I can already announce that next IC_Null stream, this tuesday at 3 PM EST, is about the #accessibility of notebooks like #Jupyter, #googleColab, the #VSCode implementation of this concept. If you do #dataScience, #machineLearning, even the polarizing #AI stuff, you are going to run into this at some point. Can a #screenReader user use these properly? Where's the #accessibility hurdles? Do any of these work better than the others? These are all things I'll try to go into.
See you Tuesday, 3 PM ESt over at https;//twitch.tv/ic_null or youtube.com/@blindlyCoding #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

So... I made noise on their official discussion spot. That means I'm locked in. uh oh :P discourse.jupyter.org/t/stream… :P #dataScience #AI #MachineLearning #jupyter #notebooks #Python #programming #selfPromo #twitch
in reply to Florian

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at twitch.tv/ic_null and youtube.com/@blindlycoding #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

ok ok ok, we covered #jupyter last week. Our #datascience adventure continues with checking into the #accessibility of #google CoLab. Is it better than jupyter? Worse? Are there tools to make it better? How's a #blind person even do #ML and datascience anyway? Come see in just over 2 hours at twitch.tv/ic_null and youtube.com/@blindlycoding #python #programming #coLab #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

SO when the #accessibility testing, advocating and fixing becomes a bit much it can be rather cathartic to, rather than take " we'll maybe at some point get to this eventually possibly maybe" , you just fireball your obstacles out of existence.
I do gaming stoofs too on this tiny little #twitch channel simply called Zersiax, and will be checking out some #diabloIV over there in half an hour. If the new #openSSH vuln is making you sad or the ladybird dev's got you down on your luck, come see stuff getting exploded, it helps, I promise :) See you then, over at https;//twitch.tv/zersiax #selfPromo #gaming #noTechStuffForAChange