
Items tagged with: jupyter

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo

I can already announce that next IC_Null stream, this tuesday at 3 PM EST, is about the #accessibility of notebooks like #Jupyter, #googleColab, the #VSCode implementation of this concept. If you do #dataScience, #machineLearning, even the polarizing #AI stuff, you are going to run into this at some point. Can a #screenReader user use these properly? Where's the #accessibility hurdles? Do any of these work better than the others? These are all things I'll try to go into.
See you Tuesday, 3 PM ESt over at https;// or #selfPromo

Jupyter notebooks in 2024 is still not accessible.

In his #PyCascades talk, Venkatesh Potluri (who is blind) noted that popular Python libraries like matplotlib etc still can't embed alt text.

He made a patch for it, but the notebooks still don't pick up alt text.

#accessibility #Python #jupyter

First results of my #compression algorithm benchmark run on a 72MB CSV file. It seems #zstd really has something for everybody, though it can't reach #xz's insane (but slow) compression ratios at maximum settings.

This chart includes multithreaded runs for #zstd.

Very interesting! 🧐…

#Python #matplotlib #Jupyter #JupyterLab