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4 Reasons An Overlay Widget Will Not Solve Your Accessibility Woes…
#accessibility #a11y #webdesign #overlays

This is depressing from the RNIB, the Technology for Life team is to be reduced and merged with another department as part of a 6 month review on spending. I get that savings have to be made and all charities are stretched but surely access to assistance with tech issues through our national charity ought to be protected. I know there are several other orgs in the UK that we can use but as a newly blind person I turned to RNIB as a trusted source of help and this change is worrying. Plus, as far as I know the TFL team is mostly staffed by blind and partially sighted people who’re now faced with losing their jobs -…
in reply to Sarah Matthews

It is a bit worrying. I'm all for technology being just one SLAT of the sight-loss advice team, that makes sense. But technology is the most empowering and transformative tool we have, as B/vI people. If our national charity can't see that, then they've probably got bigger problems

Good morning Mastheads. Another day begins. Last night Sarah did some very much needed maintenance to my laptop, and so when I boot up this morning I’ll be existing in Windows 11. It’s making me tired to even think about. But it needed to be done. Onward and upward. #GoodMorning
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis You’re making me want to just go back to bed. LOL I’m sorry 11 has been such a struggle for you.

I have a physical server with #raid 0 consist of two 2 tb hdd disks.
Recently I've started to receive warnings from my #prometheus about too high disk write latency (expr: (rate(node_disk_write_time_seconds_total[1m]) / rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total[1m]) > 0.1 and rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total[1m]) > 0) * on(instance) group_left (nodename) node_uname_info{nodename=~".+"}).

In alerts I see values around 0.200 to 0.550.
So my question is simple: is it really a warning and I should worry about my data, make backups, talk with DC staff about replacing my disk?
Should I check my disks for errors and slow sectors and if yes then how do I do this?
My server has Debian 12 and a bunch of different services on it, including a small internet radio, gitea, mail server and several docker containers with small stuff.

#Linux #server #askfedi

I completely agree AND would add that I don’t use the term “African-American” because it’s ROOTED in US supremacy which ignores that there are in fact 3 Americas: North, Central, AND South

The use of this term facilitates the dehumanization of other Black and brown folx

Lots of changes afoot in the Assistive Technology sphere recently. The closure of AppleVis, the shifting of gears with Orcam selling hearing devices and closing up shop with regards to manufacturing visual aid devices, and a new host of FSCast! Brings to mind the saying that the only true constant in life is change. To those individuals, businesses, and website managers bringing about change--keep movin' and shakin'. You make life interesting and provide new opportunities for you and others.


until our furry mario game with a queer love story, kitsune tails, releases on steam and itch!

itch: (page isn't live yet)

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #GameDev #PixelArt

We sat down with Troy Hunt from Have I Been Pwned to discuss how to maintain privacy and security despite the constant wave of data breaches. 🧑‍💻

Check it out here 👉
#privacy #security #databreach #passwords #encryption

in reply to Tuta

Troy Hunt is the best!!! Is he on the payroll yet? (Haha but really... I'd pay extra for him on my team

Hearing RawTherapee, Darktable and GIMP mentioned in a random video about photography, even before mentioning the feudalware[1].

[1] Cory Doctorow call rent collection a feudal system.

I just installed the latest update to Overcast. Sadly, the setting to play episodes when tapped still doesn't work. With VoiceOver on, no amount of double or triple tapping the button does anything. I'm not sure if it'd work with VO off. Also, the full set of rotor actions for episodes has yet to be restored. @overcastfm
in reply to Alex Hall

I've also noticed that, in the All Episodes playlist, sometimes the name of the podcast being announced by VoiceOver doesn't always match the title for a specific episode. In other words, it might announce that I've moved focus to the Macworld podcast but it might speak the show title for a completely different podcast. That, along with no longer speaking the show notes and not allowing me to stream a podcast, is really causing me to decide to switch to another podcast client.

I've gone for years without needing to use Adobe Reader for reading PDF files. Yesterday, I was given a PDF that failed to open in any of my third party PDF readers and so I reluctantly installed Adobe Reader. I was furious when the installer immediately downloaded and installed Mcafee's Security Scan without even prompting me. I've since removed both programs but I'm wondering if there's a way to install Adobe Reader without it installing Mcafee's software. As soon as I ran the installer, it began downloading and installing Mcafee along with Adobe Reader.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 Adobe Reader isn't on Ninite, although Ninite does offer other third party PDF readers.
in reply to David Goldfield

@jaybird110127 I think when you download Adobe Reader there is a checkbox on the website to download the Mcafee tool or not. Interestingly when installing on my work laptop the other day it didn't even give that option, not sure if that is a UK/EU thing or not. I do remember it doing this in the past. There may be a Winget package for this. Hope you got to read your document in the end, I'm also trying to do without it on my home machine.

Since 2010, the Debian Snapshot service functions as a "wayback machine" that allows access to old packages based on dates and version numbers. However, this service has been in need for big maintenance for quite a while. Luckily, thanks to Glasklar Teknik AB and DSA in June 2024 the service has been migrated to new hardware and is now fully up and running again: enjoy… #debian
in reply to Debian

I don't know what you are talking about. But i still want to :underheart: THANK YOU :underheart: for oh so many years of service to the #LINUX community !!!

Canada divided into four regions with equal populations using 2015 data.

in reply to David Goldfield

So I'm curious, did you come across this because you're a Rob Sawyer fan and you follow his blog, or some other way?
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Hi. Yes, I've read a few of his books and I have his blog in my RSS reader.

I’m very concerned about all the accessibility projects run by single people, really small teams, or full-on volunteers. They will eventually go away and there is often no (good) replacement. So many have closed recently or are about to close: Parallels podcast, AppleVis, EOWG.

It’s a whole community that is lost. Can’t fault the individuals, but it’s unfortunate that we have not created sustainable spaces yet.



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in reply to David Goldfield

Interesting. I just ordered a new cane yesterday. If I'd seen this, I probably would have gone with it instead.

Very fun working in the #curl project, btw. Excellent people there, good coop, good vibes.

Issue reporters in general are experienced people where turnarounds are fast. Getting back with logs and verifying solutions.



How white allies can help make fedi better for Black folks

Sensitive content

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We're thrilled to share details about our fellowship pilot program. Launching in Q4 2024, this new initiative aims to address a critical challenge in the open source ecosystem: supporting the dedicated individuals who keep our digital infrastructure running.…

I'm telling y'all, the new Braille screen input in iOS 18 is seriously making me feel like when I get a new iPhone, I could seriously use it more as a writing tool. The only thing I'd add now is something where if I type a misspelled word, VoiceOver would either vibrate differently or speak "misspelled" or something. That way, I could just turn off the speaking of typed words entirely and just type with the sound of the clicks to make sure I'm either typing, when I want to, or putting in a space, and I'd know when calibration is off a little, or I misspelled something. Yeah, that'd be amazing! #accessibility #iOS18 #iOSBeeta #blind

I have to admit, AI has saved me a lot of time. Every time I start reading about some interesting new app or service or product and see that it has "AI", I immediately stop reading and don't waste any more time on that thing.

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in reply to bit101

@clv0 Ai never saved my time. Ai tells me every day that people start to degrade mentally and stop using their brain for critical thinking. They start to ask ai for every stupid and silly task to do for them.

Cleverson reshared this.

The DebConf24 day 5 has ended, stay tuned tomorrow Friday 2, August 10:00 AM (KST) (01:00 UTC). The schedule for the day is… . Thank you to all of our attendants, contributors, viewers, and to our Debconf Team and Local Team, and Video team! See you tomorrow! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

#ThrowbackThursday: pinch and a punch, for the first of the month, white rabbit.

(Who else looked forward to the first of the month just for some "allowed" quasi violence on your friends?!)

I come from a business / digital background, so digital accessibility has always been big on my radar. When I started in science a few years back, I was very surprised to see that arXiv - a service that allows scientists to put their pre-prints (papers before peer review) was not accessible.

This meant that all science papers that were open access (away from journal subscriptions) were only available as PDFs - which means people with digital accessibility needs could not access them.

Access to science should be open to everyone (the pandemic showed us how important this is), and whilst there is a need for papers to undergo the formal peer-review process, that does not mean we can't adhere to global digital accessibility standards.

So, I am extremely glad to see that arXiv is now moving toward digital accessibility, with its second accessibility forum in Sept. 2024. They've also been moving to make papers in HTML format (instead of PDFs only) which adheres to these standards.

If you are interested in accessibility and science, you might consider attending this forum. It's free to all and only requires remote participation.…

#science #accessibility #digital #astrodon #arxiv

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modulux reshared this.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki yeah but many different types of audiences use arXiv, not just scientists or people who have training in LaTeX. Teachers, students, early career researchers, journalists, etc. all all different users of the service.
in reply to CosmicRami

I'm not saying better accessibility shouldn't be implemented, merely that it's one accessibility option that they already offer while nobody else does.


PUTOVÁNÍ DO ZEMĚ KELTŮ zatím jen s krátkou statistikou. 30.-31.7.2024 Celkem najeto: 228,18kmNastoupáno: 2835mPrůměr na den: 114,09kmNejnižší teplota: 14°C (noc ve stanu)Nejvyšší teplota: 36°CPřiblížení: 2x Fajn místa, lidi, jen ten hic na kole člověka hodně zmůže obzvlášť když jede na těžko. Vím, že už bych neměl tolik blbnout a alespoň trochu se šetřit, ale nemůžu si pomoct. Ne, blázen nejsem, alespoň si to myslím. Víc i s obrázky bude až se……

Opinión | Negarse a reconocer la facultad constitucional exclusiva del CNE ha sido la marca de fábrica de Machado, a través de la ONG Súmate (de su propiedad), que ha pretendido erigirse en autoridad electoral paralela. Por Clodovaldo Hernández.…

#WritersCoffeeClub 1. Can you foresee any circumstance where you might use AI to compose part of a story?

That'd be a very hard NO.

(I write commercial fiction. All my author/publisher contracts include a warranty clause, that the MS I'm delivering is all my own work. To use an LLM would court breach of contract—a very expensive mistake!)

Possible exception: if, BY PRIOR AGREEMENT WITH A PUBLISHER, there was a specific reason to include LLM-generated text, eg. in a book about LLMs (unlikely).

in reply to Charlie Stross

Does that mean, if you had an LLM in a story you'd have to pretend to be one yourself? Given how often they emulate Humanity in their writing style that'd be quite amusing.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yup, I would tend to do that, unless I'd pre-cleared it with my acquiring editors.

Pro dnešní den hudba vybrána 👍💪🏼…
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The final talks of the day in #DebConf24 are at 05:00 PM (KST) ( 08:00 UTC): 'Using Data for Community Growth' in Bada, 'T2Linux: Linux on 2017~2020 Intel Macs with T2 Security Chip' in Somin, and the LXQt Team BoF in Pado and the loong64 port BoF in CEO (no streaming for the both)…… #debian

Thinking about a curl kernel driver with live updates. Lots of potential.
in reply to Stefan Eissing

the live update feature is essential to facilitate a realtime stream of announced quic implementations