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Apple must really be getting desperate, as iOS is practically begging me to upgrade from 17.7.2 to 18.1.1. I've already received a notification that 18.1.1 is available, and saw a screen in Settings saying I can either upgrade now or tonight, but there's no option stating that I'll upgrade when I'm ready! Any thoughts on whether to upgrade or not?
in reply to Jamie Pauls

@JamiePauls It's a minor thing I'm sure, but I'm waiting for Apple to fix a bug related to moving apps to folders using VoiceOver. I like to have a phone where everything works properly. However, if 18.1.1 is working well for everyone, I may go for it.
in reply to Kelly Sapergia

If you know Braille, I’d say upgrade to at least 18, as they totally redid BSI and it’s amazing! If you don’t have an iPhone 15 Pro or newer, then you won’t get Apple Intelligence but it still has a long way to go before it’s really ready anyway.

GNOME 48 will include a new feature that allows users to limit battery charging. This will help preserve battery capacity on laptops and smartphones!…



While waiting for the ferry, I spotted this gull eating a starfish, looked like chocking at first. Dropped it, started over.. Got a long series…

#Wildlife #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #Nature #Photography #Washington #PNW #Seattle

This entry was edited (16 hours ago)

We're hiring an assistant professor at the intersection btw cognitive modeling of language / social interaction, computational ling / lang technologies. Exciting environment / great work-life balance / amazing students.… Get in touch if interested!

i feel like this "Post-growth entreunership" is solar punk af..…

its like.. grabbing money from profit and invest into non-profit for profit of mutual aid! ❤️

#postGrowth #solarpunk #directAction #utopia #coop


Hi Gajim,

Does Gajim support SRV entries with _xmpp-client._tcp names?

My XMPP server domain is I have an SRV record that looks like this from dig: 300 IN SRV 0 5 5222

If I try to register an account in Gajim (Linux) using, it finds the server. But if I just use, it doesn't find the server.

I think I'm doing everything the way the prosody documentation explains it for setting up an SRV record.

Is it me? Or does Gajim not look for the SRV record this way?

Thanks for the help!

in reply to Jerry Lerman

Gajim supports XEP-0368 for SRV records, so there might be some other issue. You could ask in……

"We constrain our imaginations when we subordinate our creations to names owned by fascist tycoons. Imagine the author of a book telling people to "read my Amazon". A great director trying to promote their film by saying "click on my Max". That's how much they've pickled your brain when you refer to your own work and your own voice within the context of their walled garden. There is no such thing as "my Substack", there is only your writing, and a forever fight against the world of pure enshittification."

(Original title: Don't call it a Substack. - Anil Dash)…

iOS 18.2 public beta 3 now available, here’s what’s new…

macOS 15.2 and iPadOS 18.2 public beta 3 released, here’s what to expect…

Leo que la Universitat de Barcelona abandona Twitter y se pasa a Bluesky. Me hace recordar una idea salvaje que lleva rondando mi cabeza mucho tiempo: ¿y si cada universidad española tuviera su propia instancia? ¿Y que cualquier persona con correo de la uni pudiera tener cuenta en ella y participar en el fediverso?

Que eso tendría pros & cons, está claro, pero para quienes potenciamos nuestra rama divulgativa... buah 😍

in reply to Picanúmeros

Sería muy interesante, igual que estaría bien tener a instituciones públicas.

I'd love to know if your political stance has changed at all over the past 5 years. 🗳️

This isn't about whether you're on the left or right on the spectrum, but more about how your position has shifted.

The poll is multiple choice, so I included a checkbox for people to tick if they live in Europe 🇪🇺

#poll #politics #EUpol #Europe

  • ⬅️ I moved left. (52%, 116 votes)
  • ➡️ I moved right. (2%, 5 votes)
  • ⏸ The same as before. (31%, 70 votes)
  • 🇪🇺 I live in Europe. (51%, 114 votes)
223 voters. Poll end: in 2 days

Did you know you can use ActivityPub with static site generators? Well anyway, we made space to help ensure it's possible during the standards process! This is one reason there are two fields in ActivityStreams, both `id` and `url`, and ActivityPub supports both

So you can have a static site and have an AP account which aggregates said posts, allowing users to use simple static sites but offload the pubsub work

Esto compartió la Embajada del estado de Palestina en México. Su lucha es nuestra lucha y es la lucha del sur global.

Answer: “zero trust”

Question: “how much confidence do you have in people sticking crap straight on the internet and hoping that access controls work effectively?”…

I don't like that people don't mask, but I find it so disrespectful when I see pictures with unmasked people surrounding a masked person.

Like... come on.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub This is someone who's "careful about Covid" (the unmasked) with someone who always posts pictures where they are masked.
in reply to Stéphanie Pageau

I know a lot of people "careful about covid" that never mask because "they have the vaccine". And then caught it more than once.

TFW scammers can better craft a Phishing email with plain text alternative than the real thing.... except that they miss the phishing link in plain text...

It smelled phishing. Turns out it really is.

En el tema de x, bluesky y el fedi me parece interesante el concepto antropológico de cismogénesis. Se trata del mecanismo por el que una comunidad se divide, estableciendo diferencias en la conducta o el sistema de valores para constituir su identidad como distinta de otros grupos. Es algo que se ve claramente en ciertas reacciones de polarización política. El ministro de Consumo dice que hay que reducir el consumo de carne y de repente a la derecha le encanta la carne, no como un valor espontáneo sino como una forma de marcar su diferencia.

Twitter y el fedi tuvieron un proceso de cismogénesis hace mucho tiempo, mucho antes de que Musk lo comprase. La identidad del fedi se fundó sobre valores diamétricamente opuestos al Twitter de entonces: centralizado, normativo, viral y liberal. Frente a esto el fedi se constituye como una contracultura de la descentralización, las relaciones a escala humana evitando la viralidad y la influencia de los famosos, y con tintes comunistas o anarquistas.

La cismogénesis entre X y bluesky surgen de un cambio significativo en la identidad y la valencia que para muchos tenía X y la ruptura tras la compra de Musk. La huida a bluesky se plantea no como una ruptura, como el fedi, buscando una identidad distinta y, desdes sus propias coordenadas, progresista; sino como un acto de nostalgia, o recuperación de un pasado mejor. La identidad que bluesky se está creando es la de ser el Twitter de antes de Musk, como negación de X.

Por eso hay una inevitable fricción entre bluesky y el fedi: tenemos un autoconcepto distinto y un sistema de valores que surge de procesos casi opuestos. El fedi es decir, "Twitter es malo, quiero construir algo mejor, ingobernable, fuera de la lógica del mercado, y a escala humana." El bluesky es decir, "X es malo, pero el Twitter de antes era bueno. Quiero volver a lo que había, con anuncios, periodistas, famosos, políticos, y algoritmos, pero sin la deriva facha de X."

Inevitablemente estas dos posturas no concuerdan, y creo que por eso hay una fricción entre ambas comunidades, que también sufren su propia cismogénesis (por ejemplo en el modo en que en el fedi se refuerza el valor de consentimiento por opción para todo, descentralización, o ausencia de publicidad y vigilancia, como diferencia con bluesky).

Los valores que se adquieren por cismogénesis pueden no ser espontáneos, pero no son menos reales una vez que se asumen socialmente. En buena medida una comunidad tiende a converger con las historias que cuenta y se cree sobre si misma, y esto hace sugerir que, a corto plazo, el ambiente en el fedi y bluesky continuarán divergiendo.

in reply to modulux

Interesante tu interpretación. Me hizo recordar el dilema que describió @evanprodromou en "Big Fedi, Small Fedi"…. El fedi tiene diferentes historias entre quienes lo promueven. En tu interpretación, el fedi convergerá en una historia y en un conjunto de valores particulares. Me gustaría que ocurriera lo contrario, que ganara en pluralismo. Eso me pone más del lado del big fedi, y creo que el pluralismo es un punto crítico que está siendo difícil de alcanzar.
in reply to Daniel Hernández

Creo que es difícil hablar categóricamente sobre el tema, y tendemos a generalizar, que por otra parte es la única forma de intentar describir una realidad tan compleja.

En concreto, la disyuntiva entre fedi grande y pequeño me pareció un artículo interesante, pero que creo que no captura bien la postura de mucha gente. De hecho estuve a punto de escribir algo al respecto en respuesta, tipo fedi: size isn't everything.

Si tuviera que elegir, creo que me decantaría por la idea de fedi pequeño, pero mi argumento también se puede sostener en el pluralismo: ya tenemos distintos mecanismos comerciales de redes sociales. El fedi tiene una propuesta que es única en la medida en que se aparta de estos parámetros. Mi opinión es que el énfasis en la seguridad o la prevalencia de la cronolínea local son cosas contingentes, pero que el haz de valores anticomerciales, que no solo permiten sino que nutren una red en la que se limita la influencia y se apoya lo único y diferente, es necesario para que el fedi mantenga su esencia. Por supuesto respeto que esta no es la única forma de ver las cosas.

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 2 added apps:

* SshKeyMan: Generate/Manage your ssh keys on Android devices 🛡️
* Wallet: store card information locally on the device 🛡️

RB status: 348 apps (28.7%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Hoy hubo debate sobre educación integrada y me lo perdí casi todo. En fin, nada que no haya dicho en otras ocasiones. La educación integrada es un derecho, así se deduce claramente entre otros de la convención de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, y aunque no digo que no haya casos en los que la educación específica no pueda tener su lugar, tiene que estar suficientemente justificada.
in reply to modulux

Concuerdo con la primera parte. Derecho en la Convención de PCD. Muy bien. Pos igual que hay un Derecho a integrarse, un Derecho a segregarse voluntariamente, de la misma forma. Quiero ejercer un derecho a poder escoger a educarme entre mis iguales. Legalmente por qué no puedo? Por qué integrarme sí, y segregarme no?
in reply to ⁨Arense Jurado González

Nadie te dice lo contrario, pero tampoco nadie tiene la obligación de fundar un colegio privado de educación específica para personas con discapacidad, y supongo que a nadie le ha parecido una iniciativa rentable, probablemente porque no lo sería.

The OQLF commissioned a survey to show that the majority of Quebecers, particularly young ones, think they're a waste of resources.…

Včera doplněny na Patreon dvě pohádky, které mi chyběly vydat.

K poslechu je tam přes 41 hodin mluveného slova ve 164 pohádkách, včetně Devatera a pejska s kočičkou.
V podcastu Tomáš čte pohádky, který je pak dostupný všude zadarmo, je aktuálně fronta až do 100 pohádek.

Odkaz s tabulkou v odpovědi

in reply to Jeff Atwood

unsolicited alt-text

Sensitive content

Deal Alert! Get 3 Months of Mint Mobile For Only $30…

Amazon Announces A New & Larger Smart Display with The Echo Show 21 & Upgraded Echo Show 15…

Comcast Reportedly Plans to Get Rid of MSNBC, CNBC, USA & SyFy As It Spins Off Its Cable TV Channels…
in reply to Kevin LaRose He/Him

@Thumper1964 I doubt it. In fact, I doubt this will change the schedules or formats of these channels. The real question is will these channels survive and/or remain profitable as cordcutting continues to increase?

I did it, it's out!

This is a labour of love and fighting against my own self deprecation.
I've been told my whole life that I was tone deaf and a terrible singer.
I had to push myself real hard to start getting singing lessons at 39 years old, and publishing this song, knowing that it's not perfect.
I still hate the sound of my voice, and I know that I can do better, but I needed to let this go and move forward.…

in reply to Aleca

Mate, if *this* is something you had to push yourself to publish, I can't wait to hear what you'll put out when you've improved to a point you feel comfortable with. It's really good. Congrats, and I'm proud of you for putting in the work, effort and self-care to get to this stage.

Here's an idea for those #fedi evangelists that want more people to show up: maybe don't hate on them for being where they are now?
I see so much nastiness being flung about on my timeline about #blueSky being run by billionaire bastards/dicks/every insult in the book, that they support fascism, that they are turning a good product bad. You realize that for most people they just want a place to share cat pics and keep track of book releases, right? Like... do I need to explain that for the majority a social media is just a social media, nd they couldn't care less WHO runs it as long as the people they care about are on it? Sure, ideology is important but good god, looking from the outside in the fediverse really looks like a bunch of salty geeks arguing over semantics sometimes and that's a shame because it CAN be great. Maybe just a little more happy and a little less judgy. Can we do that?
in reply to Florian

I get it. People are angry about politics, billionaires fucking up the world, institutional racism/ablism/what have you, but I think that point has been made loud and clear and, dare I say it? Yes I do. If we keep on like this, the only difference between some convos here and on X is the topics of conversation. Instead of women's rights being derited, it's people using Windows, anyone who even dares to mention AI in a good light gets firmly put in their place and instead of teaching about alt text we jump down people's throats for not just knowing about it already. Dunno about anybody else but I wouldn't call that "social". I call that elitist bullshit that needs to stop. If we want to be welcoming to new people, that means being welcoming to these people's viewpoints, and that means we're not always going to agree with everyone and that's OK. Maybe I'm just in the wrong circles, but I keep seeing gatekeepers wondering why we're not seeing mroe new people and it honestly makes me laugh
in reply to Florian

I think a great case and point example of this is that I feel the need to write this follow-up. Yes. I realize my privilege is showing by posting this. Yes, I realize that even though I am #disabled, I'm also white, male and from a generally affluent country and therefore probably have a lot fewer reasons to be unhappy/angry/tired/out of spoons. I get all that. And I'm absolutely not trying to police anyone's tone or content, I'm expressing a viewpoint that people may or may not share, I'm putting that out there for others to interact with, and I'm not all that interested in being proven wrong/being set straight/being taught that my viewpoint is bad. It's my viewpoint, it gets to exist, if you don't like it, you don't have to agree with it, heck block or unfollow if you want, I just happen to believe there might be some truth to WHY this is why people don't actually feel all that welcome here at times. I could imagine why in any case

Assassin’s Creed Shadows got a store page

"Experience an epic action-adventure story set in Feudal Japan! Become a shinobi assassin and legendary samurai as you explore a beautiful open world in a time of chaos. Switch between these two unlikely allies as you discover their common destiny and usher in a new era for Japan."…

#steam #gaming #videoGames #steamStorePage

I have a joke about power outages but it's too dark

Trying to figure out the marketing speak of things like "WD Elements" or "WD Passport" external USB hard drives.

Are they just hard drive I can reformat as I wish or is there some trick with the garbage software they ship with it. Strangely the "PC" version is cheaper than the "Mac" version. (I don't care either way, so less money is good)

I don't want to have to go through the return hassle if I get one.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

So I have a bunch and there's all just straight up external disks.

There may be a difference in quality - speed, endurance, what have you.

It usually comes with software for backups but AFAIK there's nothing OS specific. Our designer at work used a non-Mac one for years.

in reply to alpha1beta

@alpha1beta ok, that's what I wondering. cool.

yes I expect varying level of internal hard drive "quality" I have already a bunch of LaCie and WD accumulated over the years

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Haven't had a WD fail on me yet. Got 21 spinning now, oldest from around 2018

However, rarely have I had a seagate not fail one me. Never had a LaCie - any good?

in reply to alpha1beta

@alpha1beta they are seagate drives. I might have one fail and I swapped out the drive. Some are old enough to be USB 2.0
in reply to Hubert Figuière

Oof. Sticking to WD then. I got .25PB at home at this point, all WD drives.

Funny enough, for SSDs and SD cards, its Sandisk I run from. WD Blacks have been wood, but Sandisk SD cards suck - I buy almost exclusively Samsung.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Elements used to be the plug in 3.5" drives but now there's a portable...not sure what's the diff. My Collection is mostly Type-C Passports which come with a C-C cable and detachable C to A adapter.

At a quick glance, Passports seem to have a longer warranty and higher speed.

WD Black is basically a passport in a tough case with the old MicroB connector (I have 2 of these)

Simple answer: Get a windows Passport Type C

Samsung Android Accessibility Framework 34.1.1 Highlights: Paid a Buck, I Sit in Front; Couldn’t Pay, I’m Stuck in Time…
in reply to Accessible Android

Meanwhile a $60 Lenovo Tab M7 3rd gen has the latest Android Accessibility Suite including Talkback 15.1, and that device is EOL on Android 11 Go.
in reply to D.Hamlin.Music

@dhamlinmusic What does it have to do with TalkBack and Google shortcomings? The article discussed something else not the wider availability of Android phones or tablets. And how about a tun of Google apps which supposedly have actions?

Banks! Stop putting all your functionality exclusively in your app, I don't want all my ability to use your services associated solely to a tiny device I'm going to lose. Make everything accessible through the web.

food (veg)

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (15 hours ago)
in reply to Seirdy

food (veg)

Sensitive content