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the fine folks behind Pizza for Ukraine are raising money to remove land mines from villages. I’ve been donating since the beginning and they are legit.…

Wil Wheaton doesn't take off his mask for fan-selfies. He has a workaround so he can stay #MaskUp and people who want to can still see his full face.

Reminder: You have until June 23 (tomorrow!) to submit your "tiny, homemade, personal webprojects", and, as a separate category, your "tiny, homemade multiplayer web projects":

#TinyAwards #indieweb #SmallWeb #websites

#AudioMo: It's #NottingHillCarnival 2014. You're virtually standing about 8 feet above ground level, as you are temporarily on a mic-stand. Observe the huge drumming and live music passing you by.

Dear #audiomo, it's hard to choose from dozens of travel recordings, but how about this one -- a church belltower from a distance in Bath, United Kingdom.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to victor tsaran

That's not really a clock tower, but a church tower set up for full circle church ringing. The ringers are ringing London Surprise Minor on 6 bells.

Designing Tactile Maps: an Introduction for Everyone

Thursday June 27, 5;00 to 7:00 PM Eastern
We designed the training we wish we’d had when new to tactile maps — and it's free!…

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Congrats to @flathub for passing 2 BILLION downloads! Wow!


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WTF? Threads is blocking links to the official website of France’s left coalition (Nouveau Front Populaire) in the upcoming snap legislative elections,

EDIT: 16 hours later, Meta has silently lifted the ban on all its platforms →…

[Update] It seems Meta just lifted the ban on “” on its platforms.

My Threads post from last week has also silently been restored. (I didn't get any updates on my appeal)…

Whatever hiccup in Meta's automated moderation mess that was, the fact that this happened in the middle of an election campaign and didn't prompt any kind of response from Meta is all sorts of messed up.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Niléane

To my French followers: n’hésitez pas à taguer des journalistes qui pourraient couvrir cette dinguerie (surtout si c'est pas corrigé d'ici genre demain ou après-demain).
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Niléane

[Update] It seems Meta just lifted the ban on “” on its platforms.

My Threads post from last week has also silently been restored. (I didn't get any updates on my appeal)…

Whatever hiccup in Meta's automated moderation mess that was, the fact that this happened in the middle of an election campaign and didn't prompt any kind of response from Meta is all sorts of messed up.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

The worst kind of tech hype is when something is portrayed as inevitable and unstoppable, with criticism or doubt blithely dismissed as "they don't get it".

Just because a giant tech company pours vast amounts of money down a toilet, that doesn't mean the toilet is going to start spewing gold coins into the air.

#Hype #Tech #TechBros #Journalism #TechNews

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Interesting fact about the Progress Pride flag is that it was initially released under a CC noncommercial license, but is actually not complex enough to qualify for copyright and is therefore public domain.…

in reply to makeworld

This of course explains why pride flags keep getting more complex and aesthetically worse: to eventually reach copyrightable status :angry_laugh:

in reply to Archos

Já tady měl dneska slečnu na úklid, tak jsem nechtěl hned zprasit kuchyni
in reply to Cynik

No k nám zapomněla slečna na úklid dneska dorazit, tak jsem kuchyň uklidil já :flan_XD:

Tip of the day: Annotations are text documents in #DEVONthink that are attached to another document, for example a #PDF. They are a simple but powerful tool for making notes about a document and can therefore be used for everything from research to schoolwork to journaling and more. Here’s an introduction, or a refresher. #notetaking #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday #workflow…

TDK Claims Solid State Battery With 100X Energy Density…
in reply to Patrick C Miller

Let's start with "I want to believe", but how many times in past two decades we have heard this kind of break through claim?

Oft wird behauptet, alle Patientenvereinigungen seien gegen Datenschutz, weil der Fortschritte in der Medizin und eine gute Behandlung behindere. Persönlich stelle ich in der ZusammenarbeiPositierung der Deutschen Aidshilfe #guteDigitalisierungistmachbartenschutz in der ePA die Positierung der Deutschen Aidshilfe #guteDigitalisierungistmachbar…

It's not a competition between nuclear and solar, but whenever you hear people say China adds x amounts of GW in solar, consider this:

In 2023, 57 GW of installed nuclear power produced 47% more electricity in China 🇨🇳 than 609 GW of installed solar modules.

This is the harsh reality of intermittent renewable energy. For comparison: a 1.2 GW class nuclear power plant generates the same amount of electricity as 15.8 GW of installed PV.

🎉 New episode of Changelog & Friends!

@bagder shares his guiding principles for BDFL’ing curl, gives us his perspective on the state of the internet, talks financial independence, ensuring curl won’t be the next XZ & more!

🎧 #curl #podcast

Giving the ICNG another try and am already angry about the interor arrangement. Couldn’t you at least have the table centred on the wall? This gives me the heebie jeebies.
in reply to Martin Hoffmann

not all seats are that wrong! I feel like you are cherry picking the worst ones 😉

Testing it right now as well and for me the seats arrangement is the only issue. Other features are just fine.

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

oh and one more thing: it has apparently a digital (probably IP-based) PA system so there's 100ms-ish latency from the microphone to the speakers.

This makes it uncomfortable for the train managers to give announcements as they hear themselves delayed. Many are solving this by speaking very soft or from distance so that they don't hear themselves. The problem is that then nobody hears anything.

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

@Oskar456 I was almost commenting on that. I thought it was just that the system is bad.

Also, the toilet is already in a really bad state. The door closed halfway and the opened again. The door handle was falling off and there was water standing in the wash basin. I know NS refuses to properly maintain the toilets, but this is a new train.

in reply to Martin Hoffmann

there are some train managers who learned to turn off ears while speaking and with them, the announcements are loud and clear - so it can be done well.

My guess is that it is now impossible to install analogue PA system to a new train because the vendors have already forgotten how to run a analog signal cable though the train properly 😉

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

@Oskar456 I walked in and that was the first bay I encountered. The next one behind the glass wall is exactly the same. Out of the four full bays of four in this section, one had proper window alignment and acceptable if the train goes in the right direction.
in reply to Martin Hoffmann

It could have been worse. Like this DDZ I'm on now 😁
Not only there's not enough legroom at the window seat and there's no proper window, you also get this super annoying 50-88-400-6000 Hz noise from the central power supply conveniently located right next to the first class compartment 🙄

„Ich wollte Mama etwas fragen, aber sie war immer noch sauer und hat so getan, als wäre ich gar nicht da.“
„Das habe ich dir doch schon dreimal gesagt!“
„Wenn du nicht mitkommst, dann gehe ich ohne dich!“
„Gleich setzt es was!“
„Wenn Du nicht sofort aufhörst, gehst du heute ohne Essen ins Bett.“
„In einer halben Stunde muss die Küche tipp-topp aussehen. Sonst darfst du deine Serie nicht gucken.“
„Es war ja klar, dass du wieder eine Vier nach Hause bringst. So wird aus dir nie eine Ärztin!“
„Du hast 2 Wochen Hausarrest!“
„Du machst alles falsch!“
„Aus dir wird nie was!“
„Mama und Papa haben sich angeschrien und ich hatte so Angst, dass Papa Mama wieder schlägt.“

"Psychische #Gewalt hat eine ähnliche Auswirkung wie körperliche Gewalt und begleitet die Kinder und Jugendlichen ihr Leben lang. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam ein Bewusstsein für psychische Gewalt schaffen. Denn sie ist allgegenwärtig."

"Nicht selten leiden diese Kinder und Jugendliche bis ins Erwachsenenalter unter Depressionen oder Angstgefühlen. Sie sind weniger belastbar, stressanfällig und haben Schwierigkeiten, ihr Leben und die Herausforderungen zu meistern."…

Takovouhle doménu prostě musíte mít. Dnes v aukci #cznic…

Štěpán Škorpil reshared this.

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

Zajímalo by mě, kde všude by tohle neprošlo přes validaci e-mailové adresy.

“It turns out the Tesla’s 12-volt battery had died, rendering the car a giant brick. We’ve seen this happen before. When this happens, there is an emergency switch not many people seem to know about located near the driver’s side armrest that will open the doors. In this case, however, that latch would have been of no help; Sanchez was outside the car and there’s no way a toddler would know to release an emergency latch.”…

Gajim 1.9.1 has been released 🎉

This release introduces a menu button, adds improvements for Security Labels, and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #xmpp #chat…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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in reply to Gajim

When I send a file through a bot with the [xep_0363'].upload_file function, the link to GAJIM does not arrive, in the version before 1.9 it works fine.

Anyone else spend way too much time thinking about the grammar of linking to things?

In this fragment I'm not at all confident about the "backs up that data" link, maybe I should have included "as JSON" in that link...

Anyone seen a comprehensive style guide that addresses this?

Extract from…

in reply to Simon Willison

This is even more complicated because of the accessibility advice that discourages link names that don't make sense out of context. TO be fair, this advice is geared towards screen reader users specifically, and I routinely violate it myself as a screen reader user, so I wouldn't be *too* worried about it.

Do any screen reader users have tricks for locating a Youtube video's description? I was viewing this one on the web. He talks about specific audio cables he's ordering from Amazon, and there's a link to them in the description. I've tried with both JAWS and NVDA, but can't find a fool proof way to jump to a video's description, or for that matter, even get to the comments. #a11y…
in reply to Al Puzzuoli

Hi, use the letter h to jump to the first heading, which is the videos title. then use k one or two times to jump to the channel's name. then use the down arrow to reach the description. If the description is too long, press the plus button below its beginning. Use h to locate the comments.

I’ve written some thoughts on Blind Spot: Exploring and Educating on Blindness by Maud Rowell, a short book that packs a punch! These essays are so insightful, writing about issues I’ve been thinking about recently in a far more eloquent way than I could ever manage #blind #Braille #Disability #accessibility #art #museums #bookstodon#BookReview #Storygraph @bookstodon @disability…
in reply to Sarah Matthews

Just read that in one go. Very good read. Will have to think about the contents way more. Thanks for recommending it.
in reply to WestphalDenn

@WestphalDenn Wow that was speedy! There’s so much in there to think over isn’t there?! So glad you enjoyed it

Před pár lety jsem byla u kamarádky v Roudnici a vyfotila jsem si tam budovu bývalé MŠ. Ona po opuštění ještě ke všemu vyhořela, ale stejně....
Tam když jste ráno dali děti, tak je do oběda sežrala nějaká příšera!
(A taky tam mají Adolfa.)

Sice je ME ve fotbale, ale 29.06. začne taky pořádná sportovní akce #TourDeFrance
in reply to Archos

Český ráj. Po dvaceti letech si opakujeme svatební cestu. S dětmi 😎
in reply to Marián Kyral

Tak to je pěkný, tam je krásně. Hlavně dovolená v ČR je top 👍👍

Ráno jsem výjimečně jela do práce vlakem a protože jsem šla z nádraží z kopce, trochu jsem se kochala 🤲🏻📷
in reply to Sᴀɴᴅʀᴜšᴋᴀ

Ať si kazý říká co chce, Vary jsou nádherný. Ten Thermal se tam asi nebude hodit nikdy, ale jinak je to nádhera.

Mein neues Chorleiterinnen-Shirt ist angekommen.

Hoy me levanté con ganas de escuchar algo de Rigoberta Bandini.…

Engineers at Apple: "Sorry, y'all, but this "AI" stuff just isn't ready for primetime. Can we do a slow rollout, if at all?"

Product Management at Apple: "That would look really bad. But maybe we can blame someone else?"

Marketing at Apple: "Hold my beer!"

„Bei naturwissenschaftlichen Phänomenen gibt es keine Meinungsverschiedenheiten, sondern Unsicherheiten.“

Starkes aber auch ernüchterndes und vor allem, mit Blick in die Zukunft, beängstigendes Interview mit Christian #Drosten.

#FightCovid #Covid19 #Pandemie