¿Sabíais que puedes exportar tu base de datos de @AntennaPod a un fichero SQLite y hacer #ArqueologiaPodcastil?
Muestra en qué orden agregaste los #podcasts, así que he podido ver con que podcast empece y cuales siguen activos.
También puedes ver que etiquetas le has puesto, la velocidad de reproducción, cuanto saltas al principio y final de cada episodio, si tienen etiqueta funding, idioma, autor, entre otras cosas.
Bueno y el total de feeds/podcast que he añadido, que son 203, aunque quitando las pruebas de los míos propios serán 200.
La aplicación que he usado desde Flatpak es: DB Browser for SQLite
Las cosas que descubres revisando podcast para los premios #ASESPOD @verdugo789
En el ALTtext están los 65 primeros que agregué desde 2019. Por si queréis ideas de podcast para verano.
PD: Un abrazo virtual a los podcaster del principio de la lista, espero que les vaya bien aunque no graben ya.
#RecomiendaPodcasts #Podcasting
[Jiří Suchý]
Well, if you've ever wondered why Unix systems have both /bin and /usr/bin, and why users are under /home and not the logically-named /usr, here's your answer:
🙏 Šikana na pracovišti je závažná forma psychického násilí, o kterém se ale často mlčí. Pomozte nám šířit osvětu!
📢🚨Pro chystaný audiodokument Podcastu Akademie věd hledáme respondenty, kteří by s námi anonymizovaně sdíleli svou zkušenost. Dokument bude součástí cyklu Pracuji, tedy jsem.
🚩 Velmi oceníme, když touto cestou pomůžete i vy. Vyplňte dotazník, nebo jej, prosím, sdílejte, ať mohou zaznít důležitá svědectví. Moc děkujeme! Akademie věd České republiky
Welcome to the RB family, Another Term 🥳
So if you need a local terminal with support for SSH, Telnet and more, this might be your choice. Its plugin for proot is RB, too!
#reproducibleBuilds at #IzzyOnDroid cover 21% of its apps now
DeltaTouch 1.6.0 is out, finally bringing basic Webxdc support as well as bugfixes and minor improvements 🎉
Many Webxdc apps just work already.
Some apps like Webxdc Store (via xstore@testrun.org) need stuff that's not there yet (add apps as file attachments for now). For a few others, touch input isn't working (e.g., ChessBoard). Will tackle that in the next months.
Webxdc support in DeltaTouch is generously funded by @nlnet / @NGIZero.
aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer… #aws #blog
As the Apple Watch turns 10, disabled users demand real accessibility
Forget wrist acrobatics, we need smarter wake word detection and on-device voice recognitionColin Hughes (The Register)
Peter Vágner likes this.
These days, more and more cookie consent banners feel like they have at least some degree of keyboard focus for the dialog built-in. Whether autofocusing the dialog region or doing that along with restricting focus to the dialog content (and if they've done the homework, marking content underneath as inert or hidden.)
I would say in this way the web is improving.
LLMs won't save labor when you use them like this
A dispatch featuring a JS framework benchmark that was too good to check, and the LLM-generated code that doomed its authors to a day of apology and pull requests
what are some problems you've run into with filenames in the terminal?
so far I have:
- operating on filenames that start with `-` is hard
- spaces in filenames
- accidentally creating files named with special shell characters (~, *, ?)
- maybe non-ASCII / emoji filenames? (would love specific examples)
- (on Mac OS) filenames with uppercase letters can get weird sometimes (would love specific examples!)
what am I missing? (only problems related to filenames please)
aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats… #aws
Oh, that's good to know - maybe I should continue watching Clone Wars. I made it about halfway through the first season and then got distracted with something else.
I LOVED Andor. Curiously enough, a teenager friend doesn't want to watch it because there are no light sabers 🤷 He loved Obi-Wan, and I thought it was pretty crappy.
@federicomena It’s a long series but worth it because it talks about the effects of Jedi dogma on the Jedi and the populations they engage. It gets pretty intense in some spots, so be prepared.
That’s the kind of people Disney wants to watch their shows. I’m surprised we got Andor of The Acolyte because the usual M.O. of Disney is to appeal to the lowest common denominator rather than quality storytelling.
It’s disappointing a company of that size can’t seem to figure out how to do both, but it’s a corporate entity at the end of the day.
It took over a year since I wrote this warning, but I finally found a case in the wild!
Well, *I* didn’t, but someone on the A11y Slack had an issue and I was able to identify it by description alone.
“Brief Note on Popovers with Dialogs”
Well done, me!
[ wrenches arm reaching for his own back]
in reply to Absolute Beginner 🏳️⚧️ • • •More info: forum.antennapod.org/t/podcast…