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The Space Shuttle had a 59-pound printer on board, known as the Interim Teleprinter. Putting this heavy printer in orbit cost $1.5 million per flight, but it was a key piece of flight hardware,
providing the astronauts with mission plans, weather reports, and other documents from Mission Control. Let's take a look inside... 1/12

So, just found a demo of a new game coming out on Steam that is fully screen reader accessible. It does highly recommend a keyboard and headset. It is called Periphery Synthetic . I have no idea how to play this demo yet, but it sounds like it will be a fun, chill game.

Dear aging US-ians.

This is stupid but 100% true. Keep this on your radar as you get older.

"Even if you do not retire at age 65, you may need to sign up for Medicare within 3 months of your 65th birthday to avoid a lifetime late enrollment penalty."

It is significant. And LIFETIME. No do-overs.

It's 2034. You wake up to pay your spoon, bowl and cereal subscription but forgot to pay for Cereal+ which includes milk. Musk just celebrated the birth of his 41st child and renamed X to because it sounded cooler. Social media no longer contains words and is just an endless stream of influencers trying to sing songs with product placements. It's okay though if you need to read you can just have your AI girlfriend do it for you. You go for a walk outside but it's just too hot in October.

Great news for #KDEConnect and another win for funding #opensource and #internships.

Thanks to the hard work of ShellWen Chen (颉文) for #GSoC, the SSHD server used for #SFTP has been upgraded!

Check out their Ko-fi for donations, links to GitHub, etc.

The cybertruck is like if a Kia wanted to larp as an F150

I mask. Any time, anywhere indoors that has (or had recently) anyone besides my spouse.

What do I do once I boot the installer to get #orca working under #fedora? Do I just hit alt f2 and type in orca at the run prompt or is there something else I need to do? #accessibility #linux
in reply to Khronos

it depends what image you're using. there is no orca in the dedicated installer images. as @popey says, using an live spin is probably the best choice.

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Ah, I can see this:…. I'm not a dev so I don't know what's going on there. It's a nice app but since it's not on F-droid I'm kinda skeptical about it so I disable network access for it xD
in reply to Triskelion

@triskelion I'm no Android dev either, but that would change the app name shown to drop the "Demo".

But before I give you false hope there, I'v just looked into the latest release: wouldn't be welcome at IoD, sorry. Comes with Crashlytics, Firebase, GMS etc – so too many proprietary components. Also, why would a wallet app need your location? The app description gives no clue (but speaks of "privacy"). Draw your own conclusions, and I might be wrong to call that "a bit risky"…

Gajim is now on :liberapay:

If you like to support Gajim with a donation, feel free to visit

in reply to Gajim

@codelutin is a member @copiepublique and we support FLOSS with a yearly donation. I will propose you this year

Gajim reshared this.

The App Directory Submission process is now live at Create an account, and login, and then find the App Directory link in the menu. You will then find a button to submit an app.

We will finish creating the ability to view submitted apps by the end of the weekend.

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Life has been super hectic again but I've recently gotten to mess with sonos. Love the sound quality and the fact I can airPlay. The assistant coverage as far as google and Alexa go leave something to be desired. My next thing to figure out is how to stream PC audio to said sonos speakers. Any solutions? Boosts appreciated.
in reply to MariahL

This is why I still use 2 pairs of Echo Studios here and 2 pairs of Echo dots (both sets as stereo) to stream via icecast to a web server through virtual cable and Edcast, simple set-up to also play music and content in VLC, but Sonos felt super locked-in in this regard when I made the choice. Over the years though even Amazon has shown its ugly colors in the ecosystem lock-in area so now I've just settled with it.

Besides the TTS thing, the sense player has another huge flaw. Next to the left arrow between the home and back buttons and next to the right arrow between the menu and delete buttons, there is a lot of empty space. Enough in fact for a button on each side, one left of left arrow and one right of right arrow that would be great as shortcuts. Similar to the mode button, you can assign a shortcut to either a sense or a third party app. That's how I would've designed it, there are already a decent amount of buttons so why waste empty space?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

If you find yourself wondering why your feed on Mastodon is incredibly hostile or toxic, spend a few minutes going through the worst offending posts and see who's posting or boosting them.

I did this and discovered that the worst offenders were a small handful of accounts that were constantly boosting or posting very negative stuff. Once they were removed from my feed (it was like only like three or four accounts), everything improved dramatically.

#feditips #feditip

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uspol, PSA

Sensitive content

This morning, at age 26, after having spent far too much of my childhood hearing the song, I realized the lyrics in Nickelback's 'Rockstar' were

"And a big black jet with a bedroom in it,

As opposed to: "And a big black chair with a bedroom in it".

Yeah a lot of things make more sense now.

Still kinda want a chair with an extra-dimensional bedroom inside of it, though.


The bandage was wound around the wound.

The farm was used to produce produce.

We must polish the Polish furniture.

He could lead if he would get the lead out.

The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

I did not object to the object.

The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

They were too close to the door to close it.

The buck does funny things when the does are present.

A seamstress and a sewer fell down into the sewer.

To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

After a number of injections my jaw got number.

Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

ICYMI, I moved over to @Nolan Darilek a bit ago as a test. had been struggling a bit, didn't ever notify me when I got new followers, and after my foray with and its implosion, I was a bit nervous about where to host my fediverse presence. is a GotoSocial instance I'm hosting on and it's been incredibly stable. I think I'm switching permanently, but because Friendica doesn't support account migration to non-Friendica, I've had to sort of hack it a bit. I think I successfully followed everyone I follow here, but figured I'd send one last message out here to let folks know.

Don't want to say I'll never post here again--I guess there's the outside possibility my new setup will implode in a way I can't anticipate--but right now it's working and is where I am. Not posting there very often, but hopefully I'll start up again now that I can count on it working like it should.

Well the pool is up, but the app I used for interpreting test strips 2 years ago is no longer on the app store. Being blind sometimes utterly sucks.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

most of us are on the way back from DebConf (I'm still going to do some tourism here for a week), so it might take a couple of days for us to reply, sorry. I would love for that to happen, though.
in reply to Samuel Henrique

also I did a lightning talk presentation for wcurl, I was waiting to get the YouTube link but you can watch it here for now:…

wcurl is at 13:36

Sidewalks used to be wider. It’s a fact that rarely gets acknowledged in discussions about road diets. Usually the road diet debate is framed as taking space AWAY from cars. Really it’s about giving it BACK to pedestrians. Here’s a good article about it

#InspiredBySound - Impact Soundworks Altera Keys (NKS Overview & Favourites)
in reply to Rui Batista

@ragb Already discussed in description... Accident, no way I was going to re-record, didn't find out until editing.

If you could not attend the DebConf or have missed the conference because of time zone differences, all recorded video are now available for viewing at your leisure:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian
in reply to Debian

Some kind of overview or table of contents would be nice. Have I overlooked this?

Thank you to all the people who made #DebConf24 possible! The DebConf organisation team, the Local Team, Debian Video Team, our speakers, volunteers, and attendees. Would you like to join for organising the next DebConf? If so visit and contact the DebConf team. #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea #debconf25… #debian

Wonderful article: "Computers can be understood":…

"…no single human understands all of the layers…from the transistors and silicon up through …the application code, not even to mention all the network services involved…"—why I am, shall we say, not a fan of the phrase "full stack".

"…engineers I’ve worked with (including myself) who are the most comfortable reading unfamiliar code bases are at risk of habitually undervaluing documentation…”—ouch, that one hurt.

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Grocery getters. Who the fuck need that to get groceries and why the fuck don’t they know how to park?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Toto si tu odložím s mojou predikciou - tento výplod od Gartnera sa ukáže ako extrémny príklad genAI hujerizmu. Určite, genAI má potenciál určité odvedvia značne posunúť a prekopať, ale tento prehnaný optimizmus kruto narazí a ja len dufam, že to nebude mať následky ako prasknutie .com bubliny.

From: @sambowne…

in reply to Tomáš Odehnal

Hipe je okolo toho neskutočný, všetci to majú potrebu nacpať doslova všade, alebo aspoň to napísať. To je jak blockchain pred dekádou.
Ale je to už dobrých 18 mesiacov čo sa tento balónik vypustil a nejaký výraznejší posun, dokonca ani v aplikáciách kde sa dá na prvú očakávať, že by to mohlo mať naozaj zásadný prínos to poriadne nevidno. Naopak skôr vnímam nabaľujúci sa bludný kruh detských chýb a nových problémov.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

Taky to nevnímám moc pozitivně. Hromady peněz a energie (nejen elektrické) s výsledky většinou diskutabilními.

Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro revolutionizes AI with top LMSYS scores, outperforming GPT-4 and Claude-3.5, promising transformative impact across industries while rai…

Source: VentureBeat Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro revolutionizes AI with top LMSYS scores, outperforming GPT-4 and Claude-3.5, promising transformative impact across industries while rai…
Source: VentureBeat

I gave a talk about #spiel and #speech #tts in #linux at on #GUADEC #GUADEC2024 in Denver.

Check it out:…

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Sensitive content

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Akože v pohode, robiť by som tam asi nechcel ale okej no, v pohode.

Google is neutering (among other things) the most effective web spyware blocker. That tells you so much about the motives of a company that once promised to not be evil.…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Imane Khelif is a cis woman, she has experienced 9 losses against other women in her career, including the 2020 Olympics where she lost against Irish participant Kellie Harrington. Yet, the usual transphobes are currently unleashing a vile attack against her, misgendering her, accusing her of being a man competing unfairly and having some sort of advantage against her fellow athletes, all because she doesn't fit their incredibly limited norm of how a woman should look.

Suddenly, people who never cared or know much about the sport are very interested in women's boxing, and found a scapegoat in her in order to spread their disinformation. Khelif is currently receiving more vitriol than convicted child rapist Steven van de Velde who was still allowed to compete.

This is basically yet another reminder that it was never about genuinely caring for the safety of women. Transphobia is dangerous for everyone, *including* us cis women, and that the links between TERF ideology and white supremacy are very real. Feminism isn't feminism if it's not intersectional.…

#ImaneKhelif #Olympics #Olympics2024 #transphobia #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

in reply to Annie Hsh 👾🖖☕

Lin Yu-ting originally got into boxing wanting to protect her mother from domestic violence, which clearly shows that she has experienced domestic abuse first hand.

Imane Khelif grew up in poverty, she started boxing when she became good at dodging the physical attacks of boys in her village, traveled 10km to train, and had to work to pay for her own bus fare, as her father didn't approve of boxing for girls. An experience that a lot of girls who grew up having so-called "tomboy" interests are probably familiar with. I know I am. She has recently become a UNICEF ambassador, aiming to inspire girls everywhere to chase their dreams. (…)

Not that the transphobia and clear racist undertones of attacking these two women, despite the fact that they are both cis, aren't horrible enough, but there's something particularly sinister and cruel in the fact that the people who decided to paint them as villains and keep circulating disinformation about both, claim to act in the name of ending violence against women and protecting women's rights.

#LinYuTing #ImaneKhelif #Olympics #Transphobia #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

I was thinking about the fact that (afaik) none of the fitness trackers have workouts like „wheelbarrow pushing“ or „shoveling gravel into the concrete mixer“ and what this tells us about class 🤔