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Items tagged with: WikiPedia

As with so many WP articles related to the fediverse, so much crucial information has been pruned out of the article covering StatusNet that it's arguably become misleading;…

Articles seem to comes to the attention of... certain editors. Who know nothing about the subject, and worse, seem to consider accuracy irrelevant to the quality of WP articles. They add nothing, but prune anything not spelled out in the existing references.


#Wikipedia #PhoneGameEditing

So etwas wie gibt es wohl nicht in #Europa?

Ein öffentliches, nichtkommerzielles, gemeinnütziges, allgemeines #digital#Archiv oder eine Art digitale #Bibliothek für #Medien wie #Audio#Podcast#Video? und #WikimediaCommons scheint mir in Sachen Audio nicht annähernd so geeignet wie für Bilder. Oder übersehe ich etwas?


Somehow managed to completely miss the recent news that we now serve 100% of Wikipedia traffic via k8s!

#kubernetes #wikipedia

Dieses Semester betreuen eine Kollegin und ich Studi-Projekte zu #BannedBooks. Studis schauen sich Bücher aus der PEN-America-Liste an, schauen ob/wie sie in dt. Bibliotheken stehen und wie sie in #Wikipedia diskutiert werden. Was das mit #Queerness zu tun hat?

"And everywhere, it is the books that have long fought for a place on the shelf that are being targeted. Books by authors of color, by LGBTQ+ authors, by women. Books about racism, sexuality, gender, history."

Wikipedia mentions that it's Global Accessibility Awareness Day on the English version's main page, but to create an account on there and many of the Wikimedia Foundation's other projects you have to complete an inaccessible captcha. They offer an option for someone to create an account for you if you can't fill it in, but that's not good enough.
There's been a ticket open about this since 2006 according to the date stamp and nothing's been done.…
#GAAD #Wikipedia #Wikimedia

Unser #OpenStreetMap Stand auf dem #37c3 ist fertig. Drucker ist angeschlossen, Display von unserem Nachbarstand #wikipedia ist auch bereit, Flyer liegen aus... wir freuen uns auf Tag 1

Not that anyone noticed, but the English #Wikipedia recently crossed the 6,666,666 article mark.

Unofficially, the milestone article was... SatanCon! It's the annual convention of the Satanic Temple.


Integration of the #Fediverse and #Mastodon Identity standards into the software that powers #WikiPedia & other Wiki's is so important I find it hard to express.

It is the first big step of integration between the Wikipedian and Fediverse communities, and it has been massively under-noticed and not gotten nearly the attention this deserved.

I'm all for it, want to find ways to help & hope this is the beginning of much more integration to come. 🔥


Hay evento de #wikipedia en #xalapa! que yo ni wa'star pero ahí se los paso por si se quieren rifar una escapada xalapeña.

27, 28 y 29 de abril en la normal veracruzana.


The Akan #Wikipedia has been closed's not an actual language, it's a language *family*. Instead, efforts have moved to Wikipedias in the #Twi and #Fante languages, the latter of which was just created today!……… (:languages: in other languages:

Editors are now moving the content from Akan Wikipedia into the Twi and Fante versions accordingly.

I need some help with #nvda & #wikipedia.
I'm assisting a blind student in learning how to navigate the web using a laptop.
NVDA reads out the title first, then properties about the document, then the summary box on the side.
I can't find any way to skip that whole box and move straight to the main content. There is no main content landmark, nor is there a heading, not is it in the Contents section.
Take… as an example. How can I navigate to the first sentence of the main article?
Thanks for any help.
#blind #accessibility