogging service

- No #tracking
- No #ads
- No #paywall
- No #bloat
- No #distraction
- No registration to try

- #privacy first
- #light #dark mode
- Read anywhere (even on #terminal).
- #markdown drag/drop
- Bring your own #text #editor

You can check out my blog mirror at

Happy to send invites.

Please help me get the word out 🙏

#vim #emacs #vscode #minimalism #indiedev #indieweb #indie

@WestphalDenn @Talon I don't think it's that catastrophic as this sounds any more. I can't say this is not happening but it's very rare. I am on @GNOME . If I get an unresponsive experience I can press alt+F2, type in orca --replace and the screen reader comes back. I can even bind this to a global keyboard shortcut.
When I am leaving my office I am often closing some 15 browser windows, some 10 terminal windows, about 5 different files open in the text editor.
Most used apps on my desktop include #Firefox #Thunderbird file manager (pcmanfm or nautilus), Gedit, VLC media player, electron based apps such as teamsforlinux, losslesscut and gnome-terminal.
Next I'm using @LibreOffice, I am also using #Emacs with #speechd-el a little and finally some other less frequently used apps.
As for the #TTS or the #audio setup I am using #RHVoice, speech-dispatcher and @PipeWire Project .
Finally with @Matt Campbell and @Lukáš Tyrychtr we do have tallented visually disabled developers dogfooding or partially dog fooding so let me finish this post by saying it really is gold era of a linux #a11y and we are looking forward for what it brings us in the future.

#GTK boosting #Qt ?! What's next #Vim endorsing #emacs? 😜
#emacs #gtk #vim #qt

One of my favourite #emacs #magit features is `magit-cherry-donate`.

It moves a commit from the current branch to another branch without switching to the other branch.

This is really great when you work on feature X and see a typo or a mistake that isn't related to what you're currently working on: Just create a quick “Fix typo” commit and move it to `main` (or some branch where you'll process it later) and continue working on your feature – without risking including an unrelated, distracting change in your commit/PR, and without having to remember it for later.…

How many of you recently getting started to Emacs?

If you love :emacs:, please boost.

If you use :emacs: for under 1 year, please share your experience.

If you use :emacs: for programming or anything else, please share.

#Emacs #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #OrgMode

  • Yes, I recently started to use Emacs (22%, 5 votes)
  • Yes, with some issues (please share) (9%, 2 votes)
  • Yes, I already use Org-mode (50%, 11 votes)
  • Yes, but I need more resources to learn (18%, 4 votes)
22 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago