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I just remembered this amateur music recording project that I was part of early in the pandemic, a cover of "We Are the Champions" by Queen:… We all recorded our parts at home, then someone mixed it together. My voice is the first one. Note: There are about 10 seconds of silence at the beginning.

Yes, this kind of virtual collaboration has been done many times before, and often better. But I was part of this one.

in reply to Matt Campbell

I performed live with some of these musicians before the pandemic when I lived in the Seattle area. That's how I got invited to this project.

20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.
in reply to Archos

jo, váhal jsem, jaké české punkové album a jaké od znouzecnosti, a bude to tohle, protože bylo první od nich, které jsem měl na CD a ne na kazetě a fakt mi ovlivnilo 🙂

takže překryv mít budeme, světový punk bude asi zastoupen něčím od Ramones (i když je neposlouchám už 30 let)

ale z jiného soudku: proč se mi to syncuje tady u Pirátů a ne na 🤔

in reply to Archos

ne, určitě neblokuju, taky tuhle hru hrajeme (i když já sám ne tak úplně podle pravidel - dávám komentáře a odkazy na youtube, místo fotek obalů)

Králičí díra v tomhle sahá někam hluboko, protože když jsem si explicitně vyžádal tenhle status, hodilo mi to Error 500... že by nekompatibilita mezi backendy verzí 4.2.x a 4.3.x? Pokus o restart sidekiq a webu skončil tím, že to už nenaběhlo, takže jsem rebootl komplet VPS... a ejhle, status se adresovat dá a dokonce jsem ho boostnul.

in reply to Archos

U studny prosí poutníka žába
aby jí polibkem proměnil
kouzlem stává se z něho žabák
sotva k ní ústa přiblížil

There is a global need for us to stand up for our #RightToRide. Here is a message I just sent to Uber, which explains what we just went through tonight.

I am blind and use a white cane. My wife is also blind and is accompanied by a guide dog.
This evening, we enjoyed dinner with friends, and upon leaving the restaurant, used the Uber app to request a ride home.
The driver pulled up almost immediately, but I still sent a text to him to let him know that my wife and I are blind and that she was traveling with a guide dog. I asked the driver if he could assist us to his vehicle.
One of my friends has some useable vision, and was able to direct us to the vehicle. The driver told my friend that he wasn’t going to take us and that we had to call Uber pet. All of us explained calmly and clearly that guide dogs were not pets, that it was illegal for him to refuse to carry us.
The driver did not believe us. He kept insisting we must use Uber Pet, or Uber Assist. At this point, I explained the process as I understood it. That if he drove away in breach of the law, we would notify Uber. Uber would begin an investigation which would result in the driver being barred from the platform pending that investigation, and possible further training.
At this point, I was videoing the exchange on my phone for evidence, which I may yet still provide to the media. The driver continued to insist that he wasn’t required to transport us. I indicated that since he was breaking the law, we also had the option to call the police.
As I am tired of having my civil rights violated by Uber drivers in this way, I calmly advised the driver that I was going to sit in the vehicle while my friends called the police. I explained that while in it, I would also seek to raise assistance from someone at Uber.
At this point, he said, “OK, I’ll take you”. I didn’t feel particularly safe, but I advised my wife that we were no longer being refused a ride and that she should get into the back of the vehicle with her guide dog.
During the ride home, the driver was courteous and I think curious, but he continued to insist that he wasn’t required to take us, that he was only doing so out of sympathy for us because we are blind. I took the opportunity to educate, to explain how well trained guide dogs are. He asked what functions guide dogs performed and we explained them to him. But he kept insisting that Uber had told him that disabled people with dogs should use Uber Assist or Uber Pet. For the record, we used Uber X because a driver was nearby and it was raining heavily.
To add insult to injury, because of the altercation which took several minutes, we have been charged extra for the ordeal we endured.
Clearly, something is seriously deficient in terms of the way Uber trains and onboards its drivers. Blind people should not be made to feel like they are liars, and have to take action to prevent the vehicle from leaving the scene so the police can get involved, just to get home from a night out.
Drivers must know the law, and Uber must take responsibility for ensuring drivers are aware of the law and comply with it.
This was a deeply distressing, upsetting conclusion to what was a pleasant night. We should be able to enjoy a night out without it ending like this.

reshared this

7 things 98 percent of men learn too late in life, according to psychology…
in reply to iamdtms

Are important dates one of the things? LOL. Or is it the dream of women that men should remember birthdays and other days? LOL
in reply to iamdtms

Hahaha. Well, I can certainly say that the first one is a common thing in East EU, and the one where vulnerability is disgussed is a trend still. Guys should have the right to cry and if women think that's weak or other men think that, then idiots is what they are. And there that. The thing about the important celebrations was a well-known fact here. Men just don't remember dates. Thing is, I picked up on those trades so I suck at dates too. LOL.
in reply to iamdtms

Also, you are good at this one. Try. Hmmm. Languages next time. :D

Der Hund fährt gerne Aufzug, deswegen nutze ich das Ding. Ich würde sonst die Treppen nehmen. Meistens jedenfalls.

Ich habe einen Nachbarn, der auf derselben Etage wohnt. Wir nehmen ab und an gemeinsam den Aufzug. Manchmal steigt er nicht ein, weil er erkältet ist, und wegen meiner Maske Rücksicht nimmt.

Der Aufzug hat immer wieder einen Defekt. Einmal ging das Licht nicht.

Mein Nachbar hat erst gezögert, ich habe ihm aber gesagt, dass er ruhig einsteigen kann. Wir sind also gemeinsam...

in reply to Sarah bleibt müde dunklen, engen Aufzug gefahren.

Mein Nachbar ist ein netter Kerl, tierlieb und auch ein lieber Papa, soweit ich das beurteilen kann. Im Lockdown ist er nachts heimlich mit seinen Kindern auf den Spielplatz, damit sie schaukeln können. 😁
Zum Glück ist er kein alter, weißer Mann, sonst müsste er ja Angst haben, dass ich ihm was anhänge. Soll ich erwähnen, dass er Türke ist? Oder wäre das für die Gottschalks der Nation zu heftig?

Als Frau habe ich mehr Angst vor den Gottschalks dieser Welt.

„Ampelstreit“ ist ja auch nur ein Frame für: „Die #FDP fordert mal wieder was Unanständiges.“

I dreamed that I was somehow earning some amount of income by running an automated process that checked for and reported copyright violations. Presumably it checked in online content that I accessed, or maybe it was part of some distributed crawler system. I hope nobody is ever reduced to doing something like that to earn a living.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Of course big companies can already run *centralized* crawlers, so the whole thing didn't really make sense.

btw, I guess it may be a good idea to mention here I'm officially looking for a job. One that has zero relation with WordPress or its ecosystem, if possible.

So if you need a javascript someone with quite a bunch of experience working in content creation platforms and similar shit, give me a ping.

🚀 Want more control over what JAWS says?
Our new episode is here! I walk you through using the Dictionary Manager to customize JAWS for a faster, smoother workflow. Catch it now! 🎧 #UnmutePresents #JAWS #Accessibility #BlindTech… @freedomscientific
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Rally jde trošku s křížkem po funuse... Pozvánka emailem na páteční sraz mi dorazila dnes 😆 @archos

Mít 3 dny volna je neuvěřitelně osvěžující. Blbé je, že je to silně návykové. Určitě více, než koks.
Přede mnou je týden v plném zápřahu, neboť kolega bude mít dovolenou. No, tak snad to zvládneme.
in reply to Archos

@archos V tom následujícím týdnu si vezmu ještě volno v pondělí. Určitě. To bude krása.
in reply to Archos

@archos Já jel někdy od července dvoudenní pracovní týden. Pět dnů volna je fajn, zvlášť o prázdninách, kdy jsou doma i potomci, to ano, ale jinak by IMHO byl ideální režim 4+3. @fabia_man
in reply to Archos

@archos Tak já se přiznám. Já jsem tento týden od středy doma a v pondělí taky 😅
in reply to Archos

@archos Aspoň jednou za čas si chci vychutnat tu chvíli, kdy ty jdeš do práce a já ne 😅 A pak musím s ostatními trpět zbytek roku každý pátek 😂

No píšem ten sloh a už mám skoro jednu A4 na compe len neviem teraz koľko to bude na papieri. 🤔
in reply to SunWu

@SunWuKchung Vtedy som si pripadal ako v počítačovej hre, rozprávanie.

Někteří řečníci na #LinuxDays jsou osvědčení. Ať mají jakékoliv téma, vždy mě to baví. Jako dnešní první řečník @Oskar456
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Um, I thought magic tap was supposed to toggle dictation on AppleWatch...

I dnes se na vás těším za stolem stánku #ubuntu na #linuxdays. Přijďte se podívat. Mám tu i telefony s #UbuntuTouch

Přijde vám webové uživatelské rozhraní Mastodonu 4.3 (např. na lepší než dosavadní řada 4.2?

(aneb jak moc máme na #fcz spěchat s upgradem...)

  • Ano (18%, 5 votes)
  • Ne (14%, 4 votes)
  • Nevím, nezkoušel jsem (37%, 10 votes)
  • Nepoužívám Mastodon (nebo ne web UI) (29%, 8 votes)
27 voters. Poll end: in 6 days

in reply to Marián Kyral

Zatím co jsem našel, font je jiný a lepší náhledy odkazů.Také byla přidána možnost rychlého zobrazení profilu uživatele pouhým najetím myší. Mně to na větší monitoru přijde moc roztažené do stran.


in reply to Archos

Takže spíš drobnosti. No budu muset počkat, až to u nás nasadí.

Jinak na různé drobné úpravy webů využívám rozšíření Stylus. Třeba na mastodonczech jsem si zvětšil šířku sloupce na 420px. Původní nastavení mi přišlo moc nudloidní.

ešte si chvíľu poležím veď je nedeľa, ale ináč #dobréRáno
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

FediNuke/tier0.csv transparency update:

I override-added an instance to FediNuke using my documented override process. (subdomain “fedi.”): I blocked this on envs back in June proactively after it was automatically queued for manual review. The decision was easy, given the blatant transmisia on their root domain.

Since then, additional receipts have cropped up and they’ve been blocked by enough bias sources for me to do the override process. I added it to my shared lists, inc. FediNuke. Receipts on my receipt archive.

Severity is on par with the likes of


This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Political AI Dreck

Sensitive content

in reply to Tristan

Political AI Dreck

Sensitive content

I know there are “native” HomeKit thermostats and whatever, but we’ve had Nest gear for years and it all still runs like a champ. We have Nest E, Nest Hello doorbell, etc.

What I’m saying is, Starling Home Hub is a great little puck that hooks our Nest stuff into HomeKit. And app-wise, I’m clinging to the OG Nest app for dear life. It’s so much nicer than Google Home, IMO.

in reply to Steven Aquino (he/him)

I think the Google Home app has improved quite a bit in terms of functionality and accessibility. Definitely, a better choice for screen reader users. When was the last time you checked it? :)

Skoncovat s kouřením se vyplatí v každém věku, potvrzuje nová studie…
in reply to Archos

jeden člověk třeba zemřel na kouření proto, že stál na žebříku, spálil se o cigaretu a z leknutí spadl dolu a zemř tedy jasně vidět, že kouření zabijí.
in reply to mistnipobocka

No vidíš, kdyby měl helmu a vestu, tak mohl v pohodě hulit i na žebříku.

And now this too ...

"neither of the current Accessibility team representatives are able to log-in to "…



Polaroids are so iconic that they appear anachronistically quite often in tv/cinema.


"On behalf of the WordPress security team, ..." and then many mentions of "fixing a security issue" without specifying what it is. (The patch is, presumably, public since the plugin is OSS and PHP?)…

I don't have an opinion on the broader Wordpress situation, but seeing a security exception used to wield power in a broader controversy is extremely worrying.

Open source communities trust security teams with exceptional powers, and weakening that trust damages everyone.

Finding fulfillment and satisfaction in life is a very difficult task.

Ableism and individualism make it far, far more difficult than it should be, by leading us into a false understanding of how life even works.

But there is a way out.

Come spend a little time with me and explore the Priceless Gift of Weakness:…

in reply to Amelia

In the blindness advocacy groups and online communities I'm familiar with, I don't think we discuss weakness much if at all. I think we try to deny or downplay the fact that being disabled means being weak in some ways. We try to focus on what we *can* do instead, and when requesting accessibility accommodations, we say we just do things differently. At least that's my impression.

The founder of Pastors for Trump, an organization applauded by the former president for promoting his bid for a second term, says the Antichrist will come in the form of “a homosexual of Jewish descent.”

I'm unemployed and unaware I was qualified for this position, does anyone know where to apply.

¿Por qué todos los autos nuevos tienen ventanas chaparritas? La visibilidad es terrible.
in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

Nos están preparando para cuando sean automóviles con conducción autonoma 🤖, para los cuales ¡ya no necesitarás ventanas en absoluto!

Ya en serio, estoy de acuerdo con que hay una aparente tendencia a reducir la visibilidad desde dentro de los autos. Es horrible.

When I realised that I'm running out of room on my bookshelves a few weeks ago I told myself I should really be more conservative about getting new books, so I don't fill it entirely too soon.

Anyway I impulse bought Tom Scott's new book today.

in reply to Brendan Abolivier

I feel you. Brendon Sanderson gotta chill or I’ll need to chose between the bookshelf or the couch

“The driver reported me as having a pet and said he had the right to deny pets. I explained numerous times it was a service animal and he was breaking the law. He asked me to close his door and drove off.” – Guide Dog User from Colorado, October 2024

This is one of many rideshare denials. End the discrimination. Respect our guide dogs and white canes. It’s our #RightToRide.

#StopGuideDogDenials #Rideshare #Discrimination

in reply to NationalFederationOfTheBlind

@JonathanMosen I wonder if it’s a matter of education in addition to law enforcement? Do the drivers deny because they don’t understand what a service animal is. Did Uber actually try proactively educating its drivers? I think waving the legal stick may not suffice on its own.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 This issue has a very long history. Absolutely, it is the responsibility of ride-share companies to educate their drivers. All kinds of attempts over many years have been made to try to improve outcomes. There's plenty of history there is you search the appropriate terms on the NFB website. But in the end, we all have a responsibility to know and obey the law.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @JonathanMosen Also it doesn't help there are so many misbehaving fake service dogs with Service Dog Patches that you can just buy online for few dollars. What's funny is that "The ADA does not require service animals to wear a vest, ID tag, or specific harness." Also they "are not required to use a professional service dog training program." It's a crime in only some states, but people can just say it's a service dog without proof.…
in reply to Chi Kim

@kevinrj @vick21 @JonathanMosen @chikim I think there's a valid point about the proof, but, unfortunately, once you go down that road there's lots of inaccessibility for us as we now experience with airlines.
in reply to Darrell Hilliker 👨‍🦯♾️📡

@darrell73 @kevinrj @vick21 @JonathanMosen Yeah There's a reason why ADA doesn't allow asking for proof, and I don't want having to present ID or something every time I go somewhere. with my seeing eye dog. I'm just pointing out some people are abusing the loophole.
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim @kevinrj @vick21 @JonathanMosen Yep because #ADA is supposed to also protect the disclosure rights and privacy of #disabled people, but airlines have already found a way to abuse this. This is exactly why we need to keep the issue about the impact of the discrimination and steer away from all the rest of the excuses and whining from some drivers and others.
in reply to Darrell Hilliker 👨‍🦯♾️📡

@darrell73 @chikim @kevinrj @JonathanMosen Completely agree with the above. Still, I think the more defined the rules are, the more difficult it is to abuse them. I would even venture to say that those who refuse the service dog have biases toward blind people. But yeah, the more education, the merrier!

@Michael Vogel @Friendica Support Absprachegemäß mit Michael auf XMPP habe ich das Native Teilen (das seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr funktioniert) auf Spiegeln als meine eigenen Beiträge umgestellt. Der aktuelle Blogeintrag mit dieser Einstellung wurde in den letzten 30 Minuten nicht mit meiner oldie-Instanz föderiert.

Wo ist er geblieben?

Lest you think ride share discrimination is limited to those with service dogs, an #Uber driver told me she wouldn't transport me from a hotel to the Las Vegas airport because I am a blind person without sighted assistance. She tried to get a hotel employee to accompany me. I use a white cane. This stuff is real even as we conclude the first quarter of the 21st century. #accessibility #ableism #blind #discrimination #RightToRide

Belated #AndroidAppRain report for yesterday (I was AFK the entire day) with 9 updated and 2 added apps:

* Conty: Interactive stories for children
* AlgoSorts: understand how sorting algorithms work using the example of animations 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Took the kid to the park trying to get a bit of "outdoors" and not think about all the stressful stuff. It didn't really work for the stress but the outside is kinda nice (at least in the shade) 🏞️

He changed his mind halfway through getting into bed and has been like this for like 20 minutes