“That’s when Neil looked at the coin counter meter. it read “000001”:
And, sitting in the coin bucket was a single coin; a quarter dated 1983.”
Centuri Aztarac: Finding THE Holy Arcade Grail…
Let me start by saying that this is the most amazingly poignant tale I’ve come across in arcade collecting circles. I’ve written before about incredible rare arcade “finds” …The Arcade Blogger
I've conducted several informal experiments over the last few weeks about alt text for #photos as described by humans and as provided by #AI systems.
#LLMS, despite providing plethora of details when describing images, still miss the nuances of what the photos contain. Human #descriptions certainly continue to be better at conveying context.
Version 4 of @cinnyapp was released a month ago, and it sports a very cool notification center to keep tabs on the most important things! Lozenge covers Cinny's minimalistic approach in Matrix Live, to our greatest delight.
Matrix Live S09E38 — The Best Notification Center Yet
Version 4 of Cinny was released a month ago, and it sports a very cool notification center to keep tabs on the most important things! Lozenge covers Cinny's ...YouTube
the unit."
"Climb on top of?" I wonder what happened to get that added.
Fuck everyone who uses "unalive" with zero sense of irony. Fucking socmed algorithm brain poisoning.
Say "kill". Say "murder". Say "suicide". Say "rape". Say "pedophile". Say what you mean. If people need to not see or hear those words they'll use a filter.
(Or if you're on a platform where you feel like you're forced to elide a word, make it obvious you know you're being censored and don't use stupid euphemisms like it's a totally normal thing to do.)
David Goldfield reshared this.
Acabo de ver un milagro. Una rara excepción a la propaganda habitual que hacen en los noticiarios a favor de las empresas de seguridad, de alarmas, etc.
En esta ocasión han sacado a la dueña de la casa diciendo que no se entiende que teniendo conectada la alarma (mientras la cámara enfoca un cartel de la infausta Securitas Director) ha podido el ladrón entrar y pasearse por el jardín tranquilamente, robarles unos patinetes y salir de allí con toda la calma y sin que suene la dichosa alarma.
Pues me ha gustado. Dame más pelis como esta.
Daniel's weekly report August 23, 2024
blogposts, hackerone, CVE math, full curl, build times, google frontend, setopt, code style, scorecard, DoH options
Warum ist Barrierefreiheit in der Frontend-Entwicklung entscheidend? Oleksii (Aljoscha) Sukhodolskyi gibt Einblicke und teilt seine Expertise im neuen Blogbeitrag.
Jetzt lesen 👉 opentalk.eu/de/news/5-fragen-z…
#Barrierefreiheit #FrontendEntwicklung #DigitaleInklusion #Accessibility #OpenSource
5 Fragen zu Barrierefreiheit in der Frontend-Entwicklung
In unserer Serie „5 Fragen zu“ geben unsere Expert:innen Antworten zu wichtigen Themen rund um OpenTalk, Open Source-Software, digitale Souveränität und aktuelle Branchentrends.OpenTalk
Data breaches have become an almost daily occurrence. Most of their contents are self-explanatory like #email addresses or #phone numbers.
Others might sound a bit odd, like hashed #passwords.
Let's dive into the details with today's cryptography lesson!
👉 tuta.com/blog/what-is-a-passwo…
What is a password hash: Cryptography Basics | Tuta
An introduction to hashing functions and how they protect your passwords.Tuta
— Okay.
— Please click the place where the red arrow is.
— As I've already told you, I'm blind, so please describe in words.
— I marked you the place with an arrow, can't you see it? If you can't, I'll re-mark the place for you.
— I'm blind, as I've already told you. Sorry to be that person, but the word "blind" means, I cannot see. At all."
That's how my day goes. #Work #MyDay #accessibility
Madrid tamén ten episodios de protestas polo turismo masivo, o que pasa que se necesitan cantidades enormes de xente para que se note nunha cidade tan grande. Recordade como se protestaba polo ruído e as molestias durante as Jornadas Mundiales De La Juventud 2011da Igrexa Católica.
De paso, recordade os cánticos de BENNEEEE DICTOOOO EQUIS UVE PALITO PALITOOOO. Non ten nada que ver, pero eran moi graciosos.
Ya know what? I'm gonna toot my own horn today On Here Specifically.
I have already received at least a dozen thankful comments/replies for letting people know they can slow down door closers. A lot of people have been living with irritating bangs in apartment buildings and whatnot.
And thanks to watching a YouTube video, their life is now better. I didn't sell anything to them, I just decided to share some knowledge in my own (hopefully entertaining) way.
IPB158: “IPv6 Mostly”: A Strategy to Balance Legacy and Modern Networking Needs
IPB158: "IPv6 Mostly": A Strategy to Balance Legacy and Modern Networking Needs | Packet Pushers
"IPv6 Mostly" is an alternative to the dual-stack approach of transitioning to IPv6. On today's podcast we discuss the practical challenges and security considerations of strategy for moving to an IPv6-centric network while retaining IPv4 for legacy …Packet Pushers Interactive LLC
Another small update that dropped a few days ago: the "hotels"-theme now supports more then just hotels, but also B&Bs, guest houses, motels, hostels, ...
This makes it easier to consult and add this information to #OpenStreetMap
Pietervdvn reshared this.
Qué maleducado, no me he presentado.
¡Hola! Me llamo Borja, soy un hombre de cuarentaytantos, vivo en Barcelona y soy originalmente de Madrid. Vivo bastante online, y ahora mismo lo que más disfruto en la vida es la lectura, así que en principio los libros serán mi tema por aquí.
Llevo un par de meses en esta cuenta de Mastodon pero hasta ahora no había escrito nada. Quiero ir adaptándome a este internet más pausado y humano, a ver qué tal se me da (espero que bien) ❤
Boas xentes de por aquí 😇 eu son Laura, son de Madrid, pero vivo na Coruña (e falo galego☺️). Son xornalista, leo e escribo poesía e gústame saír á montaña, escalar, observar aves e ir de foliada (e bailar e ogallá aprender a tocar a pandeireta).
Ademáis, interésame a tecnoloxía e fixen investigacións sobre redes sociais, educación e feminismo. Estou aquí porque teño a ilusión de vivir nunha internet diferente que nos permita falar de verdade e imaxinar xuntas mundos mellores.
"Blake's 7" Is Coming To Blu-ray - Dark Horizons
Long before “Firefly” and “Farscape” there was “Blake’s 7,” the subversive low-budget British space opera sci-fi series famous for breaking the “Star Trek”-style formula.Garth Franklin (Dark Horizons)
GHA/macos: enable HTTPS tests with stunnel by AkiSakurai · Pull Request #14486 · curl/curl
Install Stunnel. Regenerate Certificates (as SecureTransport requires a validity period less than 398 days). Restart Server if It Is Unresponsive. Do Not Hardcode the SHA-256 Base64 Public Pi...GitHub
European Accessibility Act (EAA): Top 20 Key Questions Answered | Deque
Our experts answer the Top 20 Questions from our recent webinar on EAA compliance, covering timelines, penalties, exemptions, and more!Matthew Luken (Deque Systems, Inc.)
How To Use Invert Colors With Low Vision | Veroniiiica
How to invert colors for displays to improve visual contrast, and examples of how I use Smart Invert and Classic Invert with low visionVeronica Lewis (Veroniiiica)
¡Hola! Acabo de descubrir Mastodon y no tengo ni idea de cómo funciona.
Me encanta hablar sobre libros, música y cultura en general. También suelo comentar la actualidad.
Inside Chase’s Efforts To Embrace Accessibility And ‘Be The Bank For Everyone’
That is to say, when a person thinks of their bank, odds are good they don’t think of it as the most accessible experience.Forbes
Pratik Patel
in reply to Pratik Patel • • •This is not to suggest that automatic descriptions aren't useful. Several tools available to #blind people are now capable of providing a good idea of the contents of photos when no descriptions are available. Apps and hardware are able to analyze photos and videos for quick access to the environment when this wasn't possible short time ago.
Even though these tools exist, automatic #descriptions should not be a substitute for alt text.
#accessibility #a11y #photography #photos
Pratik Patel
in reply to Pratik Patel • • •For this experiment, I asked several friends to send me photos and share #descriptions with me.
To give you one example, I was sent a photo of a table surface with a small coffee pot and a cup of coffee with foam on top. The table also had a plate of cookies, muffins, and croissants.
The #AI description described the drink in the coffee cup as a yogurt-based concoction. It also missed the cookies on the plate.
#accessibility #a11y #blind #photos #photo #photography