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I can already announce that next IC_Null stream, this tuesday at 3 PM EST, is about the #accessibility of notebooks like #Jupyter, #googleColab, the #VSCode implementation of this concept. If you do #dataScience, #machineLearning, even the polarizing #AI stuff, you are going to run into this at some point. Can a #screenReader user use these properly? Where's the #accessibility hurdles? Do any of these work better than the others? These are all things I'll try to go into.
See you Tuesday, 3 PM ESt over at https;// or #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

So... I made noise on their official discussion spot. That means I'm locked in. uh oh :P… :P #dataScience #AI #MachineLearning #jupyter #notebooks #Python #programming #selfPromo #twitch
in reply to Florian

oooh I'm excited to join this one if I can having worked with those notebooks a lot in Collab and to see your POV. Also really hope this can lead to somewhere more productive, even just to have a stream about this topic would move it forward (even if they themselves don't take it up) which is a huge win to me already. Best of luck and thanks for putting it on.
in reply to Florian

For whatever it's worth, and your probably already know this, I'm having to do a lot of Jupyter work recently, and the VS Code implementation (at least with VO, can't speak to Windows) is pretty amazing.
in reply to Florian

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

ok ok ok, we covered #jupyter last week. Our #datascience adventure continues with checking into the #accessibility of #google CoLab. Is it better than jupyter? Worse? Are there tools to make it better? How's a #blind person even do #ML and datascience anyway? Come see in just over 2 hours at and #python #programming #coLab #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

SO when the #accessibility testing, advocating and fixing becomes a bit much it can be rather cathartic to, rather than take " we'll maybe at some point get to this eventually possibly maybe" , you just fireball your obstacles out of existence.
I do gaming stoofs too on this tiny little #twitch channel simply called Zersiax, and will be checking out some #diabloIV over there in half an hour. If the new #openSSH vuln is making you sad or the ladybird dev's got you down on your luck, come see stuff getting exploded, it helps, I promise :) See you then, over at https;// #selfPromo #gaming #noTechStuffForAChange