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Items tagged with: Mate

me a few seoncs ago: Oh, well, that sounds cool, but that requires Emacs which requires I ran Linux.

Oh wait, I'm *on* Linux right now! :) I still can't believe it. People say I'm gonna give up and go back to Windows, but I haven't yet, and don't feel the desire to since this is... Well... Honestly I don't think I use my Windows laptop quite as much as this one. I mean sure, I'd love Orca plugins, Vollama (although Emacs with its Ellama and GPt-shell packages bridge that gap pretty well), Tweesecake, Steam to be accessible, stuff like that. But for web and email and writing and file management and of course a terminal, Orca works pretty good. There's even a program called Pidgin, which is kinda like Miranda IM for those who remember that. Orca even reads out incoming messages automatically. :) And of course LibreOffice works well, for the most part. Orca sometimes doesn't like a lot of formatting at once, but I don't like it either lol.

#Linux #accessibility #blind #foss #Fedora #Mate #Emacs #Pidgin #LibreOffice

So, I worked on a lot today. I got Ellama, LLM, Company-mode (I hope), and Nov-mode installed and set up. So, I can talk to AI, read EPub books (with formatting!) get autocomplete when writing (in a form a lot more like the Mac than Windows annoying bullcrap.) I still am amazed at how responsive Orca is. I feel like I'm flying around when using it. The closest I can come to that feeling on Windows is JAWS, when it's being good. Emacs and Emacspeak are that way for me too, but I've also had Emacs commands wired into me since I was like 15; I don't know why I'm so attached to that. Maybe it was my first look at Fss. Anyway, I'm gonna see tomorrow if I can back up my home directory to Dropbox or something, so when I install Fedora on my old laptop, I won't have to do things all over again.

Overall, so far, if you're techie and don't mind learning and breaking things and learning more, and aren't currently stressed out a lot, I'd definitely give Linux a try. Maybe start with Debian, and move up to Ubuntu, then Fedora. Read docs, all that. But it's definitely gotten better over the past year or so. And with Audiogame manager, which I forgot about, we can still play a lot of the games we have on Windows. Oh, and I've not had to pull out my Windows laptop all day.

#Linux #foss #accessibility #blind #Emacs #emacspeak #Mate #fedora

@WestphalDenn I would say both have pros and cons. For example mate has traditional desktop and standard application menus with submenus and similar. Many #screenReader users prefer that classic style. However @GNOME is also technically fully accessible. In version 45 and 46 a lot of polishing has been made. The top bar is fully operational with the keyboard all the popup menus, dropdown buttons, toggles, sliders on the top pannel are now accessible. Gnome control center has now almost all its controls clearly labelled. The only place in the gnome control center where I expect some improvements in the future is redefining keyboard shortcuts. On my machine I have noticed memory usage has decreased after upgrading to gnome 46 so in this regard #mate desktop and @GNOME desktop are on par as well.
Also gnome is very likelly to pioneer #accessibility innovations in upcoming releases so for me the answer is clear. I'm on @GNOME since v3.4 and v3.6 days and I am not going to change that.

I wasn't really aware of the sad state of #accessibility with #GTK4 and #Gnome in upcoming #Debian 12 #bookworm.

#visuallyImpaired and #blind users are probably disappointed. Let's hope, those users can use #MATE for now and things will improve before the release of Debian 13 #trixie.

My Windows 9x-inspired theme for GTK2/GTK3/Metacity, "Memphis 98"

It's got a few bugs and issues -- some original, and some because of things that have changed in MATE or GTK in the few years since I first worked on it. But it still mostly holds up.

It's for MATE, but should work with varying degrees of success on other desktop environments.…

#Linux #GUI #GTK2 #GTK3 #Windows95 #Windows98 #Windows9x #CSS #Ubuntu #MATE #MATEDesktop