🔊 We're finally getting a fully stylable <select> element!
Me and @surma dive into the details, including 10 web platform features we got along the way.
⬇️ Listen here ⬇️
Welcome to the RB family, USB Serial Telnet Server Thanks to the help of Alexey, this was finally achieved:
And it means that 275 of the apps at #IzzyOnDroid are now set up for #reproducibleBuilds – or in relative numbers, 22.9% Hoping for the "forth egg" (25%) though it's quite a way to go, still 😊
Quebec's language law may force music gear off store shelves
Yup. Franco Fascist. I thought these goons were pro-business but apparently they are not either.
and then banning Anglo channels? Non-dubbed movies?
They are going for all of that. Like Fascist.
I am more sympathetic than most to the need to ensure products & services are equitably available in french
at some point the gov't has to realize that the entire rest of the world is not going to bend to their whims
Québec's language law may force music gear off store shelves...
And, how long before Québec cannot reach anglophone websites to purchase anything...
montreal.ctvnews.ca/quebec-s-l… #polQC #QCpoli #assnat #languagewars #cdnpoli #polcan
To this day, I don't understand the point of Jupyter or what it even is.
do you play games in fullscreen or windowed mode
boost for sample size please?
- fullscreen (81%, 805 votes)
- windowed (18%, 186 votes)
using LaTeX is easy, all you need to know is that when Donald Knuth failed the Mark of Mastery Exam and lost his ability to wield a keyblade, his heart manifested that power into a new person: Tela Type
Tela had the power to wield the Fountain Keypen, which was mightier than any Keyblade.
However when Tela's best friend Roxe was consumed by darkness (creating the nobody Xerox and the heartless Bell), Tela fell into despair and lost her heart too, creating the nobody LaTeX and the heartless Metafont.
You first meet Metafont in *Kingdom Hearts e-ε: ligature drop descender*, although they aren't that important.
LaTeX first apprars in *Kingdom Hearts π-ε : hbox overfull*, although at that point they're called TeX.
They only become LaTeX in *Kingdom Hearts Literate:coded* where they merge with their digital replica in a simulation of TAOCP and discover the χ-macro that was hidden inside themselves by king Mickey.
- sudo dnf <...>
- будет сделано вот это, продолжаем?
- да (просто тыкает энтер)
- операция прервана
In which we read out three user-submitted stories about meeting their partners.
#StroongeCast E04: How You Met Your Other: youtu.be/kqgFs_TpyXU
@andijah this with us, too. Audio annoys me 9 times out of 10 but you guys are rocking it.
first thing my wife's mother said to her about me was 'you're not going to get together with that idiot, are you?'.
@daniel@gultsch.social#XMPP #Chat #Messenger
Wow. To vypadá na hodně zajímavou změnu ve školství.
> „Půjdeš do první třídy a teď ti to začne.“
> A hned v září dítě dostane jedničku nebo třeba trojku. To je prostě vražda na dětské duši, tak jsem to bral i jako ředitel.
Proč jenom, když tohle čtu, tak už vidím, že to bude zase zase černá díra na prachy...
Potřebují aby těch skoro 2 GKč proteklo ICT unií, jak naplánovali z ANO 😬🙄🤮
@archos @cynik_obecny @sazy @babaq @lepapierblanc
Před kupé si jeden zvídavý cestující zdlouhavě kontroloval, jaká místa jsou zde označena místenkou.
A pak si důležitě sedl na jedno z označených míst
Že jsem tě neviděl na srazy.arch-linux.cz/poll/R6Z49… tak jsem myslel, že nejdeš.
𝐀𝐝𝐚 & 𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞!
We are celebrating with our supporters #AdaLovelace Day on 8 October with the world premiere of the animated movie 'Ada & Zangemann: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream! 💥
If you are planning to support the , do it today and do not miss this event!
#Ada #SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
Case in point: there's no way to build a backdoor that only the "good guys" can use.
When the entire technical community says that the EU's ChatControl legislation + similar pose serious cybersecurity threats, we're not exaggerating for effect.
Ayer falleció una gran amiga de mi familia. Llevaba 7 años con un cáncer complicado.
Mi madre se ha ido al funeral a Madrid, pero yo me quedaré a echar una mano a mi padre, al que la sesión de ayer de inmunoterapia ha dejado muy flojo. Él también sufre varias enfermedades graves desde hace años.
Coincide que ayer vimos una serie británica sobre cómo se vivió en un hospital británico la pandemia de coronavirus.
Y Raquel y yo recordamos esos días no tan lejanos, donde muchas familias pasamos a convivir con los cuidados intensivos y la amenaza fatal.
Todo ello me hace pensar (de nuevo) en la falsa idea de que hoy en día vivimos de espaldas a la muerte.
Lo que yo creo es que hemos cambiado rituales espirituales y sociales por prácticas sanitarias y cuidados.
Pasamos años acompañando a los nuestros en largos procesos sanitarios y afectivos.
Quizás no dedicamos tanto tiempo a los muertos porque dedicamos más a que los vivos vivan más y mejor.
Y cuanto todo termina, termina.
Trying to get back into Mastodon and seeing who's out there. I'm still into #DoctorWho but also love chatting #Disney #Muppets #IndianaJones #QuantumLeap #StarWars #StarTrek #Musicals #Marvel #comedy
Come and say hi :)
I learned to do a pie chart with gnuplot so let me introduce "#curl CVE severity distribution" .
Why? Because he got away with it.
No media *at all* reported that their polling partner, founder and eponymous chairman of Angus Reid, tweeted out RT disinfo blaming Trudeau and then used residential school denialism to justify it.
We see you, media.
Daughter of Flaming Lips guitarist missing in Seattle
Seattle / PNW: Keep an eye out and call the contact numbers if you have any info
Sean Randall
in reply to Just Martin • • •I used it on the web the other day rather than installing it and that was OK for a live meeting
Andrew Hodgson
in reply to Sean Randall • • •Sean Randall
in reply to Andrew Hodgson • • •Andrew Hodgson
in reply to Sean Randall • • •