Macht gern mit!
Ich würge ab sofort jede Kostendebatte bei Mobilitätsalternativen zum Auto mit dem Hinweis auf die
>Solidargemeinschaft Auto<
ab, in die wir jährlich dreistellige Milliardensummen pumpen.
Selbst wenn wir kein Auto haben.
Es ist Zeit für die
>Solidargemeinschaft Mobilität<
und eine bedingungslose Mobilitätsdaseinsvorsorge für Teilhabe.
haven't had any technical posts here in a while :3
I just released libadwaita 1.6.0, see the blog post for details:…
Upscaler version 1.3.0 was just released! The release is pretty large and includes some nice features and visual improvements:
- Introduce queue system to allow users to upscale images right after the other
- Add branding colors
- Port to latest Adwaita widgets
- Allow dropping remote images
- Allow pasting images from clipboard
- Make window draggable from anywhere
- Delete temporary file when unused
- Switch to Upscayl-NCNN from Real-ESRGAN ncnn Vulkan
- Update and rework translation
- Add Bulgarian translation
Unfortunately, I completely forgot that the GNOME 47 runtime isn't released yet. The update will be available later once the GNOME 47 runtime is out. If you want to try it out, you can build it from source (roughly a few minutes) using GNOME Builder:…
#GNOME #libadwaita #GTK4 #FOSS #OpenSource #OSS #Upscale
I am pleased to announce a new development release of Cambalache,
getting us one step closer to a stable release for GNOME 47.
Whats new in version 0.91.3:
- Support 3rd party libraries
- Improved Drag&Drop support
- Streamline headerbar
- Ported treeview to column view
Read more about it at…
Anyone knows why #gnome-software and #KDE #discover are so slow with #flatpak?
Like often when I'm downloading sth. I can't browse apps or they load for ages. Using the website works instantly.
It feels and is a lot more reliable to use flatpak from the terminal in my experience, I wonder why the #GUI stores have these problems.
Also often had long load times in those stores on #linux mobile.
Did you also experienced such issues? Are you a gnome/kde dev and know where it could come from?
Walking home from the donut shop.
9yo: Which of us is your favorite?
Me: I love you both infinitely.
13yo: I call the infinity of the reals!
9yo: …what?
*fifteen minutes later*
Me: So how many integers are there between 1 and 10? …and how many reals between 0 and 1?
9yo: Can we not talk about this anymore? It’s getting weird.
Peter Vágner likes this.
@Tusky question. There are 2 behaviours in Tusky I'm baffled by. Say it's a few days since I opened Tusky. My home timeline shows a post from 4d ago. Scrolling up will show everything posted between then & now 👍
If I get a notification (eg reply) & tap the notification to view it, now when I go back to the home timeline, it has jumped to a much more recent time
Or if I tap a post on the home timeline & then hit back twice (exiting Tusky), reopening Tusky jumps to the most recent post
oh fantastic! Great to hear it's known about ❤️
I'll keep an eye on the update announcements 😊
Have a great weekend 👍
No, this is no a new CAPTCHA, this is a new malware vector which tricks users to open #Windows command line and paste a command to download some harmful stuff.
Just reported by Mohamed Aruham on Twitter.
Takže mám hotovo, alespoň tedy první ročník husitské teologie, uzavírám novozákonní řečtinou za 1 (profesor byl hodnej).
Tak ještě aspoň další dva, ať mám na to i titul.
#MartinLutherKing leitete für die aktuelle Situation eine starke #Vison von den alten biblischen Texten ab. Ähnlich wie #FriedrichSchorlemmer
Das hat mich und manch anderen in der #DDR sehr geprägt und viel #Kraft gegeben. Es entfaltete seine #Wirkung weit über die hinaus, die diese Texte üblicherweise rezipierten. Ich denke, das hatte schon einen Anteil an den gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen.
Ich bin #MichaelHaspel sehr dankbar, dass er das neu in Erinnerung ruft. Das Eule Gespräch dazu hat mir Hoffnung gegeben. Danke
#Gesellschaft #gewaltlos #Bibel #nichtNurGegenRechts #FediKirche…
#archlinux #opensource #pacman #yay
And I thought it was the oddest thing but just reinstalling it fixed it 🙏
Po původním hledání informací jsem měl strach z baterky a foťáku. Jasně, s S24 Ultra to půjde srovnávat těžko, ale fotky si myslím že umí dělat rozhodně minimálně nadprůměrné.
Baterka - první den jsem ze 100 na 10% spadl za 6 hodin.
Po 6 dnech mám dnes v tomto okamžiku 65% a displej svítil (tedy s telefonem jsem pracoval) 3h a 55 minut (instalace app, socky, zprávy, maily, call...)
Za mě dost dobrý.
Building Thunderbird on this is soooo fast!
Three rather nice #AppleMusic stats for me this week.
September 10, 2024
You passed 50,000 all-time plays.
September 7, 2024
Zizzi hit 500 all-time plays.
September 6, 2024
Brushes All Over the Floor hit 500 all-time plays.
New place means it's time for a new #introduction!
Hi there, I'm Jules. Been running Linux since 2010 (first encountered it in 2009) and Haiku alongside it since 2020. Some folks may know me from across the rest of the internet under various aliases; find out about those from Meanderspace's The WWW page:
I've contributed to various open-source projects over the years, primarily with packaging (HaikuPorts, openSUSE, KDE Flatpaks), artwork (Haiku Community wallpapers, Budgie Backgrounds, KDE Konqi artworks, etc.), and
ports for Haiku (VVVVVV, Sonic Robo Blast 2, SDL Sopwith, etc.) from time to time.
Also a big foodie who likes to cook, likes exploring less well-known technology (hence the Haiku stuff), and always looking to learn more. Oh, also a big fan of theming in general; theming is a digital extension of a person and is an artform which should be recognised as such! Alright, that's enough rambling on from me for now.
News Entry: Manual intervention for pacman 7.0.0 and local repositories required
SuspiciousDuck reshared this.
"Researchers still don't know how"
I'll tell you how.
A TV does not require a computer to be installed in it.
Stop putting computers inside of shit that doesn't need computers.…
I noticed before how 2-3 viral vids of a crime, pushed onto TV often enough, can in fact make people believe there's a huge crime wave.
Because so much screen time features crime.
Then when you look up really boring stats which are just numbers in a CSV, it turns out crime has been trending down for decades, and still is.
No screen time for that, though.
And if those few vids all feature a black perp, you've fed the racists a narrative.
It's incitement, really.
George Gerbner studied the relationship between violent TV and fear of crime. He coined the term "mean world syndrome" to describe the warped world view created by repeated exposure to TV violence.…
why-not @Heike
in reply to Katja Diehl • • •