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Well, nobody showed up, so I had to setup my work computer all on my own. Lol! Before everyone gets their underwear tied in a knot, I'm quite capable. Just being silly. I am blind you know.

What I sincerely believe is that the first and most important obligation the state has toward transgender minors is to protect them from their parents

With a significant enough number of users, any change and any bugfix, no matter how small, is a backwards-incompatible breaking change to someone.

The EU’s Next Generation Internet programme has supported free, open source software for years. But now a silent death seems to be looming: An internal document suggests that financing may soon end. Developers are surprised and call for the programme’s survival.…

We are heading to the HillsideFestival in Guelph Ontario this weekend. Should be an awesome time and the weather looks great!

Has anyone tried thunderbird 128 with a screen reader? How is the #a11y? I must admit my quality of life went way down since supernova.

Canadian phone companies are just the laziest, least competitive companies in the world.
in reply to packetcat

It's the worst.

Some of my cannier friends have bought AT&T plans and "roam" in Canada for a fraction of what our local plans cost. I can get better data plans for a couple of euros in any European airport than I can anywhere in Canada for any amount of money.

A new version of MapComplete is out!

This one features many bugfixes, such as not having blank screens on Chrome and some error recovery. Critical errors during data uploads are now logged remotely, giving @pietervdvn some insight in what happens and which allows some data recovery.

Furthermore, a #barbeque and #firepit theme has appeared:

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to See+Map

@SeeandMap Wish granted, if the build succeeds should be online in about ~30 minutes. Do a hard refresh then.
in reply to Pietervdvn :mapcomplete:

🤩 Thank you. let's see if tomorrow i can find a place and add a set of pictures.

MapComplete reshared this.

@Tutanota hey, I have a problem with my e-mail, the server is not responding: "The connection has time out" 😢

So. 🔁. it's a repeat button. Unless your an iPhone, in which case it's a ... ehh ... clockwise circular arrows representing media playback repeat. Add another 3 syllables if you have Emoji suffix on.
And they say the world is getting more accessible.

Looking into osquery and I tried their curl module. Doesn’t work with my network setup at work, which seemed weird because curl works just fine.

Turns out curl is just another word for a Boost based lightweight HTTP client.

curl means curl. Not “Invoke-WebRequest” and not “Boost based HTTP client”.

(cc @bagder )

in reply to Emil Tullstedt

so curl is so legendary that it’s to HTTP requests what Google used to be for search—vital to the point of being a valid verb of its own?

So instead of talking about preference and necessity, let me try to talk about process and outcomes.

Civilization involves preferring the process to specific outcomes. (Democracy, law, all the stuff that says you're trading immediate advantage for indirect advantage because that way, on the odds, you don't die of starvation or violence or preventable disease.) Hold a vote, hold a trial, accept the outcome as a necessary part of maintaining civilization.

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind
in reply to Lanie Carmelo

Well, Windows has its command line too, PowerShell for example, albeit not a raw, pure command line environment.

In the current Garbage Day @ryanbroderick goes hard after VC tech bros who now shifted to openly supporting Trump:

Holy shit what a great paragraph.

Some dogs can bark up to 350 times a day.

That’s just a ruff estimate though…

Splatená pokuta a tie tripy včera... no cítim sa výborne, cítim sa skvele.

Ten pocit když zjistíš že si celý život jedl špatný druh 😂

reshared this

Humans be like: Yes I have a small furry creature wandering around my living space. I cannot effectively communicate with it and it screams at me and sometimes bites or claws me to the point it draws blood. Also it vomits on the floors and sometimes other places. Anyway it's totally worth it because I get to frequently rub my hands on it

reshared this

well i made the paper. local wrag, and they mjissed half of what happened but hey.…
in reply to jack scrimshaw

Nobody ever tells you where the alarms are, do they? I'm more likely to text the make me a winner for our local radio than the british transport police the numbers are similar!
Glad nothing more serious came of it.

Looks like I am asking all kinds of questions. OH well, here goes. I'm on the hunt for resources, tops and tricks, and any information which folks might be willing to pass on regarding the use of Visual Studio Code with a #ScreenReader. Asking for a friend... for real. Any help greatly appreciated.

#Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind @main

in reply to MostlyBlindGamer

@MostlyBlindGamer @NVAccess I'll be using simplified language for this reply since I don't know skill levels. Visual Studio Code, or VScode, is very different from Visual Studio. Yes, I agree that them having similar names is silly. VScode is written with a lot of JavaScript and is much friendlier to approach as your first text editor. It has fewer features than Visual Studio, but it will do most of what you need to do and is shockingly accessible with a screen reader: extension management, file browser, notifications, file status, a bunch of other stuff. It can all be accessed either through moving focus from pane to pane with f6 or by using a specific shortcut. Don't know a shortcut? Use the command palette. Vscode can't do something specific? Find an extension to do it. Having trouble changing your settings? Open up the json and avoid any weird GUI dropdown nonsense by editing them directly.

I do Python, JS, HTML, CSS, SQL, C++, and even some C# through VScode. The text editor will let you write anything you want. I supplement it with code formatters/linters, framework integrations, command-line interface tools, and any other tooling I might need for a given project/workspace (an entire IDE in the case of C++ for Arduino in VScode). Visual Studio includes a lot of this stuff in it already, and you can absolutely use it to write your first if you really want, but it's total overkill for that: you'd be driving an 18-wheeler to the supermarket to pick up a carton of eggs.

I would recommend reading the links that @MostlyBlindGamer posted. They are what helped me get started on VScode with NVDA. Also drinking coffee and yelling obscenities at my keyboard for 2 hours before realizing I forgot the semicolon on line 211.

in reply to Pepper The Vixen🏳️‍⚧️🦯

@PepperTheVixen @MostlyBlindGamer It was me who introduced that confusion between VS & VS Code, so I do apologise, although you are right, not the best way to name two different products - but on the positive side, they ARE both accessible, so that's a good thing.

Thank you @gnome for the new font rendering with fractional scaling. Everything is much clearer and crisper now!

Ill and miserable, sniffing and coughing. On the sofa watching Netflix because my brain stopt working.

Damn, I was planning to write some nice documentation today.

Hooray for hours of public transport and the post WordCamp flu.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Hoy toca revisar el clausulado de contratos de tratamiento de datos. No me gusta, porque todo contrato de tratamiento implica sacar datos fuera del ámbito de la Administración, por falta de capacidad.

Bags packed, slides and video uploaded, time to go to Berlin for #guadec2024

Board officers appointed! Phew, that took a while. Exciting to have enthusiastic new directors taking up positions.

The first meeting of the newly updated GNOME Foundation Board is just starting. We have one group in Denver, one in Berlin, and others participating remotely from home.

This is the board's annual meeting, so we'll be appointing officers, forming committees, and figuring out what we want to do for the next year.

I don't know why I think about stuff like this, but I do. If you had one wish to be granted by an all-powerful being, what would help humanity/Earth most? Instant access to all knowledge, so we'd know everything from medical cures to someone's motivations? The removal of all language barriers? Mind reading? The inability for humans to commit crimes, if you could define crimes carefully enough? Teleportation? Removing materialism from everyone?
in reply to Alex Hall

Distribute Earth’s resources, food and health care to everybody, remove the need for capitalism and the need to feel that one needs to stand above the other to feel better or valued. Capitalism and greediness, and the lack of resources, causing wars and suffering, are the most evil things on this world I believe. So removing the cause and incentive for these sounds pretty compelling to me.

I thought… Lemme try and record my faithful travel guitar with Meta glasses. Just a Bossanoish doodle, really… O yeah, on the back of the guitar I clipped the ToneWoodAmp with effects, it’s using the sound box as a speaker. Hear what came out…
in reply to victor tsaran

I kind of want to try one of these ToneWoodAmp things. Maybe it will make my boring, cheap Fender acoustic/electric more interesting.
Since I can't really play instruments here, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a guitar to leave at my parents' place. The amp is about as much as the guitar was, from what I'm seeing online.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox It definitely will, but then you will have to pay for the amp itself. The cool thing about it though is that you can reuse the same unit on different guitars. Just install an extra bracket inside the guitar, stick the amp at the back, and you’re good to go! :)

To Recap:
•Calls for mass deportation
•Accusing "illegal aliens" of stealing American jobs
•Repeated promotion of the white supremacist Great Replacement Theory
•Accusing a Sikh speaker of "witchcraft" & "demon prayer" w/demands she be deported
•Accusing Vance of opposing "white identity" because his wife is Indian & he has mixed kids
•Zero rebukes from GOP leadership to any of the aforementioned racism and white supremacy

The 2024 RNC is indistinguishable from a KKK convention. Prove me wrong.

This dumb password rule is from Virgin Media.

Your password needs to be between 8 and 10 characters long, with no
spaces, and must contain only numbers and letters. The first character
must be a letter.

Feb 2020 Update: policy remains the same but the description is hidden
leaving you to guess the acceptable length/chars. Users are now lef...…

#password #passwords #infosec #cybersecurity #dumbpasswordrules

Biden slowly shuffling his ass onto an airplane without wearing a mask after announcing he tested positive for COVID has unlocked new feelings of wtf in me

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4 is now avaialble. Everthing from the previous betas PLUS beta 4 also includes:

- Fix reporting addresses in Modern Outlook To/CC/BCC fields

- Improved handling of errors when installing add-ons, fixed bug where failed add-on updates remove the installed add-on

- Minor fixes to improve updating a portable copy

- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #FOSS #Beta #Prerelease

sometimes you need to take a step back and ask “should I be using a computer for this?”

and then take another step back and ask “should I be doing this at all?”

and then take another step back and ask “Should I be doing anything?”

and then take another step back and lay down in bed and go to sleep

Looking at the #opnsense firewall 24.7 release candidate release notes and I see:
ui: assorted improvements for screen readers (contributed by Jason Fayre).
Very cool!