Perhaps I'll take some heat for being enthusiastic about a proprietary thing that's only implemented by one vendor so far, but I now think that Cloudflare Workers ( is fundamentally the right way to develop, operate, and pay for web application backends on the public Internet.

Reminder that the primary role of the media industry is to exhaust and overwhelm you so you are less likely to challenge the status quo.

Political consciousness existed long before the invention of the news cycle.

Unplugging - to recover, and to focus on real things you can affect for the better - is good praxis.

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Meta accusata di aver utilizzato 81,7 TB di libri piratati per addestrare modelli di intelligenza artificiale

Meta sta affrontando accuse di aver scaricato oltre 81,7 terabyte di libri piratati per addestrare i suoi modelli di intelligenza artificiale, secondo documenti giudiziari appena desecretati. Queste rivelazioni sono emerse in una causa per violazione del copyright intentata da autori, tra cui Sarah Silverman, Richard Kadrey e Christopher Golden, che sostengono che Meta ha utilizzato le loro opere senza autorizzazione per sviluppare le sue tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale.…


Někdo to hacknul, nebo tu žije tolik imbecilů? 🤔

Call with a universal credit agent a couple of days ago.
'So can you upload a CV?'
'Yes sure, I can do that.'
'How will you do that, can you use a computer?'
'Yep, no problem.'
'How do you do that, do you use bra-lay?'
'Oh, you mean Braille?...'
'Yes, yes. Braille. That's it.'
'Well, I can read braille but I will use a screen-reader.'
'Oh, you use a screen-reader?'

Yep, that's how my call went. I've heard of some weirdness in my time but 'Bra-lay' for Braille, that, is a special kind of special right there.

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Delta Chat is since some years gaining usage by people forced to flee. Several of our contributors themselves migrated and others fear they might soon have to. Our technical designs and social approaches rest on a #RightToExit on virtually all levels. No walled gardens. No presidents.

It's true that #deltachat is a money-poor project compared to mainstream messengers ... But the question at hand in 2025 is: which messaging system will persevere when corporate platforms get corrupted and break?

‼️ La XXV Edición de la Fiesta del PCA ya está aquí. Reserva los días 28, 29 y 30 de marzo para disfrutarla en #Córdoba.

🎸Con las actuaciones de cuatro grupazos y muchas actividades que iremos desgranando.

🙋‍♀️¡Te esperamos en la #FiestaPCA2025!


🚨BREAKING: Google will soon install an app called #AndroidSystemSafetyCore

They say it's a "safety measure" to protect your #privacy, but in fact it's client-side scanning.

Yet, we all know that client-side scanning is bad:…

Deinstall the app on your #Android: System -> Apps

in reply to Tuta

Removed it, but I wonder how long before it's integrated in the OS.

And what is the logic behind this? They are going to catch a few pedophiles stupid enough to keep pictures in their phones, while those who actually abuse children to make that content will continue doing what they do. As far as I can see this is just something that politicians and use and say "we did something".

And when privacy is eroded, so will be the other freedoms.

The macOS linker has a cool feature. The -r option lets you combine multiple object files into another object file. That object file can then be wrapped in a static library. This means, if you use the right visibility settings at compile time, that you can create a static library that doesn't pollute the global symbol namespace with internal stuff, but only exposes the symbols you actually want to export. Now I want to see if there's a way to do this on Windows.

you should build your next project in G. you should check out raccoon. have you tried nub? it fixes a lot of the problems in chunt and it's faster than elyfant. did you see the spatula announcement? it looks like frothy's syntax with toddler's type system. at work we use zabar's on the front end and conspiracy on the backend. trying to get them to switch to herodotus. have you done the xyyz tutorial? have you read the bart book? have you tried lisp?

Warning: I went back and fourth multiple times on if this #fedidreams should have a content warning for male chauvinism. It didn't feel that way in the dream, but it could absolutely be interpreted as obvious chauvinism on the part of my subconscious. It also contains mentions of heterosexual relationships, and objectification of women. Also, I don't know anything about the person mentioned, other than that they have a YouTube channel, sound female, and my dream borrowed their voice.

With that out of the way, last night I fell asleep with YouTube playing. Autoplay had somehow gotten me into the weirdly specific video genre of slightly adorkable women reminiscing about flash games they played as kids. That lead to me dreaming that I was attending FlashCon, the world's leading convention for fans of Macromedia flash! However, I was the only guy there. Random women kept approaching me and saying things like "Wow, you're a guy and your interested in flash!" and being the kind of vaguely flirty where you're not sure if they're intentionally flirting, or that's just how they are, or you're just misreading things. Anyway, then the YouTuber Dream Jelly (I think it was her video I fell asleep to) ran up to me, grabbed my arm, and was like "You have to attend my talk!" She dragged me into her session room, and sat me down in the front row. Then she proceeded to give a lengthy and detailed talk about her work on GFC, the GNU Flash Compiler. It was rather awkward, as for the entire talk, I was the only person in the room.

Don't worry, Fediverse; I know you folks, and I'm not going to leave out what few details I remember about GFC from the talk. Note that I know nothing about flash or compiler design, so I doubt any of this is even a thing. The talk started with an overview of the Flash Virtual Machine, FlashVM. Apparently this is the key part of the Macromedia Flash plugin that allowed cross-platform, cross-browser execution of flash. But Dream Jelly wanted to compile to native microcode, so she had to reverse engineer Flash VM, and write an opcode interpreter. As a bonus, that apparently allowed her to run all existing flash code natively. Then there was apparently something that I only noted in my dream journal as "a long boring section on binary hashtree optimization and string handling". Well, those are sure some words my subconscious knows! The talk ended with boasting about how GFC was a nine-pass compiler. Apparently, somehow that means it is the most efficient compiler written, and code written in ActionScript and compiled by GFC will always run faster than hand-written assembly, or assembly generated by any other compiler of any other programming language.

After that awkward morning, it was finally time for lunch. But before I could get food, someone cornered me to talk about MicroMedia, her operating system that was being written entirely in ActionScript with the GNU Flash Compiler. She asked me if I wanted to be a committer to the MicroMedia codebase. I agreed, mostly so I could leave the conversation and get something to eat. But she told me that the only way I could commit to her codebase was if I was her boyfriend. I was just kind of like, "Yeah, sure, that's fine, whatever. Email me." Then she hugged me and ran off, and I realized with horror that I was apparently dating some random woman I met at FlashCon and working on her pet project that I didn't care about.

Then, as usually happens in my long dreams, the fire alarm in the conference centre went off, but it was actually my alarm in real life, and I woke up.

What on earth was that, brain! All the weird awkwardness of an NSFW dream, but with absolutely no payoff, just obscure technical nonsense. I don't think I want to know what this dream says about me.

I swear the MAME developers sometimes find the goofiest things to emulate. Take this one from a few years back. Talking Wrinkles, a talking hand puppet plushy dog from 1986. This one is of special interest to me as I received one for Christmas in 1987 when I was nine years old. IIRC the product packaging said it can say 1,000 things. I had tons of fun with it at the time. Now I mostly find it annoying. Emulation isn't perfect, but here's around 6 and a half minutes of me playing with the thing in various ways. At one point I emulate putting the toy bone it comes with (it has a magnet at one end) in his mouth and letting him chew on it for a while. Then twice I put it in, then take it away too soon, which he doesn't like. During the last part when he is snoring, I have deleted about thirty seconds of silence before he finally says "Bye," and powers off. In particular, notice the extremely electronic-sounding speech and doggy noises. It has 32K of ROM and, surprisingly, a cartridge slot, though no cartridges are known to have ever been released for it. The speech is not LPC, it sounds more like Digitalker to me.

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in reply to Jayson Smith

Here's a Youtube video about this talking dog, where the guy talks about it for a while, then plays with it, gets more and more annoyed with it, finally rips its batteries out, then takes it apart to show us what's inside.…

Thanks to amazing work by @icing and friends, we nailed it. 26 hours from #curl crash report to confirmed fix.…

I'm telling you someone literally DM'd me to inform me about my grammar on my post talking about how the mansplaining on this platform was "off the roof."

The problem is that I should have said "off the charts" or "through the roof."

Someone saw my post about mansplaining, and then made the decision that the best thing to do is spend the time to construct a direct message kindly informing me about the grammatical issues with that post.

People here truly can't help themselves 😂

I did a static analysis on the DeepSeek Android app

tl;dr it does aggressive device fingerprinting, root detection, has anti-tampering mechanisms, bundles native code and has dynamic code loading and execution facilities

none of which should be necessary for an app like this

more here:…

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