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Items tagged with: jupyter
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo
See you Tuesday, 3 PM ESt over at https;// or #selfPromo
Programming, hacking, gaming, composing music. These are all things a fully blind person using a screen reader can do, given enough technical know-how. On this channel, I show you how it all works. Come stay a while :)YouTube
(stream): So how accessible are (Jupyter) notebooks for screen reader users?
Hi all, Accessibility is one of those topics that is often ignored until it’s too late, at times deliberately, and at other times completely by accident.Jupyter Community Forum
Jupyter notebooks in 2024 is still not accessible.
In his #PyCascades talk, Venkatesh Potluri (who is blind) noted that popular Python libraries like matplotlib etc still can't embed alt text.
He made a patch for it, but the notebooks still don't pick up alt text.
First results of my #compression algorithm benchmark run on a 72MB CSV file. It seems #zstd really has something for everybody, though it can't reach #xz's insane (but slow) compression ratios at maximum settings.
This chart includes multithreaded runs for #zstd.
Very interesting! 🧐…
#Python #matplotlib #Jupyter #JupyterLab
Yann Büchau / ⏱️ Compression Algorithm Benchmark · GitLab
A Python script to benchmark file compression algorithms 🗜️GitLab