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I'm old enough to remember when this would be displayed on their platform because of a single browser support.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

just to clarify. FIrefox isn't a supported browser. And don't tell me "it's beta". Because you'll sound like a Googler, and I don't mean this as a compliment.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

there is probably some API Firefox is missing, and the tiny user share makes it impractical to support, been there myself. At some point you have to own the browser choices you make.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

I tried Firefox and Chrome on my Android phone and basically every browser on my Linux desktop. (Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Edge, and even GNOME Web.) Nothing is supported.

Apple is total clown shoes. They must be restricting by user agent string. There's no reason it shouldn't work on Linux, especially in GNOME Web / Epiphany.

Reformist formally takes over as Iran's president after supreme leader offers endorsement…

#MastodonForHarris has reached $400,000 after an initial goal of just $1,000.

As pledged, I smashed that subscribe button for Senator Tammy Baldwin, perhaps the greatest representative Wisconsin will ever have.

Next Senator gets adopted at $500,000!

Join the effort and show your support for #Harris and Mastodon:…

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #election #election2024 #Mastodon4Harris

Interesting thought: If AI takes all our jobs and reduces overall purchasing power, who’s Going To Buy stuff? #AI #ML…
in reply to Chi Kim

AI? We will be just watching on the sidelines and eat sandwiches! :)

If anyone out there is really, really board, the BBC did a technology and visual impairment retrospective, talking about how tech has changed the lives of blind folk. I feature, talking about the law and AI, at about the 17 minute mark:

Everything We Know About Amazon’s New Home Internet Service…

Nachdem ich Oktober 2022 die Verkehrspolitik in Paris aus nächster Nähe erlebt habe und nun London mit seiner Ultra Low Emission Zone ULEZ und seiner Citymaut, die zu messbaren und erlebbaren Verbesserungen führt (kaum Autos in der City), finde ich das Gewese ums Auto in Deutschland verblüffend bis peinlich. Wichtig: Die ruralen Gebiete von F und GB hängen nach wie vor sehr stark am Auto. Aber auch dort ist der Zuwachs an E-Autos deutlich. Zu ULEZ siehe u.a.… 1/x

Ah ah ah !

"Pour info j’ai vu des polémiques apparaître sur une soi disant moquerie hier lors de la cérémonie des JO. Renseignement pris la référence n'est pas du tout la Cène de Léonard de Vinci.

C'est le Festin des Dieux de Jan Harmensz van Biljert, peint vers 1635 et conservée au Musée Magnin à Dijon.

Les dieux de l'Olympe célèbrent le mariage de Thétis et Pélée ; au centre de la table, ce n'est pas le Christ, mais Apollon couronné. Bacchus-Dionysos est allongé au premier plan."

in reply to 🇵🇸 Bénédicte in

C'est dommage car j'adore les blasphèmes, surtout quand ils font rager les fachos. Comme quoi c'est vraiment nul les JOs.

Les ouvriers décédés sur les chantiers des #JeuxOlympiques

- João Baptista Fernandes Miranda, 61 ans
- Amara Dioumassy, 51 ans
- Seydou Fofana, 21 ans
- Franck Michel, 58 ans
- Abdoulaye Soumahoro, 41 ans
- Maxime Wagner, 37 ans
- Jérémy Wasson, 21 ans

Paix à leurs âmes 🌙

Liebe Leute,

ich bin soeben auf meine bislang längste Fahrradreise aufgebrochen. Ich werde in den nächsten Monaten von Freiburg, über die Alpen, durch den Balkan, die Türkei & den Kaukasus bis ans Kaspische Meer nach Baku fahren, um dort 100 Tage und über 5000 km später im November von der nächsten Weltklimakonferenz, zu berichten & für das Fahrrad als “Zukunftstechnologie”, im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, zu werben.
Ich werde mich immer mal wieder von der Reise melden❤️

Liebe Grüße, Ingwar

Sitting at the gate about to go home, and this is here.
in reply to Quin

Wait... Is that displaying on a screen near your gate? How has that system still not recovered from CrowdStrike? That message is due to CrowdStrike issues.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson no, that message is due to a faulty boot. Millions of screens displayed it long before Crowdstrike

Stille Fahrradfahrt

zum Gedenken an den durch einen Autofahrer am 30.01. getöteten

30.07. 19:00 Uhr sharp
Hans-Rosenthal-Platz am „RIAS“ Volkspark

Strikte Beachtung der StVO.

weiße Oberbekleidung bspw. #VisionZero-(Ride-of-Silence)-T-Shirt.

Bitte gebt mit dem Einschalten der Critical-Maps-App ein Zeichen der Solidarität.
@fedibikes_de @fedibikes_berlin @RespectCyclists @radxberg @berlin_radler @CCitiesOrg @ligi

I'm looking for work!

I've worked on Mac apps like Growl and Adium, did QA and integration on Apple's Foundation framework, and developed custom analysis tools for Field Team 6. I've also done a wide variety of my own tools, mostly in Python, C, or Objective-C.

I live in SF; can do Bay Area commute or remote.

Check out my résumé:

#FediHire #GetFediHired

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reshared this

Maglev titanium heart now whirs inside the chest of a live patient…

hey, remember this? I used this all the time back in the day, and I think you were the one that turned me onto it.…
in reply to Jason Fayre

Wow, that sounded cool. The first version of Openbook as actually called EasyScan and it was just a bunch of sophisticated batch files written by Noel Runnion.

Why Zelle scams worry lawmakers so much — and how they could hurt you - Victims of Zelle fraud are entitled to more reimbursement than they’re getting, lawmakers say…

Apple reaches tentative contract agreement with unionized store employees in Maryland…

Technology's grip on modern life is pushing us down a dimly lit path of digital land mines…

#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* Arru: track and analyze your expenses

At 3 #Magisk #modules were updated.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

A je tu zase #copyrightiade prokazující, že ČT24 má ve skutečnosti dvě varianty - ta lepší je ta v DVB-T2, ta horší je pak na satelitu a internetu.

Ale ostatně co by člověk čekal od akce, která si prolobovala svou vlastní instanci autorského zákona:

Vždycky si říkám, kdo bude další se svým vlastním zákonem na "ochranu symboliky."

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

A to chtějí aby poplatky platil každý, kdo má přístup k internetu. A pak dostane takto osekanou službu…
in reply to Marián Kyral

poplatky bych si toho radši netahal. Ostatně ten problém není na straně ČT, jako spíš na straně výboru-jehož-jméno-je-zakázáno-vyslovit, který si pod rouškou "ochrany symboliky" proloboval neskutečně drakonický copyright a kterému to bohužel stále prochází.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Ondřej Caletka

@mkyral Pak ale nemůžou chtít za internetovou verzi stejné poplatky jako ze terrestriál, protože nenabízejí shodný obsah.
in reply to Tritol

@tritol128 @mkyral to je nesmyslný argument. Veřejná služba funguje jako celek. To neznamená, že všechen obsah musí být vždy dostupný všemi kanály.

Ostatně ČT taky vyrábí třeba několik pořadů exkluzivně pro iVysílání, takže lidé, co nemají internet, je neuvidí. To ale neznamená, že by měli platit míň.

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

@tritol128 @mkyral Co několik pořadů... V podstatě všechny dodatečné sportovní kanály (dnes pod hlavičkou ČT Sport Plus) jsou čistě internetové. Často jich běží i několik souběžně, na terestrice to nikde není.
in reply to Ondřej Caletka

@mkyral Jo, to je ten výbor, který se zpolitizoval svou otevřenou podporou jednoho senátního kandidáta za ČSSD a následně jednoho hejtmana a kandidáta za tutéž stranu.…

in reply to Aaron Toponce ⚛️

unsolicited image description. feel free to edit it in

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

#Wikidata arrive comme filtre dans le catalogue des applications mobilisant #OpensStreetMap !

Une mine d'idées pour les personnes travaillant à rapprocher les deux communs :…

via @weeklyOSM (évidemment !)

in reply to DMONTAGNE

The first one is a custom @MapComplete theme, but @MapComplete does more stuff with Wikidata. There biggest (and coolest) integration is; but many themes also show and ask for relevant wikidata items (such as and showing e.g. artists, the article about the artwork or for memorials whom is buried there)

Jasné, že je to photoshop.
Je to satira, ktorá bude čoskoro skutočná!
Obezita je ako mor, napreduje neskutočne!
Ľuďom sa už nechce ani šliapať.
Chcú sa iba viesť - choré!
Všetko len uľahčiť čo sa dá!
Ľudia chcú športovať, ale nechcú makať, len sa zúčastniť!
in reply to Pomaranč

Nemyslím, na kole jezdím celkem často. Cyklistiku provozuje čím dál více lidí. Ono i na elektrokole se musí šlapat. Samozřejmě netvrdím, že není hodně lidí obézních a je i pár co jdou na kolo, udělají selfíčko a tím to pro ně končí.

In einem anderen Post als schlechten Screenshot gesehen. Habe die Originalgrafik gesucht. Hilft vielleicht ein wenig, um sich und andere in gewissen Dingen nicht zu sehr zu kasteien.

Extra viel Alt-Text

Quellen und Anmerkungen im Thread

#klimawandel #klimakrise #nachhaltigkeit #erneuerbare #verkehrswende #ernahrung #energiewende #recycling

Back in March I scanned through a terabyte of old geocities sites with the goal of finding *all* the 88x31 buttons. Recently, I realised that I didn't scan for all the geocities subsites (e.g.,, etc). I've fixed that mistake and have added 1.8k new 88x31 buttons from Germany, Brazil, Hong Kong and many more international sites. Feel free to explore the updated site or download the zipped button archive (31k buttons, 156MB)

>>> <<<

#indieweb #smallweb #geocities
#neocities #88x31

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Tech Companies Can't Find Good Employees, and It's Their Own Fault…

Site Update:

User registration is now online. You can now register for an account.

iAccessibility Forums are now fully created. Users may now post in any of the forums.

App Directory is still under development, and should be ready in the next couple of days.

Guides are still under development

Apple OS bug tracking is also still under development.

We will keep everyone updated as more features of the site come online.

Head to to create an account.

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to iAccessibility

Have you considered talking to the Applevis maintainers to just migrate the data owner? They should be able to give you the db

The End of an Era: A Message From the Founder as We Announce the Closure of AppleVis | AppleVis…

In 2022 I became #curl's 1000th commit author and was congratulated as such until I had to confess to @bagder that I wasn't: I had used two distinct email addresses and was thus only the 999th.

The record (…) doesn't reflect this, but it is my #sundayConfession

in reply to JP Mens

Contributing to the curl project is a career booster.
Our lead Enterprise Architect was awestruck when he saw the "NASA 2020 Mars helicopter" badge on my Github profile. That became how he'd introduce me to others...
in reply to JP Mens

I'm sure you are not the only one counted more than once. Water under the bridge by now though as we count 1288 authors.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Thanks to @mcourcel, I just ordered some glue for assembling large 3d prints. Just hope this clip from Trailor Park boys won't apply to me.…

Catholics, others respond to mockery of Last Supper at Paris Olympics…

Olga Rusakova shares the ups and downs of #OpenSource project marketing - with 5 great tips.… #OpenSource