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If you're wondering what the gambling gate news stuff is being used to cover. It's this.

"Tories instruct lawyers to fight release of Universal Credit documents ahead of election"

And remember the UK has the lowest welfare benefits of any European country. Universal credit is already spec'd to be punitive. Cutting it only punches down on the weakest and most vulnerable in our society.…

Mich würde mal interessieren wieviel Zeit Fuß- und Radverkehr verloren geht durch autogerechte Infrastruktur, #Bettelampel|n und Umwege. Deren Stau ist mir wurst, solange sie danach ihre scheiß Laune nicht an uns rauslassen. Die haben das Elend selbst gewählt.

From: @taz…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Si trabajáis por cuenta propia y en algún momento habéis fantaseado con dejar la gran ciudad y mudaros a Soria a comer torreznos, este es el momento.

Acaban de sacar una ayuda por la que si os mudáis a Castilla y León, os dan 6000 euros porque sí.

Más 2000 euros más si es a un pueblo de menos de 2000 habitantes a más de 15km de la capital (como mi pueblo y tantos otros).

Mas 2000 más si tenéis menos de 35 años.…

#ayudas #autonomos #castillayleon #subvención

in reply to editora

Y bueno, estoy hablando de pueblos, pero la ayuda también es para capitales de provincia, que siempre tienen más servicios. Vivir en un pueblo de menos de 200 habitantes (la mayoría de Soria son así) no es para todo el mundo.
in reply to editora

A mi por ejemplo me parecería terrorífico vivir en un sitio así. dicho lo cual, cada uno con sus preferencias.

📣 2. sraz uživatelů Mastodon v Karlových Varech 📣
📅 Datum: 15. srpna
🕔 Čas: 17:00
📍 Místo: Národní dům, Karlovy Vary.
Připojte se k nám na druhý sraz uživatelů Mastodon v Karlových Varech! 🌟
#mastopivo @mastopivo…

⚡ Das Kanzleramt übt gerade massiven Druck auf die Länder aus, damit diese Cloud-Verträge mit Delos abschließen. ☁️🖥️ Alle Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsbedenken werden ignoriert, hier sollen offenbar schnell Fakten geschaffen werden. So wird das nichts mit der digitalen Souveränität! 🤨 Wir haben deswegen einen Brief an die CIOs der Länder geschrieben ⬇️… #OpenSource

#zmedii Česko bude mít zastoupení na Tour de France. Starou dámu pojede Jan Hirt…

Jan Hirt bude prvním českým cyklistou v pelotonu Tour de France po třech letech. 33letý rodák z Třebíče je v nominaci týmu Soudal Quick-Step.…

I have indie developed a Matrix iOS client called Nil.

It not only comes with basic features like encryption, rich notifications. But also with:
🐈‍⬛ Tenor GIF
🗂️ Message room folders
☕️ Customizable reaction emojis
⌚️Upcoming WatchOS, MacOS, VisionOS app

App Store:…


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Někdy od února mám u sebe na serveru. Nyní se povedlo převést i doménu. V případě potřeby se tedy obracejte na mě. Mastodex jede od odchodu adenta z fediverse pouze v udržovacím stavu. Nicméně se zdá, že se něco chystá ... uvidíme 🙂
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Verweigert: Spaß mit der Einwilligungserklärung in der Arztpraxis…

Guten Morgen ☕️

☀️ 2004: Für 1 Gigawatt Solarstromkapazität zu installieren brauchte man 1 Jahr.

☀️ 2010: 1 Monat

☀️ 2016: 1 Woche

☀️ 2023: Einzelne Tage

☀️ 2024: Es werden 520-655 GW installierte Kapazität erwartet; das sind bis zu 2 2004er pro Tag.

Konec dobíhání autobusů a čekání na zastávkách. V Česku se rozjíždí „MHD na míru“

Startup Citya zavádí nový typ veřejné dopravy – lidé si pomocí aplikace objednají mikrobus, který je zaveze, kam potřebují. A za téměř stejné peníze jako stojí jízdenka na MHD. Koncept se ujal v Česku i zahraničí.…

in reply to

Ta case study v Ricanech ten celej koncept pomerne dobre vystihuje. Mesicni prijmy 24k, to je min nez pulka platu jednoho ridice.

Kdyz jezdi 4h denne (mimo vikendu) a mesto prispeje na benzin, tak to nejak fungovat muze, no.

Ale Pepa se nesmi hodit marod.

Microsoft removes documentation for switching to a local account in Windows 11

But most Microsoft account sign-in workarounds for Windows 11 continue to work.…

Welcome to Alex Snast as #curl commit author 1280:…

A lot of things have actually improved quite a bit, or how the monthly "everything sucks" rant is wrong

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Dan Luu

there might also be an age-related perception bias coming in here too. In 1996 a laptop might have lasted a third of your lifetime - ages! And now it only lasts ⅕ of your lifetime.

But the latter is twice as long as the former.

Im #Brandenburg‍ischen #Lauchhammer sowie im Landkreis #OberspreewaldLausitz bildet die #noAfD nun #Fraktion‍en mit der Partei #DieHeimat (aka #NPD).

Es wächst zusammen, was im Geiste schon immer eins war.

#Brandmauer #AfDplus #Heimat&Zukunft…

Warum #Amsterdam heute eine Fahrradstadt ist? Weil die Bürger:innen in den 70er Jahren die Schnauze gestrichen voll hatten von dem #Autowahnsinn. #Verkehreswende #StädteFürMenschen 📷 @utopiade

Here's a user in the wild who was bitten by the Apple "backdoor" in #curl:…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Is 2 months normal for an Apple response to a security incident raised by the maintainer of curl? Or did you have earlier discussions with them? Would hope you’d have a direct hotline.

You say you were aware since Dec 2023. Do you know how long the back door has been there?

in reply to Callionica

@callionica they are always slow - I have no secret direct channel to them. I can only use their generic product security email. But they did respond faster than two moths, it just took them this long to come to a conclusion about this particular issue.

I don't know how long it has been there. It would not surprise me if it has been there since they started building curl with libressl, several years ago. (can't recall the exact timing for that)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

wow. Been using curl and Apple platforms and did not know this. Your blog post is helpful. Thank you.

I think the workaround for intermediate/advanced users is fine. Anyone who does serious software things on macOS is/should be aware of homebrew, and using manually installed alternatives to the system-provided tools.

"Trotz einzelner sinnvoller Maßnahmen, wie Reformen des Unterhaltsvorschusses und des Kinderzuschlags, sei es noch immer nicht gelungen, die belastende Situation für viele Alleinerziehende entscheidend zu verbessern, sagte die Expertin für #Familienpolitik bei der Bertelsmann Stiftung, Antje Funcke."…

in reply to Insa van den Berg

"Die Armutsfalle für #Alleinerziehende sei jedoch nicht auf Erwerbslosigkeit zurückzuführen, hieß es weiter, denn mehr als 70 Prozent der alleinerziehenden Mütter und 87 Prozent der alleinerziehenden Väter gingen einer Arbeit nach."…

Lets Encrypt on their plan and progress to run their services more and more on Rust implementations. They deployed ntpd-rs now.…

Blocked Applebot-Extended in my robots.txt today.

Apple support article.

I’m guessing Apple offered this option because community docs on GenAI-scraper opt-outs were starting to include AppleBot which was used for Apple’s search engine for years before Apple’s foray into LLMs.

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in reply to Seirdy

what makes you think crawlers are going to obey robots.txt at all then?
in reply to eri :floofMischief:

Their own official docs and my access logs generally confirming that they tend to follow their own docs.

Googlebot-Extended and Applebot-Extended are a sort of hijacking of robots.txt for what should be an X-Robots directive, as they govern indexing/usage but not crawling. There is no way to reliably verify that these work.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

My PhD student Sára and I are looking for people to participate in a study on usability aspects of interactive theorem provers. Please consider signing up!

Who? anyone who uses or has used an interactive theorem prover for whatever purpose

What? 90 - 120 minute interviews (possibly including a small think-aloud programming session)

When? interviews will be scheduled starting September 2024

Where? online (participants from anywhere are welcome)

We are hoping these interviews will help us determine how you interact with your theorem provers and to gain insights on how we can improve the user experience. We are interested in all aspects of interactive theorem provers, including but not limited to their design, their tooling, their libraries, and their documentation.

Sign up here:…

#Agda #Coq #Lean #Isabelle #Usability #TheoremProvers

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Finally got to eat Indian mangoes this mango season. @divya gave me Kesar mangoes

I write about Indian mangoes here…

Whatever you think you know about mangoes, Indian and Pakistani mangoes *in season* are very different, and worth seeking out


Giving #LinuxMint a spin in a virtual machine because my mom has expressed an interest in migrating to Linux when #Windows 10 enters end-of-life. It's actually pretty darn slick and user-friendly; comes with a lot of stuff made by the Mint devs themselves for #Linux Mint, and I think it might be the perfect thing to migrate my mom over to. Will probably stick with the #Debian based LMDE.
in reply to Majid Hussain

It's Ubuntu based but they make some of their own design and security choices. For one, they are the lead developers of the Cinnamon desktop, so by default it ships with that and you will generally get newer versions of Cinnamon faster on Mint.

They also remove snaps in favor of flatpaks, though you can obviously reinstall snaps yourself if you prefer those, but by default it has flatpaks instead.

They also have a "Debian Edition" or "LMDE" that is based on Debian instead of Ubuntu.

in reply to Marcus

cheers for that info! that desktop enviroment is not accessible sadly

Týmy a jezdci letošní Tour de France

Spanish Parliament votes in favor of motion correcting Government's position on Western Sahara issue: "Support for Justice and Legitimacy of the Cause"

Rick and Morty "In The Homestretch" of 70-Episode Deal; What's Next?…

CISA confirms hackers may have accessed data from chemical facilities during January incident

The agency found no evidence that hackers exfiltrated information but noted the intrusion “may have resulted in the potential unauthorized access”...

🔗️ [Therecord]

Dobré ráno vinšuji. Tak vstávat kamarádi, vstávat. 😉 Už reď ráno, v půl šesté, je venku hnusné vedro 🥵 tak doufejme, že se to otočí a ochladí se. Protože Jiří bude jinak odpoledne nefunkční. 🤪
Ano, přesně, taky si to myslím, už aby byl sychravý podzim. 🍁 Tak hurá do práce a žádné přestávky, humlu v chumlu😀
Safra, teď tu projel debil na koloběžce a málem mi srazil. Co myslíte, neměli by ti blbečkové co jezdí po chodníku na koloběžce 🛴platit měsíční daň bezpečnosti? Třeba, já nevím, pakatel, 10000
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

How the European Accessibility Act (EAA) will impact product accessibility…

I see you Valérie Plante...

Montréal gets a Fête Nationale parade w/ no red tape politics.…

Canada Day parade cancelled b/c of red tape politics:… #polMTL #MTLpoli #cdnpoli #polcan #valerieknowsbest #BS

Beyond Doctor Who: Harry Sullivan’s War to be Turned Into an Audiobook This Christmas…