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Activator Pro - discover the future of accessible technology in the workplace…

We have a summer surprise for you ☀️. Just for July and August, if you complete a course in the RIPE NCC Academy, you can earn a RIPE NCC Certified Professionals exam voucher. The Academy is open to all and free. Enrol in summer school at:

Trenta Reznora a jeho Nine Inch Nails nejspíš znáte. Johnnyho Cashe asi taky. Tyto dva pány mimo jiné pojí Trentova píseň Hurt, kterou vydal v roce 1994 na desce The Downward Spiral. Mezi širší povědomí se dostala roku 2002, kdy Johnny nazpíval cover a těsně před svou smrtí v roce 2003 natočil videoklip. Ten byl následný rok oceněn Grammy. Text z úst Johnnyho dostává úplně jinou hloubku! Johnny zemřel 12.9.2003, necelé čtyři měsíce po své ženě.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Smoon

@Smoon Mě Cash minul. Objevil jsem ho až díky Chicken in Black (…). To je písnička, která rezonuje s mou povrchností :-) Ale uznávám, že Hurt je skvěle melancholická.

My keynote from #Pycon Sweden 2023:…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Schon crazy genug, von den Grünen zur CDU zu wechseln. Aber kann dem Friedrich nochmal jemand die Sache mit der Demokratie erklären?
"CDU-Chef Merz sagte, die Fraktion freue sich, Sekmen bald als neues Mitglied begrüßen zu können. [...] "Mit ihrer Familiengeschichte und ihren Themen verbindet Frau Sekmen vieles, wofür auch die CDU steht. Wir machen Politik für die fleißigen Menschen in unserem Land", sagte Merz."…

in reply to Sarah bleibt müde

Friedrich, du hast Politik für alle zu machen, ob dir ihr Fleißlevel passt oder nicht.
Es liegt auch nicht an dir, das zu entscheiden.
Zumal ihr eine Menge "Fleißige" unter den Teppich kehrt, weil sie kein Geld einbringen.

Friedrich, hör auf damit.

in reply to Sarah bleibt müde

"Menschen über ihr Tun, ihr Wirken und nicht über ihre Herkunft zu definieren, dafür stehe für sie das neue Grundsatzprogramm der CDU, so die Politikerin."

Ich bin auch dagegen, Menschen über ihre Herkunft zu definieren. Aber auch Sekmen sollte nicht vergessen, dass nicht alle tun und wirken können.…

Das ist sooo wahr.
Und damit man diese *"erbärmlichen Tropfe"* auch gleich erkennt, haben sie Schland-Fahnen an den Außenspiegeln...


#Schopenhauer #FCKAfD #KlareKante #DankeAntifa

Hab ich Gas-Wasser-******* Folgende?

Die Rezeption meint, das wäre normal so. Ich nicht. In der Stellung kommt 70°C heißes Wasser aus der Leitung. Irgendwie ist das für mich falsch herum.

Gibt es in Frankreich andere Einbau Normen?

Ich würde hier bei Hahn nach rechts gedreht in Richtung blau immer kalt erwarten.

Es gibt in dem Hotel auch anders herum montierte. Wahrscheinlich je nachdem welcher Subunternehmer für welche Etage zuständig war.

Eure Meinung?

#fediPower #gws #accessible

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in reply to Holger Hellinger

Schon interessant, dass es hier Leute gibt, denen es anscheinend egal ist, wenn jemand mit Nervenproblemen oder anderen kognitiven Einschränkungen den Hahn aufdreht und sich dann die Finger verbrüht, weil sie eben nicht der Norm enstsprechen und vielleicht nicht so schnell die Hände wegziehen können oder, nachdem das Wasser schon eine Weile gelaufen ist, die Hände drunter halten. Selbst ich mit noch vernünftigen Reaktionen, hab da oft Schmerzen, weil anders erwartet. Das muss doch nicht sein.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Holger Hellinger

Und was jemand bei sich zu Hause macht ist mir auch egal. Es handelt sich hier um ein Hotelzimmer, das im Zweifel von allen frei begehbar ist. Zu Hause darfst du auch gerne eine Kloschüssel in die Küche bauen. 🤷
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

I'm not attending, but wanted to say I'm very impressed by how seriously North Bay Python ( ) is taking COVID. They're even monitoring CO₂ levels throughout their conference venue and posting the values. 500-550 ppm--the range the linked post says they're seeing--is barely higher than outside, which averages around 450 ppm most places, and at that level you'd probably be safe without a mask on (though I'd recommend always wearing a good-fitting N95 mask indoors with other people, personally, and if everyone went without a mask the COVID risk would increase even with such good air quality). It means the air is circulating well, which clears the air of virus.

They're showing how's it done, and it's not too onerous (at least, they're making it look easy). Every conference should be doing this kind of thing if they care about their attendees.…

#COVID #COVID19 #COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #HealthAndSafety #NBPy

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Just in case anyone was wondering whether Windows console flooding breaking their screen reader is unique to NVDA, it isn't. Looks like a UIAutomationCore bug. Colour me unsurprised. If you have Python installed, try this with Narrator. Open a command prompt, enter this command and watch the world burn:
py -c "print('hi\n' * 100000)"
Narrator just won't interact with anything after that in any other application. UIA just goes bye-bye.
So much for the UIA CoalesceEvents and ConnectionRecoveryBehavior settings.
Absolutely ridiculous. History would suggest that this will just never get fixed.

reshared this

in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson It doesn't seem to be sufficient to prevent this particular extreme flood from breaking things. I suspect this breakage is purely within UIACore, given that it also happens with Narrator.
in reply to Jamie Teh

MS should really look into this since it's a potential attack vector. Anyone malicious could easily add a bit of code that sends a huge mass of text through the terminal, instantly frying the accessibility system that many programs rely on. UIA is essentially being DDoS'd.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

I finally published my app to Flathub!

Echo is a GUI ping utility. Give it a try, but go easy on me as it's my first real project :))…

#GNOME #GTK #linux

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📣 The homeserver will be down for maintenance for up to 1 hour today, 2 July, 07:00 UTC.

Subscribe to to get informed in real time

If anyone is interested, here is a short recording of a “Fly me to the moon” played by some musicians at the farmers market. This was recorded with #meta glasses.

Program slovenské RTVS (teď už STVR) Dvojka na úterní večer.

in reply to Archos

@archos @SuspiciousDuck Polotučný je snad lepší. Chce to především tekutinu; čaj, vodu, kávu, džus. Dobré a zdravé je podmáslí. Nebo kefír. Ovoce.

in reply to Von Xylofon

@vonxylofon Danko sa už vôbec "necíti" keby mohol povedať povie aj iné veci ale zatiaľ sú za hranou (čo za nedlho už hrana nebude možno žiadna).

I can’t see those glasses listed anywhere on the website though. Not yet, at least… :)…
in reply to victor tsaran

Kinda weird that they've announced these glasses to the media but there's absolutely nothing about them on the website. I get that they're coming in July, but still seems odd.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh You know, pre-announcements has been all the rage for several years now, so I am no longer surprised! :)…
in reply to SuspiciousDuck…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

V Obchodě Play je aktualizace oficiální aplikace #Pixelfed. Opravuje známé chyby a má novější prostředí. 👍

‘They burned books, like the Nazis did 80 years ago’: Russia’s deadly attack on Ukraine’s biggest printing house | Ukraine | The Guardian…

You can now watch the talk on "The Perfect Python Project" that I gave on Saturday at North Bay Python on YouTube. Please share and enjoy.…

#python #NBPy

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt thanks again! If we are talking about songs qua trends in tech talks, I have to credit @brainwane at PyCon US this year as my inspiration :-)

PSA: Passwords that expire every few months are an outdated security measure. The NIST explicitly says to stop doing it.

Rui Batista reshared this.

Today is our 18th wedding anniversary. In 2006, I married my sweet, silly, adorable, loving, slightly crazy, but kind husband. I started a tradition where I'd post the audio of our wedding every year back on twitter, but I've now moved it to Mastodon. I hope you enjoy!
This audio starts with music as every gets into position, then the bridal march plays. After a prayer and brief sermon, the exchanging of vows takes place. Following this, the exchanging of rings occurs, then music plays as the unity candle is lit. A final prayer is said before the minister declares us married. You'll also hear some audio of us taking pictures in the chapel, and the audio ends with people clapping and cheering as we exit the chapel. The audio was extracted from our wedding video via DVD Audio Extracter, so that's why the audio switches abruptly toward the end.
Happy Anniversary, Bigfoot. I love you.

🎉 BIG NEWS FOR EXPLORERS: More minutes, same price! 🎉

You heard that right. Effective today, all Metal plan subscriber minute amounts are increasing. All new and existing subscribers on a Metal plan will receive approximately 10% more in monthly minutes at no extra charge and with the new monthly minute allotment reflected in your next billing cycle.

Our team is also excited to announce Legacy subscribers will keep their plans and there will be no price increases for any of our plans in 2025.

Your support and loyalty mean the world to us. Thank you for being part of this incredible community and for learning and growing with the Aira team!

Read the full blog post including FAQ and minutes increases per plan:…

Windows on Arm emulator gets a boost, just in time for Copilot PCs…

Are you attending #GUADEC2024 in person? Join us for a group walking tour of Downtown Denver on our final conference day, July 24! Find more details at…

Make sure to reserve your spot by July 10.

Andy Holmes reshared this.

in reply to GNOME

nie wiadomo skąd pobrać aplikacje flathub na Android i gnome na Android...

July is #DisabilityPrideMonth
The flag's meaning - all six flag colors: Disability spans borders between nations
Black background: Mourning for victims of ableist violence and abuse
Diagonal Band: Cutting across the walls and barriers that separate disabled people from society
Red Stripe: Physical
Gold Stripe: Neurodivergence
White Stripe: Invisible and undiagnosed disabilities
Blue Stripe: Psychiatric disabilities
Green Stripe: Sensory disabilities

Join Us for Our July 2024 Training Events – Freedom Scientific Blog…

It's pride month ... again! July is disability pride month ♿

Maybe I will add some random thoughts and experiences related to disability to this thread over the month. So long I will leave you with the seasonal design for

#DisabilityPrideMonth #disability #GNOME

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This is Big Tech’s playbook for swallowing the AI industry…

The Onion doesn't miss.…


Yes, yes!…

Also, looks like they are on a spree!…

It's time to participate in the @playdate Community Census 2024!

It's been almost two years since our last census, and The #Playdate Squad is excited to conduct another one.

It is an excellent way to learn more about who is in our community, how they use their devices, and what they would like to see in the future!

in reply to Donald Fraser

Can't participate without a google account unfortunately. :(

This might skew your results perhaps? At least here on the fediverse I guess it's somewhat common to not use any of google's services.

in reply to Bubu

Hey Bubu, this was an issue for 1 or two people last year.

Let me get you a special link.
DM incoming.


Enjoy my cover of Ed Sheeran's Tenerife Sea. Thanks to @talon for mixing. i appreciate all your support, and every share, every like, every comment means so so much to me.

#singing #singer #vocals #vocalist #art #Creator #creativity #music

in reply to Estelle

🤩 That was incredibly beautiful... There's a purity to your singing ! I am not super familiar with Ed Sheeran's music but he always struck me as cheesy... perhaps I judged him too harshly... more likely you're the one magnifying his songs

The new Ladybird initiative is exciting: a new US non-profit initially backed by $1m to support development of Ladybird, an open source web browser that isn't based on a fork of something older and that doesn't depend on Google for funding!…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Simon Willison

I do wonder why Chris decided to fund Ladybird and not Servo. Servo is no longer a Mozilla project, and it's written in Rust while all the production engines are C++ and so is Ladybird.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Looks to me that Ladybird has managed to become much closer to a viable browser in a fraction of the time Servo has been around. They have a bigger community and a lot more momentum. So it’s a pretty pragmatic choice.