🗳️ Der Chaos Computer Club fordert seit Jahren: Software, die zur Durchführung von Wahlen verwendet wird, muss #OpenSource sein!

👍 Das finden wir auch!

Und nicht nur das: Alle Software in der Verwaltung muss unabhängig überprüfbar sein, damit Sicherheitslücken schneller geschlossen werden können und ein Einfluss von außen ausgeschlossen werden kann. 🔍

➡️ Die nächste Bundesregierung muss dafür sorgen, dass Open Source überall in der Verwaltung zum Standard wird.

osb-alliance.de/verbands-news/… @CCC

Trying to explain my eyeroll about USAID and "regime change" to my doc: look, just because the Mafia boss's third daughter does philanthropy doesn't mean that her charity isn't insincere, but it also doesn't mean that the money isn't coming from crime. But just because they're from the same criminal family doesn't mean that there's a conspiracy or collusion, other than a simple love a charitable well-heeled person would have about people in general and her dad means well (right?? He has a plan!). Sure, sometimes her events get hijacked to put in a hit and sometimes the family accountant comes in to make sure someone gets a grant, but until someone else actually builds an actual alternative to fund that methadone clinic downtown, that's your gal. McDonald's didn't lose money in Malaysia because everyone stopped eating burgers - as it turns out there's a perfectly robust ecosystem of small-scale burger hawkers down every street.

Anyway he renewed my prescription.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I've just demanded the UK Government stop attacking end-to-end encryption, which can only damage relations with other countries and make private and business data more vulnerable to criminal attack and Government over-reach. Please join me and share too? you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions… via @38degrees

The excitement of knowing there's a parcel, tempered by the need to finish what I'm doing at work before I can go and see what it is. have I ordered and forgotten about something? No tracking on any of my devices. Mystery.

After finishing the second of Brian Pinkerton's books yesterday I picked up a romance, for some reason. not a genre I do much in, but I was in the mood.

Hi there, we had a server issue for about one hour which led to the issue of emails not being delivered to your mailbox. We have fixed this issue now, and all emails will come in within the next few minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience and will investigate this further to prevent a similar situation in the future.

No emails were lost, all emails were queued and will be delivered now.


Hi! I'm creating this request to be reunited with Mia, my support cat. She's been an essential part of my life for almost nine years, and due to financial constraints, I was unable to bring her with me when I immigrated from Venezuela. I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who is willing to donate and help me bring Mia back into my life. 🧡🤍🖤

Campaign status: 95%


This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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This one passed me by.

As of Ableton Move V1.3, released a few days ago, you can now sample from audio sent to the USB C port.
This is useful enough as it is stated, I.E. you can make a sound with a synth on your Mac or PC, then instantly sample it into Move without rendering and uploading a wave file, or connecting a line input and sampling it through the Move DAC.
However, for those of us who rely on accessibility, there is another hidden benefit.

Let's say you're on an airplane or something. You have an iPhone or Android with USB C, and you want to access Move Manager at move.local, so you can use the built-in web-based screen reader. Traditionally, this needs a Wi-Fi connection, but since you're on a plane, that doesn't work.
The Move's USB C port also acts as an Ethernet connection, so you can theoretically just plug your phone into USB C, then open your browser and go to move.local.
Yep, that works fine, except... oops, you're also a Voiceover/talkback/some other screen reader user, and audio gets routed away from the phone to absolutely nowhere... at least, that used to be the case.
Now, you can select USB C in the sample mode, and it will pipe audio from whatever is sent to that port to Move's built-in speakers or the headphone jack.
Thus, it's now possible for blind and visually impaired operators to use Move's screen reader when completely offline, with no way to access Wi-Fi without having to deal with a bunch of splitters, cables and mixers.
I bet they didn't even think of that use-case, but I'm happy to see it.

Since sample mode doesn't talk yet, the best way I've found to make this work is to connect your device to Move's USB C port, wait until speech goes away, press sample, then click the wheel until your device starts making noise through Move's output.
There are now three options that are toggled when clicking the wheel on the first item in sample mode.
The default is to record from Move's mic/line-in, second is resampling, and third is USB C.
The USB C option, far as I can tell, only appears when a device is connected to the USB C port.


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On Valentine's Day, a student asked the swordmaster:
"What shall I give my beloved?"

"A sword. It shows you trust them, and trust their abilities."

Satisfied, the student left. Another student asked: "I am single, what shall I do?"

The swordmaster thought. "Buy yourself a sword. You deserve it."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #SmallStories #vss

@Tutanota Hello, I hope this is the right place to get assistance for my issue. Bare with me as I explain:

I have had a paid account for a couple years now but I wasn't paying attention and I wasn't aware that my payment hadn't gone through.

I use Tuta as my primary email and therefore it is what I use for my verification email for many of my important things like my banking.

I was attempting to pay my tuta bill though I couldn't recieve the verification email, from my bank, because my email had been deactivated, due to non-payment.

I combed through the online help documents and found that I could go back to the free account and still keep my email aliases. I thought "if I go back to free, quickly, I can then get the verification email, pay the bill and be right back to my paid account in no time!"

So I deactivated all my aliases, downgraded to free, paid my yearly subscription bill and then noticed my account was still "Free".

I did some more reading and realized what I had done. We can downgrade our accounts at any time and it happens instantly...though, I thought, since it asks me what account type I wanted, when paying my Tuta bill, that it would also instantly resubscribe me...but it didn't.

So, now I have paid for the year but I am stuck in the free subscription level.

Can someone please help me get my paid account reactivated? My email is thisismyrealemail@tutanota.com and my name is Robin. Thank you


Ugh. No Edit function on Bluesky. 300 characters limit, counting the full length of links (compared to Mastodon's 500 characters limit, where putting a link in a post counts as 23 characters).

Kind of like the "promotional" price of a new product in a big supermarket chain that preps up its customers for the "real" price at 120% markup during inflation rate of 35%.

Yes, you couldn't read this part of my post on Bluesky. Very nice of you to visit. How've you been?

in reply to Petar Toushkov

Yeah, Bluesky's got a super cool name, but that's the only thing about it. Who says the char limit is 500? Depending on your software that connects to fedi, your char limit can even be a million. Although that's crazy ridiculous. Ours is 5000 over here. Bluesky will never be able to get so many choices, because it's managed by those who ran Twitter, it looks like Twitter even, it's old cool little version, with more characters only.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I asked the #OpenSSL team about their new #QUIC API:

Out of curiosity: since you decided to provide a quite different API than what was once offered to you and what several QUIC stacks are already using. How did you come up with this API?


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to LibreOffice

I’ve trashed 25 and re-installed the latest 24. As soon as my MacBook M1 Pro switched to dark mode everything went black on the page and dark on the tool/side bars and no matter what theme I tried or how I changed the colors in appearance manually, everything stayed dark, even this morning after I waited for the system to come out of dark mode LiO didn’t. I love LiO but something isn’t right with 25, at least on ARM Macs running Sequoia.

#Movuary day 14: The result of having a portable radio connected to Move's line-in jack is that occasionally you hit 'Sample' at a time when you can make a beat out of the resulting thing. In this case, it's an advert for an event happening on whatever date it was, between '8 till 10' and so this clip became the basis of my pointlessness.

Another tale from this tech-driven hell we're living in:

A coworker who was evacuated from his home because of the fires last month is living in a short-term rental until he and his family can move home.

The rental has only digital door locks with a touch screen for entering your pin number. He's been locked out of his rental house in the rain for a half hour because the touch screen of the digital door lock is wet from the rain and ignoring his touches.

There is no physical key for unlocking the doors. You can only open them electronically -- with electronics that don't work in the rain.

MAGA cruelly mocks DOGE committee hearing witness just because he’s blind independent.co.uk/news/world/a…

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Developers, if you're designing a book app, turning the page for VoiceOver users isn't exactly intuitive. When I am reading a book on the Libby app, for example, an eBook, I have to turn a page every time VoiceOver makes it to the end of the page when I am having it read all. I'd love it if the app would just automatically go to the next page but this is super hard in app development for some reason. Even the Bookshare app is like this. Why? Even when I am reading via Braille display I don't wanna stop to turn a page. It's a digital file. It isn't a print book. Let me scroll like it's 1999 and an HTML document or a giant text file or Word document or *anything else* than what this fresh hell is. #Apple #Libby #WebDev #Accessibility #A11y